Tips for creating and positioning YouTube Short

Tips for creating and positioning YouTube Short

Short videos on Youtube

If within your content development strategy for YouTube you have decided to create Shorts – short videos up to 60 seconds in vertical format – you are surely wondering how its algorithm works.

Short Films allow you to post videos up to 60 seconds long

In this sense, in this article we will offer you a series of tips to best position Short’s videos on YouTube. Thanks to these suggestions you will be able to achieve a greater reach and be more recommended to other users in their update feed.

How to optimize content for YouTube Shorts

Although there is an algorithm, the first advice would be to not create the Shorts thinking only of him, but to satisfy the needs of the user community on YouTube. With that clarified, these actions can be recommended to optimize content for YouTube Shorts.

– Includes a call to action. Encourage viewers to take some kind of action with your content, include a call to action and invite them to subscribe to your channel.

-Take advantage of music trends. The same thing that happens in TikTok, it is advisable to take advantage of trendy music to try to reach more users. Many people search for songs or music in YouTube Shorts and can reach your content if you have used it. When you create your content and go to add music, YouTube will show you the most used songs at that moment.

-Post regularly. The key to reaching a loyal community of people who consume your Shorts is to post regularly, offer quality content regularly.

-Analyze statistics. YouTube Shorts provides detailed analytics on how each piece of content is performing. Analyze the results and when you see that you have reached a peak of visits to a video, start creating similar content.

-Experience. It seems obvious but it’s not. You’ll never know if something works on YouTube Shorts until you try it. Explore different types of music, voiceovers, with different video lengths… and find out what your audience likes best by analyzing the results.

More tips for getting more out of YouTube Shorts

-Hashtags. Remember that you can also use hashtags in Shorts, as we explained to you in this other article.

-Titles. Bet on creating a captivating title that invites the user to see the content. Also include the title at the beginning of the Short and in the thumbnail of the video that you will show to users.

-Thumbnail. In addition to including the title as we saw above, be sure to edit the Shorts thumbnail. Look for an eye-catching, well-lit image that is clearly identifiable with the purpose of the video.

-Share TikTok videos. While it’s tempting, don’t upload the same videos to YouTube Shorts that you post to TikTok. Especially, don’t do it if they include the TikTok watermark.

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