Your Complete Guide to LinkedIn Page Premium Membership

Your Complete Guide to LinkedIn Page Premium Membership

LinkedIn is launching a new subscription aimed exclusively at company pages, a first for the platform that until then had focused its premium subscription offerings on individual profiles.

Premium LinkedIn Page Subscription offers exclusive features to “make your Page stand out” and “convert more LinkedIn members into customers.”

These include, for example, an AI-powered writing support tool, a custom call-to-action button, and a distinctive badge.

Let’s go without delay into the details of this subscription: what features it unlocks, what its price is and how to subscribe.

What is LinkedIn Premium Page Subscription?

The LinkedIn Premium page subscription is an offer specially designed for standard pages or showcase pages, with the aim of amplifying their impact on the platform.

This subscription provides tools aimed at maximizing the performance and reach of a LinkedIn Page. According to these informationThe subscription cost would be $99 per month.

Please note that the Pages Premium Subscription should not be confused with other premium profile subscriptions, including the Business Premium Subscription, or with other paid Pages products (for example, LinkedIn Recruiter).

LinkedIn Premium Page Subscription: 6 Features

The features of LinkedIn Page Premium are as follows:

  • A custom call to action button,
  • Identification of members who visited the page,
  • The personalized testimony,
  • Help with writing AI generated posts,
  • Automatic invitation of members who interact with your content to follow your page,
  • A premium LinkedIn logo.

Custom Call to Action Button

The custom call-to-action button, strategically placed at the top of the LinkedIn page, is intended to encourage members to take a specific action.

It not only appears at the top of your Page, but also next to your Page’s posts in the LinkedIn News Feed and in search results, maximizing your visibility.

On non-premium pages, accessing this button requires clicking on the “More” option.

The proposed calls to action cover a wide range of objectives:

  • see the website
  • Contact Us
  • More information
  • Register
  • Record
  • Visit the services page
  • Donner
  • Volunteering
  • Request a demo
  • Buy now

Additionally, super admins can evaluate the effectiveness of each call to action by analyzing the number of clicks.

Identification of members who visited the page.

The feature to identify members who have visited the page gives you daily access to a list of recent visitors, subject to each member’s privacy preferences.

It also allows you to invite these members to follow your page.

This option reveals up to one new visitor each day, for a maximum duration of one year.

Please note that members may choose not to be identified by their full name, photo, and location when visiting LinkedIn pages.

Speaking of which, here’s the consent request I received from LinkedIn last week.

Personalized testimonial

The custom testimonial on a LinkedIn page allows you to integrate a testimonial or quote from a customer, which can be accompanied by an image or brand logo.

This quote is restricted to 80 characters and must be authentic, not pre-generated.

Located at the top of your page, the custom testimonial serves to highlight positive customer feedback, thereby strengthening your company’s credibility and appeal to visitors.

AI-powered post writing help

AI-powered post writing help is a tool that turns your initial ideas on a topic into a post draft for your LinkedIn page.

This technology uses artificial intelligence to formulate initial text based on the concepts or key points you provide.

The goal is to make the content creation process easier and faster by providing an outline that you can then refine and customize.

Please note that even if the AI produces the draft, you are still responsible for the final message. Therefore, you should review, adjust and confirm the relevance of the generated content before publishing it on your page.

Automatically invite members who interact with your content to follow your page.

This feature expands your audience by automatically sending invitations to follow your Page to members who reacted, commented, or shared your posts in the last 30 days.

This automated system ensures a continuous flow of invitations based on user interaction with your content, helping to proactively grow your community.

LinkedIn Premium Logo

A gold LinkedIn IN logo, located at the top right of your page header, indicates that you have a Premium subscription to the company page.

This gold logo helps your page stand out, clearly signaling to visitors and LinkedIn members your commitment to a professional presence.

How to sign up for LinkedIn Premium Page Subscription?

The LinkedIn Premium Page subscription is currently rolling out, so you may not have access to it yet.

To subscribe, you must access the super admin interface of your page. These are the steps to start your subscription:

In the menu on the left you will find several options for the Premium subscription. Depending on your previous situation with Premium (whether you’ve used it before or not), you’ll see options like:

  • Try Premium for €0
  • Try again Premium for €0
  • Reactivate premium
  • Upgraded to Premium

Choose the option that suits your situation to see the associated costs and continue with the subscription.

Once Premium membership is enabled for your Page, all Page admins will be able to use Premium features, although some are only available to Super Admins or Content Managers.

Regarding subscription management:

  • Only the administrator who subscribed to the Premium subscription can manage or cancel this subscription.
  • If this administrator is removed, you will need to unsubscribe and a current administrator will need to resubscribe to continue benefiting from Premium features.
  • Although the removed administrator will no longer be able to access the administrator view of the page, the Premium features will remain active until the subscription is canceled.


The LinkedIn Page Premium subscription is presented as an important novelty for companies that wish to optimize their presence on this platform.

With features like AI content writing assistance, inviting visitors to become subscribers, and a custom call-to-action button displayed in multiple places, this subscription appears to offer businesses useful tools.

However, it is imperative to emphasize the importance of carefully evaluating the cost-benefit ratio of this service. At $99 per month, the cost can represent a significant investment for some businesses, especially if the features don’t perfectly fit their specific needs. For example, the automatic invitation to follow the page could benefit from greater personalization to target the relevant audience more effectively (not everyone who interacts with the page is a person).

Compared to other services, such as those offering more financially accessible AI tools, LinkedIn must ensure that its premium offering provides clear and tangible added value. It remains to be seen how this offering will evolve and adapt to user feedback until it becomes an essential solution for companies on LinkedIn.

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