Red Cross and Ogilvy launch campaign against fake AI images

Red Cross and Ogilvy launch campaign against fake AI images

The French Red Cross and the creative force of Ogilvy Paris have teamed up to remind us that the real world is still out there, despite the wave of AI-generated fake images flooding our social media feeds.

We live in a time where AI-created deceptions are making headlines, creating a stir, and blurring the lines between fact and fiction. But now, every day, the Red Cross and its brave volunteers face very real emergencies captured in photos that could just as easily be mistaken for AI creations.

That’s where this bold campaign comes in. Titled “Not Generated by an AI,” it features real news footage, capturing moments of bare truth in Ukraine, the Mediterranean, and even France. Images you could swear were made by programs like Dall-e or Midjourney, but no, they’re real.

And here’s the icing on the cake: Ogilvy Paris used Midjourney’s “Describe” function, which is normally used to generate descriptions for AI images, to describe the authentic campaign images. It’s a clever way to turn the tables and remind us what’s real.

This campaign, supported by JCDecaux, Exterion Media, Essence Mediacom and magazines such as Society or l’Épatant, will be carried out in two waves from April 22, 2023. So stay tuned and prepare for a good dose of reality.

“For almost a year, generative AI has been democratizing and with it the creation of ever more realistic and crazy images. Unfortunately, this phenomenon causes images to lose their impact and credibility. That’s why we wanted to use this campaign to draw the attention of as many people as possible to the power of authentic photography in the service of a good cause.” Explanation David Raichman, Executive Creative Director Ogilvy Paris.

“Today we have to deal with a multitude of crises of all kinds that have an impact on society as a whole. Added to these never-ending tensions are increasingly frequent battles against fake news, which with the advent of AI sometimes seem almost believable. This campaign, which interacts with current events, reminds us that our teams on the ground are in direct contact with reality and invites as many people as possible to observe and learn about the real situations affecting the most vulnerable. says Laurent Amiand, Director of Communications and Public Affairs at the French Red Cross.

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