Moodboard What is it and what is it for? + Examples

Moodboard What is it and what is it for?  + Examples

When starting any project it is normal to have hundreds of ideas in mind and not knowing where to start organizing them. Fortunately, today there are various tools that help you make this task much easier. He mood board it is one of them. In fact it is one of the most used and with excellent results.

The inspirational board (as it is also known) is very easy to make and makes the process less stressful. Plus, it’s a technique that can be applied to any project, from decorating your office to starting a business, defining your buyer persona or the photographic style of your brand’s visual identity.

The best part is that you will only need a few tools and materials to create it. Naturally you will have to give free rein to your creativity. Want to know what a moodboard is and how to create your own? So let’s get started right away.

What is a mood board?

A moodboard or inspiration board is a visual tool with which you can organize, visualize and communicate ideas or concepts related to any project you want to run.

With this technique you will be able to put all the ideas in your head in order and make sense of them, but instead of doing it in a written and boring way, you will do it with the support of magazine clippings, drawings and photographs, that is, visual elements.

While many people decide to make their own physical mood board, you can also choose the option of doing it digitally. In any case, its implementation will make ideas flow more easily and you will be able to visualize the final result more clearly.

The main objective is that through the images you can also it captures your emotions, intentions and feelings towards the project you intend to execute. That is why it is a very powerful and effective tool.

What is a moodboard for?

Let’s see the main uses that can be given to this tool:

1. Clarify, filter and communicate ideas

Although it seems easy, many times it is not so simple to clarify all the ideas that come to mind let alone express them correctly.

However, Inspiration Panels have been created to make this task much easier.

2. Express creativity

We all have a good dose of creativity within us and you will be able to bring it out while making your moodboard.

Of course, don’t be afraid to express that creative gift that lives in you and rest assured that you will achieve great results.

3. Organize your project goals

Regardless of the complexity of your project, the structure of the moodboards is more than perfect organize your goals systematically and in the simplest way possibleuntil the main goal is achieved.

4. Fundamental ideas

Use the moodboard as a big eraser where you can enter the most important ideas that come to your mind.

Test if they work, if they convey anything or if they make sense and discard the ones that don’t. When you need to change or acquire new ideas, don’t hesitate to do it.

How is a mood board made?

Making a mood board is easier than it seems, you just have to let yourself be inspired, don’t be afraid of your ideas and take the time you need. Here are some steps you should follow:

Step 1. Identify the main goal of your project

While the moodboard is a flexible tool that can be changed as you progress through your project, it’s vitally important that you are able to identify what the main goal of the project is.

That means, what do you want to achieve and how. Otherwise, you will just get a purposeless image board.

In this sense, you have to make sure that it is a clear, concise, achievable and measurable goal. This will serve to identify and establish the secondary objectives that will lead to the achievement of the main one.

Likewise, it will help you choose which visual elements are appropriate to create your table or panel and how you will arrange them.

We suggest using a keyword that is related to the main focus of your project, as it will help you gather the visual information you need to build your wall of inspiration.

Step 2. Shape it

A moodboard should be beautiful to look at and should, in turn, awaken your inspiration and creativity, which is why choosing a style is very important. This can be understated, modern, minimalist or fun, for example.

In any case, you need to make sure that the the set of images follows the same linein such a way as to create a visual harmony.

For this you must define what is the palette of colors, shapes and sizes of the elements that your panel will haveas well as their arrangement.

At all times you have to take into consideration aspects such as your main objective and your brand, in case it is a commercial project.

Step 3. Choose the visuals

Now the funniest and most stimulating moment of the project has arrived: choosing which visual elements will be part of the moodboard. This is the adequate to reflect and give meaning to your ideas.

To reach them, you must select those with which you can identify, which have a meaning, which make you feel at ease and which allow you to create a picture which whole can be harmonious and coherent.

Remember that the moodboard must have a purpose, which means that you shouldn’t rush to place items anywhere on the tablebut you have to analyze and organize them to give them the position that corresponds to them.

Make sure that the images directly related to the main objective are the protagonists and that the ones that complement them surround them. Normally, this is a process that happens naturally and smoothly, but takes time.

