Open Rate or Open Rate What is it and how to increase it?

Open Rate or Open Rate What is it and how to increase it?

Email Marketing continues to be one of the most powerful strategies for reaching your audience effectively. However, for optimal results and for your contacts to take advantage of everything you have to offer, it is essential to increase the open and click rate in your email campaigns.

The question is: how do we get them to open our emails and once inside click on the CTAs? In this article, we’ll explore effective strategies that will help you do just that.

And to know them in detail, who better than a specialist in the field, Giulietta Orellano,Doppler content manager. Julieta will explain firsthand some key strategies to improve your open and click rates. I’ll leave you with her.

What is the open rate?

THE open rate or open rate, in the context of Email Marketing, refers to the percentage of recipients who open and view an email you sent as part of your campaign. This metric is important because it tells you how many people on your email list initially engage with your message when they open it.

For example: If you send an email to 100 people and 30 of them open it, your open rate will be 30%.

Tracking this metric is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of your campaigns and determining which emails and strategies generate the most interest from your contacts.

What is click-through rate?

THE click-through rate In email marketing it refers to the percentage of recipients who open an email and then click on one or more links contained in that message. This metric is essential for evaluating the level of interaction and engagement of your subscribers with the content of your emails.

For example: If you send an email to 100 people and 20 of them click on at least one link within the email, your click-through rate will be 20%.

Tracking this metric allows you to measure which content or calls to action generate the most interest and engagement from your audience, which can help you adapt and improve your future email marketing campaigns.

What elements influence the open rate?

The open rate of your emails can be influenced by several key elements that you should consider when designing your email marketing campaigns.

Here are some of the elements that have a significant impact on the open rate:

Attractive object

A compelling and relevant subject line is essential to grab recipients’ attention and encourage them to open your email.

Audience segmentation

Categorizing your audience will allow you to identify them based on their origin, their behavior with your previous emails and their interests, so you can later send them content related to their characteristics.

Shipping frequency

Sending emails with the right frequency prevents recipients from feeling overwhelmed and has a positive impact on open rates.

Content quality

Offering valuable, relevant content in your emails builds trust and interest among recipients, increasing openness.

Responsive design

Ensuring that your emails are readable on both mobile and desktop devices ensures that recipients can open them conveniently.


Using the recipient’s name and personalized content based on your contacts’ characteristics and interests creates a more personal experience and increases the likelihood of opening.

Shipping schedule

Sending emails at strategic times, when recipients are more likely to check their inbox, can improve open rates.

Cleaning list

Eliminating inactive or disinterested subscribers and bounces from your email list prevents them from negatively impacting your open rate.

A/B testing

Experimenting with different elements like topics, images, and calls to action through A/B testing allows you to identify which approaches work best.

Delivery optimization

Making sure your emails don’t end up in the spam folder is crucial to getting them opened. Set up your domain authentication and follow best shipping practices.

Multimedia contents

Including eye-catching images and videos in your emails can increase visual appeal and open rates.

Interaction on social networks

Promoting or sharing your emails on social networks can also increase their reach, visibility and encourage followers to open them.

Continuous maintenance

Constantly monitoring metrics and adapting your strategies based on the results is essential to maintaining a high open rate over time.

Taking these elements into consideration and making changes based on the results of your campaigns will help you improve and maintain a solid open rate in your email marketing campaigns.

How is the open rate calculated?

Open rate formula

This metric is calculated by dividing the number of emails opened by the total number of emails delivered and then multiplying that value by 100 to get the percentage. The formula is as follows:

Open rate = (Number of emails opened/Total number of emails delivered) * 100

To calculate your open rate, you need to know two key pieces of information:

Number of emails opened

This number refers to the number of recipients who opened and viewed your email. Typically, this information is tracked using invisible images or tracking pixels in the email.

Total number of emails delivered

This number represents the total number of emails that were successfully delivered to recipients’ inboxes without bounced or being marked as spam.

Once you have this data, simply divide the number of emails opened by the total number of emails delivered and then multiply the result by 100 to get your percentage open rate.

