“La Tribune Dimanche will be quite a newspaper for the week to come”, Tatiana de Francqueville (La Tribune)

INfluencia: the project of Sunday at the Tribunelaunched on October 8, it was in the works well before the crisis Sunday newspaper since the beginning of summer. How does it fit into brand development? The Tribune ?

Tatiana de Francqueville: what we do today is closely linked to what the founders do The Tribune wanted to create – an economic media that talks about those who experience the economy and is close to all economic actors – and what it does Jean-Christophe Tortora since he regained the title ten years ago. The Tribune it became the economic media of transformations and territories, something quite classic today but very innovative at the time. It is also a living media which, beyond its informative mission, brings together economic and then social actors to discuss the main issues of transformation into events supported by the editorial team. However, there was a string missing from our bow…

In which?

T. de F.: Our review T had laid the foundations of Sunday at the Tribune from his desire to address social issues that impact economic life: “Should I believe in progress? », “Is working really reasonable? », “How to accelerate on the climate? »… We also wanted to support our readers with a weekend offer, which is a time when traders take time to gain perspective, rest and enjoy themselves, which makes them better managers for the rest of the week. It was with the idea of ​​doing a political interview on Sunday that we had recruited Bruno Jeudy, who joined us in the spring. We finally settled on Thursday, which made more sense with his name. When The Tribune changed shareholding on 27 July (to join the group CMACGMed.), this weekend’s project took shape and was accelerated by our context.

When The Tribune changed ownership on July 27, this weekend project took shape and was accelerated by our context

IN: With what type of offer do you present yourself at this Sunday press market and what emerged from the tour around” Coffee’s Sunday at the Tribune » ?

T. de F.: These cafés open to all were born with the idea of ​​being close to our readers, as we do every week with the forty events organized every year in all territories. They were organized before the launch in the five largest French metropolises, but we will continue them once a month in other regions. They allowed us to understand that there was a real expectation for an open and nuanced journal… We want it on Tribune Sunday it is the newspaper that brings the French together around what interests them on that day of the week. It will be a single diary with two main parts: ” The world “ et ” My world “. The first will report the news from a long-term perspective and detect weak signals. It will therefore not be a diary of the past week but rather of the one to come, a diary that takes us out of our everyday life. An important place will be given to all the initiatives that emerge and the French entrepreneurial energy that unfolds across the territory and which demonstrate that France is still doing quite well. Bearing in mind the great geopolitical maneuvers that are driving the world. The second part will be dedicated to what unites us on Sundays: culture, gastronomy, cinema, screens… There will also be a bit of sport. This is also one of the innovations we have introduced after the “Cafés”.

There is a real expectation for an open and nuanced newspaper, which brings the French together around what interests them on that day of the week.

IN: this generalist positioning has led you to recruit and have supported you by renowned journalists such as, in addition to Bruno Jeudy, Soazig Quéméner, Anna Cabana…Will they also contribute to the awareness of the new brand?

T. de F.: it was first and foremost about being able to talk about topics that were absolutely not discussed The Tribune Today. The editorial team will contribute to this new title on the Economy and International pages, but for everything else it is a different journalistic know-how. About fifteen journalists joined us. There are many great names who are also people who know how to write for the Sunday reader, who wants to read for a long time, who needs to question themselves… This level of editorial quality is also what has driven us towards the choice of a Berlin format instead of the tabloid and a careful model with which we worked Jean-François Labor and the teams ofETC.

The Tribune Dimanche is more against the way in which debates are carried out on social networks than against the way in which debates are carried out on social networks JDD

IN: although Sunday at the Tribune it is not a response to the crisis of JDD, the audience will necessarily make the connection between these two events. Should we also see two proposals: a magazine that wants to be “open” and another that is more “segmented”?

T. de F.: a project made against something cannot be feasible. However, we defend a more nuanced, pluralist vision of society and a more nuanced and pluralistic way of reporting information. Nuanced doesn’t mean lukewarm! Debate is in the DNA of The Tribune to allow our readers to form an idea or opinion on a topic. We want to be the newspaper that brings our readers together on Sundays. We are more against the way debates are conducted on social networks than we are against the way debates are conducted on social networks JDD. Social networks lead to very polarized debates “for or against”. However, nuances exist, and on many topics, the truth lies in the nuances. We are rather against the era of emotion and immediacy. We will not use the information to attract an audience but to provide contextualization. In the same way we will try to bring the codes of the press into our digital media. Including beautiful summaries in our newsletters, whereas currently newsletters are always designed to generate clicks.

IN: and advertising?

TdeF.: many advertisers want to support this approach, which remains an industrial and entrepreneurial challenge. It is courageous to launch a newspaper in France in 2023. We are also looking for advertisers who identify with this logic of commitment. They try to associate themselves with a rich editorial approach, with a longer and more attentive reading time.

It is courageous to launch a newspaper in France in 2023. We are also looking for advertisers who identify with this logic of commitment.

IN: Sunday is a special day to access and read the press. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

T. de F.: Sunday is the day of the week when there are more readers and fewer readers. It was completely natural to take this place on Sunday. Saturday’s is much more difficult… Surely on Sunday there are half the newsstands open, but it is also a market where digital distribution is important. It represents almost half of the readings among our colleagues. It’s also the day we buy the most stocks. The reader who goes to the newsstand on Sunday is older, for example a PQR title and a national title.

IN: This too remains an industrial and distribution challenge…

T. de F.: There hasn’t been a new newspaper in France for ten years. It was necessary to bring together the players in the printing sector, the newsstands, the custodians… We collaborate with both a national typography and a regional typography with the typography of Provence. It’s both in the DNA of The Tribune than working with local stakeholders and also an innovation that has been welcomed by many stakeholders. On the distribution side, Sunday at the Tribune 120,000 copies will be put into circulation. for the paper part and will be available in digital format at all digital newsstands and at all those who offer access to a digital newspaper (Air France gameon the portal of SNCF…). Everything that can be proposed to bring out The Tribune of its economic sphere and the development of brand awareness will be important. A brand campaign has started on networks and posters. It will also be broadcast on the radio. At this stage, underline two messages: “we will launch a meeting on Sunday” and “we will launch a general assembly on Sunday”. Very quickly we will move on to the more traditional springs for printing.

IN: This may confuse the positioning message a bit The Tribune ?

T. de F.: The Tribune it will remain an economic media but we can no longer think about the economy without involving society. It was essential to continue to strengthen our editorial offer on weekends but, in 2024, we will also continue to strengthen it in the territories, on the major themes of economic transformation. Many topics are emerging such as artificial intelligence. There are still many things to say about the climate, about biodiversity… All the topics that will make headlines in the economy and economic transformation will be strengthened internally The Tribune. The more general weekend offering supports our readers in a different way by giving them the breath of fresh air they need. We were already doing this in our events and now we are translating it editorially into our paper formats.

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