Did you know you can promote a post on Instagram? Ok, surely you are aware of the advertising on the o platform Instagram ads.
However, boosting a post or “boosting” as it is commonly known is different, although it has many similarities to Instagram advertising.
What is it about promoting?
Promoting a post on Instagram means investing money to ensure that the publication reaches new users. As, increase the chances of obtaining interactions such as likes or comments, but also the presence of the brand on the social network.
After all, it is one of the forms of advertising on Instagram but easier to implement than a complete campaign.
In fact, just like the usual ads, You have the ability to promote any Instagram content: feed posts, stories, and reels.
The target? Give it that boost a post needs, maybe because it had few likes and you want to bring it to more users; Or otherwise, a very successful post that you want to make known among users who don’t follow you.
Ok, and how can you do it?
You have two options, via Instagram, from the social network or from Metricool.
Promote a post on Instagram
Let’s start from the beginning: boost your Instagram content from the social network itself.
The first thing you need is for your account to be professional, it is not worth having your own personal profile, as you don’t have this option.
Now let’s move on:
- Go to the post you want to promote and click “Publish Post”, button located at the bottom right and next to ‘View insights’.

- The next step is to complete the information requested by Instagram.
The objective of your ad, which you must choose between “More profile visits”, “More website visits” or “More messages”.
Also define your audience, budget and duration of the promotion. In the budget you write down how much to spend per day and the maximum number of days, which is 30.

- The advertising action ends.
When you have it ready, click Next, then “Promote Publishing” and you’re done. Your ad will be sent to “Review” and posted to Instagram once it goes through this process.
To run a complete advertising campaign you must do it from the Meta Ads platform.
Boost your Instagram posts with Metricool
At Metricool you also have the option to boost your Instagram posts.
Sign up and try how to boost your posts!
How to do it? We’ve already told you, but first you’ll need to create an account (you have the link above) and connect Instagram with Metricool.
If you already have it, read on:
- Enter Metricool and go to the Analytics section.
Within this section you have all the data and information about your account and Instagram content.
After clicking, go to “Publications”.
- Go to “Post List,” where all the posts you’ve shared are located.
At the bottom of each of them, choose the “Promote” option.

- Choose how much you want to spend every day.
Metricool will create a two-day campaign that will run when Facebook accepts it.
Ready, now you have prepared your post to promote and get many likes by reaching new users.
From Metricool you promote both Instagram posts and reels.
How to promote Instagram reels
Now you know how to promote your Instagram posts from the app and Metricool. Take advantage of the opportunity to boost your content and reach new social network users.
Do you have any doubts? We read you in the comments!