How to write a brief to collaborate with an influencer?

How to write a brief to collaborate with an influencer?
How to write a brief to collaborate with an influencer?

Objectives, deliverables, assets of the product or service: general description of the elements to include in a brief addressed to a content creator.

The brief serves to guide and convince the influencer. © buravleva_stock –

In the field of influencer marketing, the brief presents and defines the contours of a possible collaboration between a brand and a content creator. Concise, structured and personalized, this document is sent to an influencer who was previously chosen by the brand because its editorial line, its audience or its artistic choices were aligned with its values and its identity.

What are the main objectives of a brief sent to an influencer?

How to write a brief to collaborate with an influencer?

The writing fulfills several missions. Firstly, it must allow the content creator – or his agency – to understand the objectives (awareness, conversion, etc.), the issues and the target of the campaign. But you must also convince them to carry out the collaboration, in particular by presenting the advantages of the product or service that you may have to promote to your audience. At the same time, the document details certain logistical aspects. It indicates, for example, the different stages of the project, the type of campaign (organic or sponsored), the expected deliverables or the deadlines to respect. It can also be accompanied by creative ideas or examples of the influencer’s previous achievements, which will serve as a basis for the collaboration or possibly guide it.AIO: The future of SEO positioning for artificial intelligence

Ultimately, this document serves as a reference for both the brand and the influencer, while facilitating monitoring of the campaign. But it should not be seen as a script that must be followed religiously. “If the brand imposes a precise script, or corrects the influencer’s post until it is stripped of substance, it is a guaranteed failure”, Deborah Orzech confirmed it to usdirector of content marketing at Agorapulse.

What elements should be included in a brief sent to an influencer?

How to write a brief to collaborate with an influencer?

These are the main elements to include in a summary to contextualize your request and convince the content creator to collaborate with your organization or company:

  • Company and product presentation: Concise and impactful, this introduction, which aims to attract the support of the influencer, is divided into two phases. Firstly, it presents the history, values and positioning of the company within its environment. Then it details the advantages of the product or service over those of its competitors (utility, manufacturing method, price range, etc.). “Provide your influencers with all the necessary documentation about your brand, your campaign project, your corporate culture and anything else that may be useful to them”adds Débora Orzech.
  • Definition of campaign objectives: This section presents the message you want to send primarily to your target audience, but also your ambitions for this campaign, particularly in terms of visibility, engagement or impressions. Being transparent about the objectives, targets or indicators that will be analyzed allows the influencer to adapt the tone or form of their content, and thus fully respond to demand, while preserving their brand. This will also allow you to make adjustments, in case it is not an operation. ” a drink “ but a collaboration that is long-term.
  • Description of expected deliverables: Don’t forget to detail the amount of content, the format (videos, Stories, etc.) or the textual elements to integrate in each deliverable (hashtags, links, subtitles, etc.). This section of the report should outline the campaign guidelines, as well as your content expectations, without guiding the influencer too rigidly. “When the influencer has very little support, they can make a mistake in the way of presenting the product or service (…) On the contrary, we often see that brands leave very little freedom to the influencer they have engaged, conditioning the failure of the campaign. “explains Deborah Orzech. It is also possible to guide the creation of content by associating a mood board au letter.
  • Schedule presentation: So that the influencer can evaluate the viability of your request, you must clearly present the different stages of the project, the deadlines to respect as well as the validation process of the deliverables.
  • Definition of the framework and standards to respect: This may seem obvious, but a transparent approach needs to be adopted, clearly stating whether the partnership is remunerated. Mentions to be included (such as a hashtag that demonstrates that it is a commercial collaboration) or to be excluded (such as, for example, references to prohibited substances) must also be detailed in the writing.

Many online platforms allow you to find influencers who match your brand values or measure the performance or ROI of your influencer marketing campaigns. Most of them also offer a module that makes it easy to write and send summaries to influencers.Mastering Facebook Marketing: Strategies, Agencies, and Services

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How to write a brief to collaborate with an influencer?

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