How to make an infallible service proposal? (+ Examples)

How to make an infallible service proposal?  (+ Examples)

If you have a service business, invest hours in attracting customers, and your close rate isn’t increasing, chances are you don’t know how to create a foolproof service proposition.

And by foolproof, we don’t mean a proposition with an endless list of services, deliverables, and add-ons.

In reality, we mean a standard proposal that you can send to a large number of potential customers or low traffic!

Maybe you think custom proposal design is a big differentiator, and while you’re right, it’s not the most feasible, nor profitable, when it comes to marketing your services.

In reality, personalized proposals should be created only and exclusively for those prospects who have been qualified and who, therefore, have a high conversion intention.

Without a doubt, creating smart proposals can make a big difference in improving your lead-to-customer conversion rate. And not to mention the number of hours you’ll save in this process!

The CEO of Convert multiple groups, Vilma Núñez has created an effective and strategic method for designing service proposals that result in money flowing into your accounts.

He called him “Smart proposal method” and in his own words “it is synonymous with effective proposals” that can be created in record time.

If you master it, you won’t have to invest hours, days, or even weeks designing proposals that won’t help you win customers and that your prospects will likely end up filing away in the trash of their electronic correspondence.

Remember this: In this fast-paced, changing age, the smartest person is not the one who works the longest hours, but the one who works the smartest.

And that’s exactly what this method created by Vilma Núñez offers you.

How to make an infallible service proposal?

Saber how to make an infallible service proposal It’s a critical success factor if you want to drive growth in your business.

These are the elements that cannot be missing in the design of your standard proposal; because they are the same ones that will save you time and prevent you from becoming the most expensive employee in your company:

1. Cover with logo

It doesn’t matter what service you offer; everyone needs a brand or at least a name and logo.

If you sell auditing, mentoring, coaching, consulting or any other service, make sure all your solutions have their own identity.

It’s not as complicated as you imagine and, in fact, it’s something you can do yourself, saving costs and maximizing the free resources you have access to right now.

For example, you can use Canvas to create the name of your service, either with predefined fonts or with a font that you can download from banks on line, AS

Trust us, you just need a little creativity and ingenuity to start shaping your services, and while this may seem harmless, it can actually significantly increase the value of your services. Because details make the difference!

Look at this real example:

Adela Pastor is a very successful mentor and through her spiritual guidance program she has been able to help many people. This is their logo:

how to make a service proposal
Source: Adela Pastore

“Conscious life”, That’s what this program is called. You see it? She could have easily created it herself with any online design software.

With this we want to tell you that you don’t have to break your head creating the logo for your services, much less invest in an external supplier (in case you don’t have the capital to do it from the start).

2. Name and description of the service

He We It is essential, because it works like the cover letter of your service.

Let’s briefly analyze these two examples:

  • “Business consultancy”.
  • “Growth consultancy for digital entrepreneurs.”

Which of the two do you find more convincing? Probably the latter! In short, don’t underestimate the name of your services, because this could cost you dearly.

You should also invest time in describing it. But be careful, because this doesn’t mean filling an entire page with empty texts and explanations.

Our CEO prefers concise, direct and above all persuasive descriptions. This is a good real-world example:

  • First name: 1-Day Digital Growth Consultancy.
  • Description: Determine the success of your business in just one day. Live an experience focused on the result with Vilma Núñez and Jose Villalobos, to develop the action plan for the next few months for your business in just one day.

3. Interruption of service

how to make a service proposal
Source: Digital Journal.

If you look, in just four blocks what this express consultancy service offers is explained precisely, clearly and directly.

The most important thing is to list everything your service offers, either through tables or simply using bullet points.

This is another real example:

Source: Digital Journal.

You don’t have to “dress up” your service description with technical words that won’t even motivate your customers to take action.

In most cases it’s best to get straight to the point. Your customers are buying transformations, not empty words; do not forget.

4. Tangible and emotional benefits

If you want to learn how to make an infallible service proposal, this pair of elements cannot go unnoticed.

Vilma always says this: “Tangible and emotional benefits are important to increase the value of your proposals.”

However, there are service professionals who don’t know how to differentiate them. In fact, many of them believe they mean the same thing.