For example, if you sent 1,000 emails and 250 of them were opened, your open rate would be 25%:

Open Rate = (250/1,000) * 100 = 25%

This percentage gives you a measure of the effectiveness of your Email Marketing campaign in terms of how many recipients interacted by opening your emails.

What is the normal open rate?

A normal open rate in an email marketing campaign can vary greatly depending on the industry, target audience, brand awareness and quality of the email list.

In general terms, today, a Average open rate is in the range of 15% to the 25%.

However, it is important to remember that these values ​​are only averages and can vary significantly.

The open rate considered “Good” or “succeeded” it largely depends on the quality of your leads and the relevance and interest you generate with your emails.

Some factors that influence what is considered a normal open rate include:


Some, like fashion or food, tend to have higher open rates due to the nature of their products and consumers’ emotional affinity. Other industries, such as technology or financial services, may have lower open rates.

List quality

A high-quality email list, with contacts who have voluntarily chosen to receive your emails and have a genuine interest in your content, tends to have higher open rates.

Content quality

The quality and relevance of the content you offer in your emails also influences the open rate. If your emails are valuable and engaging, recipients are more likely to open them.

Shipping history

Your sending history, including the frequency of emails that are unwanted or mislabeled as spam, can impact the ability of your emails to reach your inbox and be opened.

Period of the year

Opening rates may vary depending on the season or holidays. For example, holiday marketing campaigns might have higher open rates.

In short, what is considered a normal open rate depends on many factors, and it’s important to establish your baseline metrics based on your audience and goals.

Constantly monitoring and improving open rates is essential to an effective email marketing strategy.

14 Strategies to Increase the Open and Click Rates of Your Campaigns

ion with 14 strategies that will help you increase the open rate and click-through rate of your emails.

1. Audience segmentation

Divide your email list into groups based on interests, behaviors and preferences.

Send highly relevant content to each segment to increase the likelihood of your emails being opened.

2. Valuable content

Create persuasive and engaging topics that pique the curiosity of recipients. Avoid words or phrases that could trigger spam filters.

Send tips, exclusive promotions or relevant information to your audience. You can also leverage the power of emojis to grab recipients’ attention.

3. Responsive design

Make sure your emails have a design that looks good on both mobile and desktop devices.

Keep in mind that most people check their email on their phone these days.

4. Customization

Use the recipient’s name in the greeting message and personalize the content based on their history and preferences.

Personalization creates a closer connection.

5. A/B testing

Experiment with different topics, images, and calls to action A/B testing.

This way you will identify which approaches generate the best results.

6. Shipping Frequency

Find an appropriate balance in sending frequency.

Avoid sending emails too frequently, but also don’t leave long periods without contact.

7. Clear calls to action

Your emails must include clear and compelling calls to action that guide recipients to the next step you want them to take.

8. Automation

Use automation to send emails at strategic times, for example follow-up emails after a purchase, recovery of abandoned carts or confirmation of registration on your website.

9. Cleaning the list

Regularly remove inactive or disengaged subscribers from your list to improve delivery.

10. Data analysis

Use analytics tools to monitor the performance of your campaigns.

Measure open rate, click-through rate and conversions to adapt your strategies.

11. Interaction on social networks

Promote your emails on your social networks to increase visibility and encourage followers to sign up to your mailing list.

12. Multimedia contents

Include attractive images and videos in your emails.

Visual content can increase engagement and click-through rates.

13. Focus on delivery

Make sure your emails land in your inbox rather than your spam folder.

Use domain authentication and follow best shipping practices.

14. Competitor monitoring

Stay updated on your competitors’ email marketing strategies to have new ideas and stay competitive.


Increasing the open rate and click-through rate in your email marketing campaigns requires effort and focus.

However, with proper segmentation, engaging topics, valuable content, and meticulous follow-up, you can achieve exceptional results.

In summary, implementing these strategies will help you improve open and click-through rates in your email marketing campaigns and increase the effectiveness of your strategy overall.

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