What is web usability? 8 strategies to improve it

What is web usability?  8 strategies to improve it

If you have a blog for your business or company, your goal is clear: you want to help you sell.

But there are no sales without a satisfied audience. What the user of your page wants is to meet a site that you can use without problems.

And that’s just what the website usability. One thing you need to keep in mind. Starting from the moment you create your page.

The reason? Very easy:

✅ Generates poor usability frustration. Good web usability, in most cases, goes unnoticed.

It happens a bit like referees in football: they say that if they don’t talk about him it means he did his job well.

So stop wondering whether or not you’re interested in improving usability for your business, because I’ll answer for you (YES).

Keep reading. I’ll tell you everything you need to know to ensure that your website meets this requirement.

Let’s go there!


What is web usability?

The website usability it is the ease with which users can use your website. It must be able to make your users use it and travel it effectively, efficiently and with satisfaction.

A website is considered to have a good level of usability if people who enter it find it comfortable, intuitive, simple and safe.

That is, if they generally enjoy interacting with it.

In short, a page with good web usability is easy to use, even by those who visit you and have little technological knowledge.

And how to get it? Very easy: with empathy.
Put yourself in the shoes of the person who visits your page and you will know if it complies with this characteristic.

To achieve an adequate degree of web usability, some tactics and principles are used that optimize the page so that browsing is a pleasant experience for the user.

Why is web usability such an important factor?

I have clear: user impatience.

There is a lot of competition on the internet and anyone who surfs the net knows they have many options at their fingertips.


Your users should easily find what they were looking for.

You need to make things easy for them and solve their search intent with your content.

For me the concept of search intent is vital in content marketing.

It can be said that it is my term “fetish”. Almost everything about success in the blogging world depends on search intent..

We must fulfill your intent in any article we write. Whatever format:

  • Give the definition of a term
  • teach them how to do something
  • Offer you the product you were looking for
  • And in general any other goals you can imagine

On the contrary, it will leave your website too quickly.

And the worst thing is… where will it go? Exactly: to the competitor’s website.

So, you can’t reproduce it and have to serve it all on a tray when it enters your page.

Your audience expects to feel like they are traveling first class on your page.

7 benefits of providing optimal usability on your website

By now, I’m assuming you’re clear that web usability isn’t an option, but something needed on your page.

It is a must”.

It will be of little use to have one if nobody wants to use it because it is a real hassle to navigate it.

But this is too much general talk. I like to be more specific, so I’ll tell you how it will benefit you that your page has good usability:

✅ More visits

Your traffic level will increase, because if people feel comfortable on your page, visits will increase.

Users they will spend more time on your pagesince when they find it easy to use, they won’t quit at the first opportunity, even if they have already resolved their research intent.

✅ Will recommend to others

People who use your Page will recommend it to other people, which will also help you get more visitors (and conversions).

✅ Greater loyalty

As a consequence of the previous three points, you will be able to retain a wider audience, who will want to return to your page.

✅ Lower bounce rate

Your bounce rate or “bounce rate” will decrease: there will be fewer people who will leave your page after consuming only the first one and the one that came (probably) from a Google search.

✅ Better navigability

People who come to your page will pick it up first and learn how to use it quickly (which is one of the things they want).

✅ More engagement

You will get better feedback from your website users, which will help you to constantly improve.

They will engage more with your content. In the case of a Blog, through the comments on the articles.

✅ More sales

And finally, all of the above will be a final benefit: you will sell more And for this reason, your income level will increase.

Goal achieved!

¿Ves? Give your audience what they are looking for and they give it to you.

Your users are first, don’t forget that. Like almost everything in this life, reap before sowing.

8 strategies to improve web usability in your blog

As you can see, the benefits of having a page that meets web usability requirements are juicy.

Your audience will be satisfiedand you will benefit from it.

So the next question would be:

What should I do to ensure that a page has a good degree of web usability?

All the aspects you need to take care of are logical.

I would recommend following the following guidelines:

✅ Create an accessible website

The idea is that anyone can access your page welleven if it is a person with a “special ability”.

Your page must be usable and understood by all the people who access it.

✅ Make navigation easier

Anyone who enters your website will expect to find a user-friendly site, and if not, they will be really disappointed and walk away.

If you want users who visit you to return to your page, you have to make things easy for them.

No one wants to waste time on a web page, especially when they usually have other options to choose from.

Along those lines, I know your audience won’t always be able to access everything they need from your homepage.

But if they have to take many steps to get where they want to go, they will despair. Try to shorten the road.

I recommend that too when you click on your page logo, it redirects to the home page. It is something that users really like; Click the icon if they get confused and start over.

✅ Think in “reactive” terms.

There is something especially important to keep in mind: the computer took a step backin favor of the smart cell phone.

Today, most people don’t sit down in front of their PC to do their research on the Internet.

It’s much more common take your smartphone to do this kind of query.

So make sure that your page adapts smoothly to any screen, that it responds to a design that is compatible with all types of devices.

In fact, you have to create your own page thinking about the cellphone first, then fit it to your computer screen. This technique is called cellphone first.

✅ Reduce the loading speed as much as possible

One of the most important aspects to consider in web usability is the time it takes to load a page.

So much so that it is one of the main factors that Google will consider when deciding whether to “move up or down” your blog in its results page.

But the point is that not only the search engine will take into account the loading speed of your page, but also the user. Indeed, Google is interested because whoever enters the page is interested.

Ideally, the page should lag less than two seconds to be able to view. Time is gold here, because three seconds become almost eternal for the user. If your page is taking this long to load, say hello 👋👋

Discover other types of strategies to make your business successful

✅ Promotes interaction

Your goal is for the user to reach that part of your page where get conversions.

But for this you have to “drive” him clearly, so that he ends up clicking on the buttons that contain the call to action.

✅ Design your page to be attractive

It’s about conquering whoever is on the other side of the screen. Then you have to create a web page with a interface you likewithout ever failing the requirement of intuitiveness.

✅ Choose the right colors for your website

Maybe it surprised you a little, but it’s not a trifle.

One of the strengths of graphic design, in fact, is choosing the colors of a web page very well.

📈 A very curious fact:

And study at the University of Granada he analysed how people react to colors get ahead.

The conclusion is that each color produces different sensations in us.

So don’t lose sight of this aspect.

✅ Use a friendly URL

the URL It’s the only thing that can’t be changed from a page once created.

But if yours is just getting started, consider changing this element if it doesn’t fit what I will explain below.

The user enters your page through the URL, and even though he’s up there like he’s lost in the navbar, that’s a very present look.

For both reasons, but especially for the first one, it is important that the URL does not contain “special” characters.

❌ No one likes to come across something like this:


✔️ Keep in mind that all your users want to see is this:


And if users don’t like a website, surely you already imagine it: to Google less.

The search engine is like the “fiscal” that looks after the interests of users when they surf the internet and the magnifying glass is on you.

So don’t make him angry.

Now it’s your turn to apply these web usability tips

So far the advice and examples of web usability that I have brought to give you.

As you can see, it all comes down to “pampering” your user, so that they can navigate your page like a fish in water.

What are you waiting for to get to work to improve your web usability?

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