But is not so. There are huge differences between them and you need to be clear about this when creating your winning proposals.

Although we have explained this difference in a table, it is better to combine these advantages implicitly.

That is, it is not necessary to classify them as: “These are the tangible advantages of the service” or “you know the emotional benefits of this offer.”

What you really need to understand is the purpose of each; or rather, the role they play in designing standard proposals that help save time and money.

In Vilma’s words: “Emotional benefits serve to persuade and tangible benefits serve to justify value and price” of your services.

5. Results

Again, you need to understand that your customers don’t purchase a service per se; Honestly, they are getting real results and transformations.

It is common to confuse results with benefits, but they are two totally different things and we will explain them to you straight away:

6. Economic investments

Don’t be like those professionals who send proposals without prices or financial investments.

You have to be ethical and transparent from the start. And if you are afraid that they will reject your proposals when they see their prices, we must tell you that those people who do not perceive the value of what you offer simply do not fit the profile of your ideal customer.

Here we share two real and current examples:

how to make a service proposal
Source: Digital Journal.

Learn to create winning proposals

We’ll be honest: if you’re wondering how to create a foolproof service proposition, working on these six elements we just shared with you won’t be enough.

Because a standard proposal focused on conversion must include other elements of high impact and value.

It would be very complicated to develop them all in this article, but you can master the ““Smart proposal method” by Vilma Núñez, from beginning to end, through our Service business incubator and accelerator (IAN).

It’s time to revolutionize your service business

If you run a service business, such as a lawyer, coach, accountant, therapist, psychologist, designer, consultant, travel agent, analyst and more, we have a special invitation for you.

And IAN registrations close today; a business program that will teach you how to craft a foolproof service proposition like an expert and that will also prepare you to take your business to the next level.

We don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to grow, expand, and make your service business even more profitable with all the learning we’ve included in this incredible program.

This is a 9-week training program that will give you the clarity, confidence and tools you need to build, grow and scale your services or consulting business like an expert.

AND plan and he Tesla that your business needs to grow and scale successfully.

Is this program for you?

IAN is 100% for you if you want to know more about:

  • Strategic mentality and vision.
  • Business and positioning.
  • Service design.
  • Design consultancy.
  • High-cost solutions.
  • Digitalization of operations and customer management.
  • Marketing and funnels.
  • Treasure for entrepreneurs.
  • B2B sales.
  • Business growth.

Without a doubt, IAN will help you the most if you are starting your entrepreneurial journey and want to grow your business, but don’t know where to start.

It will also help you a lot if you already have a service and consulting business and want to improve it and be more profitable, or if you have time with your profitable service or consulting business, but you are trying to increase your turnover and you don’t know how.

Successfully accelerate the growth of your business

To grow your business you need methods and processes that help you grow step by step.

If you rush, you will only add to the problems. The good news is that with this program you will be able to move in the right direction and with the live accompaniment of numerous experts, including Vilma Núñez, Rosellina Castagna, general director of Convert more, and many others.


By joining this program, you’ll learn how to attract customers without friction, close sales like an expert, design or redesign foolproof services, establish prices and margins that allow you to grow or expand your business, and much more.

As if that wasn’t enough, you’ll be able to participate in weekly feedback sessions throughout this year and next.

What does it mean? That Vilma, as well as the rest of the team of specialized tutors, will take you by the hand to transform your service business into a stable and scalable company.

And since there are only a few hours left until the doors close on this program and we don’t want you to miss it, We have created a special bonus to further enrich this offer:


Are you willing to accelerate the growth of your services business?

If so, please feel free to join IAN. You just have to click on the banner we share below:


And if at this point you still have some doubts about IAN, don’t stop check this information.

Eventually you will also have the option to contact our support team via Whatsapp to clarify your doubts or concerns in real time.

IAN is a program that will help you go from 0 to 100 with your service business in just 9 weeks.

Without a doubt, your life will change if you provide services and dream of generating more revenue and profitability!

Your new stable and scalable business could be just a click distant. Take action and get it! See you inside IAN.

Keep reading: 5 Ways to Get Customers for Your Service Business

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