Our tips to better moderate your pages on the networks

1. Stay on permanent hold : A problematic comment can happen at any time, you have to know how to be attentive. Beware of fraudulent messages, spam, fake profiles, etc. In this case, do not hesitate to ban the interested party.

2. Adapt your speech : A brand should not express itself in the same way depending on its type of audience and target. In general, take a human approach to standing out: cCreating authentic and close bonds with your audience is essential! Among the good practices to adopt, you can, in particular, use the name of the person you are talking to. However, be careful not to establish too much proximity in an environment that would not be conducive to it or, conversely, not to sound too formal in a rather light context.

3. Use model answers: Tools like Excel allow you to save reusable response templates that can be adapted depending on the topic. A significant time saving in case of recurring doubts or a large flow of publications.

4. Know how to redirect to the right place : If certain requests are beyond your scope of expertise, feel free to refer your author to customer service/any other relevant point of contact, or encourage them to read the pages of your site to respond to their request.

5. Use proper tools : Many tools allow you to see all posts containing your company name at a glance. Among them, Emplifi, Khoros, Hootsuite, etc. Thanks to algorithms, some of these solutions are also able to summarize the general tone of a comment or post, give its feel, etc. It is also possible to classify messages according to their status: processed, not processed, etc. So as not to miss anything, do not hesitate to consult through a manual query on the platforms if certain mentions do not modify the name of your brand to go unnoticed (for example a 0 instead of an O, etc.)

6. Never answer directly : Although it may be tempting, it is not about letting your emotions speak, nor giving your own opinion. The important thing is to stay in line with the language elements validated with your brand.

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