LinkedIn B2B Marketing Tips from Top Experts

LinkedIn B2B Marketing Tips from Top Experts
The secret behind LinkedIn’s algorithm, like the recipe for the original Coca-Cola, is well kept. And although we don’t know how either of them is formulated, we can safely draw conclusions about their components by performing several experiments. Since this is a B2B marketing agency and not a competing soft drink company, we’ll look to figure out the former.
Unlike the recipe for one of the most famous soft drinks in the United States, the composition of the basic components of the social network is constantly changing, making it difficult, but not impossible, to discover the strategy for success. To decipher the code, the team Just connecting analyzed a staggering 1.5 million posts, 34,000 individual profiles and more than 26,000 company pages, spanning more than 50 countries and 25 languages. The results of their research revealed exactly what it takes to break through the noise, engage new audiences, and reap all the benefits of being seen at the global epicenter for B2B professionals.
As anticipated, the report is comprehensive, covering topics ranging from the most effective formats to the nuances of feedback and everything in between. Here, we’ll dive into what we consider to be the most impactful data points and insights around crafting a hook, video posts, formatting, text + image posts, parenting, and more.

Feed Advancement: Tips for B2B Marketers on LinkedIn

Create a unique hook to attract your audience
Imagine writing something and no one reading it… ever. Unfortunately, this is something very common for many brands and LinkedIn users. Imagine if Jonas Salk, the man who developed the first safe and effective polio vaccine, shared his initial findings on LinkedIn. Very few people would get to the point where he revealed his findings if he started his post with several mundane phrases.
While you may not put years into your work like Jonas, you don’t want your efforts to go unnoticed; Make sure the two or three sentences of your LinkedIn text post start off strong and grab the reader’s attention; Tests show you can increase reader retention by 30% by doing so.
Take note: Casey Borreroinfluencer marketing strategist at TopRank Marketing, shares the details on how to craft an opening and conclusion that give your audience a reason to keep reading, engaging, and clicking.AIO: The future of SEO positioning for artificial intelligence

Engage viewers by creating the perfect video post
Visualize this: the year is 2046 and you can create a social video that projects a hologram on the viewer’s wall. Well, that may seem invasive and overstimulating, so let’s return to the present. Despite minimal evolution in video technology over the past decade, there are still innovative ways to engage your audience. Crafting the optimal video post ensures that your behind-the-scenes video production efforts don’t go to waste. Make sure your video is 1-2 minutes long, is in vertical format, has a powerful hook, and is uploaded natively.
Need help visualizing the perfect video post? The video below introduces me, Alex Blancosocial influence leader at TopRank Marketing, is a great example of all the components that come together to create an effective medium.

Choose the right format for your content
When will George RR Martin’s next novel be published? What is the best format to share your LinkedIn content? Who closes the door after the bus driver leaves? Unfortunately, we only have the answer to one of these questions. While there are several formats available, including Text + Image, Text Only, Document (PDF), and Video Posts… Text + Image reign supremepromising higher participation than all other options.
What format is right for your content? Teresa Dorsey MeisDirector of Content Marketing at TopRank Marketing, shares how combining the purpose of the post with the right format can increase the amount of engagement you receive on the platform.

Increase reach with text and image posts
Do you want to attract the attention of LinkedIn algorithm? As mentioned above, you are very interested in Text + Image posts. Using formatting to gain reach is similar to using a horn to get the attention of staff in a library. It’s called “The Default Post” for a reason, as it provides the best results. It is not surprising that 48% of the posts on the platform fall into this category.
Now, you can’t just produce any text and expect great results; No, that would be too easy. For best performance, your text should be between 900 and 1,200 characters, include short sentences of less than twelve words, and avoid using language that seems overly promotional.
Let’s move on to the images. Have you ever seen a stock image that stopped you in your tracks? Yes, neither do we. There’s a lot to gain from sharing personalized photos, including an increase in engagement of up to 45% and stronger authority. Be sure to also incorporate brand colors and themes; Doing so can help increase brand recall by 15%. Oh, and avoid screenshots when possible, as they typically get 15% fewer clicks.
Unlock the keys to a great Text + Image post: josh nightsenior content marketing manager at TopRank Marketing, shares the benefits of messages and images that are unique, original, valuable and meaningful.Mastering Facebook Marketing: Strategies, Agencies, and Services

Publish and nurture to see your LinkedIn posts flourish
Remember that roast chicken commercial from the ’90s? The one where the star said “Set it and forget it.” This approach is precisely what you want to avoid with your LinkedIn posts. Too often, brands and creators schedule their posts to go live, only to forget about them, when they should be actively engaging on the platform. Publishing the post is just the beginning of your journey. For optimal results, you should:

  • Comment on your post: Starting 2-5 comments with more ideas or queries can boost the conversation. (Be sure to do this within the first hour.)
  • Repost on the second day. (Good for up to a 20% increase in participation.)
  • Tag your connections in the comments – be sure to alert those who are likely to interact for best results.
  • Show some love to your contacts’ posts: 5-10 comments can lead to a 15% increase in your post’s reach.
  • Add a call to action: The previous penalty of providing one appears to no longer apply.

Nutritional tips in video format: Debbie FriezAssociate Director of Influence and Social Media at TopRank Marketing, shares the insights you need to boost your engagement through thoughtful engagement of your own.

He Information about algorithms 2024 The report is just one of many resources you can dig deeper into to improve engagement and reach, and reach new levels of marketing excellence. But to truly unlock the algorithm, you need to use these insights strategically and make sure you use the full capabilities of the platform. Features that are often overlooked.
And let’s not forget the benefits of having a team of marketing specialists who have more than 20 years of experience on the platform. Contact us today to see how our social media marketing services can help you increase content reach, drive thought leadership, create an engaged community, and increase share of voice for your brand.

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