My quick checklist for reviewing a website we'll be relaunching soon

My quick checklist for reviewing a website we’ll be relaunching soon

Yesterday we had a meeting where we reviewed the current sprint activities. There is a relevant block of tasks with relaunching a website. It’s not just any website. It is the e-commerce of our main brand on Amazon. Amazon has begun providing us with Amazon Choice for searches for related products containing our brand. It’s a good sign and one more reason to accelerate this phase as the brand begins to be relevant for some users.

To make sure the website is ready, I’ve created this short checklist without giving you any kind of guarantee that it’s a complete list.

Contents and pages

Here we should have the typical content that any e-commerce should have because it also helps to build trust:

  • Who we are.
  • Contact
  • Frequently asked questions (payment methods, shipping times, returns, warranty, etc.)

Product pages

Obviously the product pages are also content, but given their importance I have placed them separately.

Titles that contain the main SEO keywords.

  • Product variations.
  • Prices and shipping costs clearly visible.
  • Product descriptions.
  • Call to action buttons.

Legal pages and settings

Once again these are contents but given their importance I will also separate them.

  • Legal notice.
  • Privacy Policy.
  • Terms of use.
  • Cookiebanner with the possibility of configuring cookies by the user.

Checkout and contact (conversion pages)

Here you have to consider both usability and legal aspects. Some questions.

  • Do you have all the information needed to proceed to the next step at checkout (e.g. list all visible products and units to ensure you have made the correct choice)?
  • Do all payment methods work (Paypal, card, bank transfer, etc.)?
  • Has a checkbox been inserted in the contact form that returns an error if you don’t click Have you read the privacy policy?
  • Does the user receive an email with purchase confirmation?

Communication via email

Here we have to take into account the different possibilities of communicating via email with customers.

  • Purchase confirmation.
  • Purchase cancellation.
  • Return and refund in case of impossibility to ship a purchased product.
  • Confirmation of subscription to the newsletter.
  • Optional: Product shipping notification, shipping preparation, etc.

Marketing and monitoring

Here are other topics to take into consideration in order to create marketing campaigns in the best possible way.

  • Parsing code implemented correctly (taking into account user cookie settings).
  • Complete one-stop RSS feed for Google Shopping campaigns.
  • The house has a visual appearance suitable to pass the approval filter for Google Ads.

That’s all I can think about right now. Maybe I left relevant things. Now let’s start testing.

Stay tuned.

The post My quick checklist for reviewing a site we’re relaunching soon appeared first on Guerrilla Marketing on Web 2.0.

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