This Saturday is our live online workshop on how to create a social media plan step by step – Social BlaBla

This Saturday is our live online workshop on how to create a social media plan step by step – Social BlaBla

This Saturday, July 25th, from 11am to 2pm Madrid time, Spain, we are hosting a live online workshop (webminar) where we will share step-by-step the method of creating a social media plan develop step by step. passed.

  • You can see and hear the speaker through an application we provide.
  • 3 hours full of practical casesto really learn.
  • question time. Through the chat you can ask the tutor anything you want on the subject. You don’t need a webcam or microphoneonly one keyboard if you want to ask.
  • seminar with Diploma in your nameawarded by the Spanish Association of Social Media Experts.
  • We will record the workshopso you can watch it later as many times as you like.

Only €10. Click on “Buy Now” and you can pay with your Paypal account (Paypal balance) or with a bank card.


If you want to see the workshop time-shifted (the recording), access all the material and get the diploma on your behalf, you can visit the Cursos De

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