Step 4. Refine your moodboard whenever you need to

Moodboards are not static instruments that once completed cannot be moved.

Instead, they act as a kind of draft that you can modify to suit your project’s needs. Well, the intention is that in them we can also evaluate the progress of the land objectives and ideas.

Here because, Whenever you feel something needs to be changed and perfected, don’t be afraid to do it..

To find out when the right moment is, we advise you to look at the moodboard from the outside and try to find out what sensations and emotions it transmits to you at that moment.

If what you feel satisfies and convinces you, then surely nothing will have to be changed for now. If the opposite happens to you, make the decision to rearrange it and change or add what you think is necessary.

Types of moodboards with examples

Just as they are not static, even moodboards are not of a single type, in fact there are several:

Personal mood board

Personal mood board
Image courtesy: Pinterest

Do you want a nice house? Renew your terrace? Do you follow a healthier diet? Are you having the trip of your life? Boost your social networks? Planning the wedding of your dreams? Or work on your well-being and lifestyle?

Personal moodboards are most appropriate for capturing and organizing those personal projects. Better yet, you don’t have to be a creative design expert to get started.

mood board design

Design mood board
Image courtesy: Pinterest

Whether you are an interior design professional or not, a moodboard emerges as a visual solution with which you can identify and imagine which elements will be useful in achieving the planned result.

These panels will help you combine colors, textures and styles in the most balanced way possible, so you can give shape and meaning to the design project you have in mind.

Advertising mood board

One of the advantages of these inspirational panels is that they are not only applied in the personal sphere, but also in the professional one.

Even in the advertising industry it is a widely used resource for Find the ideas that will give life to a given advertising campaign.

Even if you are not an expert in this area, you can also use advertising moodboards to promote, for example, your social networks or your online business.

Trendy moodboards

Fashion mood board
Image courtesy: Pinterest

In this case, fashion inspiration boards will help you create, organize and visualize possible clothing, footwear or accessory collections.

Here you can combine textures, colors, shapes and styles keep playing with these items until you find exactly what you want to become your collection.

inspirational moodboards

Inspirational moodboards
Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Do you want to get inspired and share some of your inspiration with other users?

Then do not hesitate to make such a Moodboard, so you can express your different points of view and ideas in a creative and original way, regarding society and other aspects.

Creative mood board

Creative mood board
Image courtesy: Pinterest

All moodboards must be creative. However, many people have decided to take advantage of this resource to create inspirational boards capable of reflecting various artistic expressions.

text mood board

Text mood board
Image courtesy: Pinterest

One of the great benefits of text moodboards is that they are able to add emotion to a format that can be boring and tedious.

In this case, instead of using images or photographs, you should place images of motivating and inspiring phrases on your wall that are directly related to the main goal of your project.

In this sense, any of them described so far can be of this type.

Tools for making a mood board

Although you have the option of making your inspiration board in physical format, you can also choose from several online tools with which you can make your mood board more easily and with the advantage that you will have a larger archive of visuals.

Among the most used are the following:


In Canva, you can find a wide variety of templates and visuals to create any moodboard we have presented to you.

This tool has both a free version and a paid version. Also, being intuitive and very easy to use, it has become a favorite for this task.


Here the collections of images seem endless, to the point that a large number of users use this social network both to generate their own moodboards and to draw inspiration from existing ones that can enrich their projects. The best thing about Pinterest is that it’s completely free.

Go to Moodboards

Go Moodboard is a free application with which you can exclusively create your inspiration boards from scratch and in a very simple way. All this by exploiting the resources and visual elements (empty or predefined) available within the App.


With InVision you can create different prototypes and workflows. It is also a very complete tool for designing and developing projects. Among its features, it gives you the possibility to create very well defined and high quality moodboards.


If you are a scattered person who finds it too difficult to organize your ideas and execute your plans and projects, then a mood board can be one of the best tools to make the opposite happen.

The realization of this technique is very simple and it is also fun.

Plus, it gives you the opportunity to do that capture in it both your intentions and your emotions and feelingswhich undoubtedly adds a plus to your project and allows you to achieve goals in a timely manner.

What type of moodboard do you think would work for you and why?

Share your experience with our community.

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