eat (or double EAT)… Another new acronym? Not entirely because it has been over a year since this concept was launched, without causing a sensation, in December 2022. Not being a ranking factor for websites, many have ignored it. Mistake ! Because if you understand this concept and apply it to your content strategy, you will have a greater chance of being better positioned than your competitors in search results. So what is this EEAT? What is it for and how can we improve it? We tell you everything!
Google: what is this EEAT concept?

At Google there are “robots”, “Google bots”. They scan the pages of each website and then display them in the search results after a query. But they don’t show them randomly. They will take into account many criteria whose qualitythe reliability and the content relevance. This is where the “ humans » from Google come into play. Because yes, there are a lot of humans on Google. Are the quality qualifiers, in French “quality evaluators”. Equipped with Search quality basics – a kind of Google bible that determines, based on numerous factors, whether a text best answers a specific query – these humans test the sites and give them an overall score (of lower has higher) that will determine your positioning.
EEAT is one of the factors considered for classification. And it’s not entirely new because the EAT would have celebrated its tenth anniversary this year if Google hadn’t decided to add an E to make your life more complicated. This is what’s behind this made in USA acronym:
- my (Experience) by experience, and that’s the little news;
- my (Expertise) by experience;
- TO (Authority) by authority;
- T (Trust) for reliability.
There you tell yourself that it’s actually quite simple. All you need is for your site to be a little old to show Google that you have experience and that your products are an authority in the field so that your site will rank well right away. Well no, because it is the experience of the creator of the content and his own knowledge of it. In terms of authority and reliability, they apply to both the creator of the content (an editor for example), the content itself (text, video, etc.) and the website. Explanations.
E for Experience: it’s up to you to prove your skills
Contrary to what many believed, It is not about the user experience, of the Internet user, but that of the author of the content.. If I take this article as an example, Google (and its Quality qualifiers) will check if as a web editor I have already written texts on this topic, if I have real and solid personal experience in this field (knowing the guidelines provided by Google, for example).
If an Internet user wants to travel to India, they will trust someone who has actually been there and who shares their experience, rather than someone who has never set foot there. Well, this applies to all areas and all products. Demonstrate your personal experience by all meansWhat you know and what you have learned has become an essential criterion to prove to Google that you are trustworthy.
E for Experience: show that you are an expert
The difference with experience may be minimal because here too it is about the author’s experience. Let’s take this article again as an example. I have been a web editor for more than 13 years. Therefore, we can say that I have some experience in optimized writing and that I periodically follow topics related to my activity, such as SEO. But if tomorrow I write an article about how to change a drive belt, you will inevitably have a hard time believing me (and you will be right). I will have to use real mechanical experts and reliable sources (interviews, references, associations, etc.) so that my content is credible in the eyes of Google and, of course, in yours.
A for Authority: Be recognized by your peers and beyond
Being an expert is good. But being cited as an example by an expert (or a brand) is even better. The authority is reputation of your place, your credibilityson influence in Google. For a brand it appears in position 0 when you type its name in Google. For an e-commerce site, a business site, or even a blog, the same thing is true. But that’s not always easy to achieve, especially if you work in a competitive industry. You must work on your reputation, on your influence. If your site is mentioned often, especially on social media, if you have numerous qualified backlinks and your articles are often reused, then you (or your site) are a true authority figure and position zero is within your reach. .
T for trust: you must inspire confidence
While the fake It’s everywhere (deepfake, fake news…), Trust is by far the most important criterion of EEAT. who wants to highlight thehonestythe transparencythe reliability and the accuracy provided information. The notion of trust in fact it groups several values into one.
Depending on the site, certain factors will have more weight than others. A merchant’s site should have a secure payment system, authentic customer reviews, and easily accessible customer service. For a local business, your site (or business profile) should list a physical address and up-to-date business hours because this is what Internet users are looking for. The more trust you inspire, the more Google will put you at the forefront.
Why EEAT is so important for your natural referencing (SEO)?

It is true, the EEAT concept is not a ranking factor that you can optimize to be better referenced, such as the loading speed of your pages, poor indexing… But it is one of the indicators used by Quality qualifiers Google to manually categorize the quality of search results. Google will then use your observations to refine its algorithm and offer increasingly relevant rankings. If you know in advance what the Quality qualifiersYou could also give them: “ Helpful, trustworthy, people-first content. » (google word) !
As always, Google won’t give you its recipe for always reaching the top of the search results, but it will give you some ideas. It’s a bit like cooking with a dish for which you know some of the ingredients (but not all) but whose proportions are not indicated. However, if you think this dish is more likely to be successful if you cook it on low heat for a long time, you can also avoid roasting it on high heat in 10 minutes! So if Google tells you EEAT is important, listen to it!
How to use the EEAT concept to improve your content?

Publish clear, quality content.
Quality over quantity…This advice was already valid 10, 15 years ago and will still be valid 10 or 15 years from now, if the Internet still exists. Your content must contain reliable and source-based information. Your readers (or your clients) want clear response, adapted to your request and understandable. Do extensive research before writing, explain any abbreviations you use or if there are technical terms. And if additional explanations are needed, turn to experts to inform you and your readers. By finishing your article, the Internet user must have learned something.
Also pay attention to the design. (titles, subtitles, paragraphs). Don’t lie to the reader. If the person reading you is only looking for information about a product, inform them but do not take them to a product sheet to buy when that is not what they want. Do not write titles to “bait” with content that is not coherent, Google does not like that (and even less so the Internet user).
Inspire confidence without hiding anything
Before being an editor or owner of a site, you are probably also an Internet user. So what do you look at first on a site? What calms you? Probably a page or tab of the company (its history, who is part of it, photos to know who you are dealing with), a physical address to be sure that it really exists, a way to contact it (phone, email, contact form), labels or certifications, links to social networks, clear legal notices, verified customer reviews, links to trusted sites, frequently asked questions, etc.? So apply to your site what you look for on other sites. Be completely transparent.
Promote partnerships
Being a recognized expert in your field is good. But surely he is not the only one who works in this sector of activity. Invite other experts to your site and let them share their experiences and opinions. They can complement yours and enrich your site. Could beinterviews or of associations as guest blogs (publish an article written by another expert). In this case, consider linking to the author’s social media (or site) to show Google that they are also an authority in their field as well as instilling trust in the reader.
Prioritize security
Data security is a major issue. You must reassure the Internet user about this issue by integrating the pages “Privacy Policy”, “CGU” (“General Conditions of Use”) or “CGV” (“General Conditions of Sale”) if you sell online. In this case, obviously the payment process must be completely secure.
Using the HTTPS protocol (and not just http), a valid SSL certificate without forgetting the updates of your site’s plugins is also mandatory if you want to avoid any security breach and therefore reassure the Internet user.
Clean up your content and update it
Who has never come across the product sheet for an item that no longer exists, or gone to a store whose hours had finally changed? An Internet user searches Reliable and recent information.. Therefore, you must periodically update (depends on your sector of activity) your content and information so as not to disappoint them. For example, if you work and publish content in the construction and building sector, check that the standards or DTU that you can mention are the most recent.
Think about customer reviews
Before making a purchase, visiting a company or going to a restaurant, an Internet user always consults customer opinions, reads comparative articles or watches test videos. If a client is satisfied, he can become a very good prescriber. Google is very sensitive to customer opinions, especially if they are positive because they inspire confidence and demonstrate the quality of your services. So consider asking your customers to leave a review about your products or services through recognized platforms such as Verified Reviews either Trusted pilot for example, or directly in your Google business listing (which obviously must be updated). Also think about social networks, ask your customers and respond when they send you messages. And don’t ignore negative reviews. Please answer as accurately as possible. This will show Google that customer satisfaction is important to you.
🔗 Relevant Links:
- MohammedTazi.com (Expert insights on passive income strategies)
- HowToDoIt.site (Guides and tutorials on building passive income businesses)
- EasyRecrute.com (Resources for hiring virtual assistants and outsourcing tasks)