How can you plan your trip and save money at the same time?

How can you plan your trip and save money at the same time?

Life may be full of uncertainties, but one thing is absolutely certain: missing your holidays is unthinkable! So, for everything to go well, you need to give your all and put together all the ingredients for a successful holiday: a destination that makes you dream, perfect accommodation conditions and an absolutely affordable price. Because yes, it’s the whole package that helps produce the best experiences and fondest memories. Here are some suggestions to help you reconcile all the criteria for your future holidays.

The price of your stay: how to save on the cost of your hotel?

Since this is the heart of your stay, the place where all your days of discovery will begin and end, you can’t go wrong in your choice of hotel. It must live up to your expectations and be priced to maximize your experience. After all, it’s better to spend your holiday budget on visits, souvenirs and trips than on accommodation.

So, to be efficient, just do a search on Cozycozy, the hotel price comparison site. You will discover the two main criteria that will help you save on your accommodation:

  • compare hotels and their prices;
  • choosing the right period for your stay.

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Compare accommodation prices: surprises in store!

When choosing your hotel or other accommodation it is essential to be able to carry out an advanced search. On the one hand it allows you to select your preferred criteria: number of stars, customer rating, services, type of rooms, etc. On the other hand, it allows you to immediately compare two similar structures, so you can make the best choice. It allows you to see the price difference. And you will definitely be surprised!

Why pay tens, even hundreds of euros or dollars more for a hotel, when another offers the same services at a lower price?

Book in advance… or not: play with the hotel search and make the cheapest choice

Early risers are often rewarded for their ability to get ahead of the trip with significant savings. In fact, as with transport, the closer you are to the departure date, the higher the price of your booking will be. While this is largely due to supply and demand, other parameters also come into play.

On the contrary, late bookings can be a real opportunity to save money. Since some hotels make last-minute deals to fill their rooms, it’s a good idea to compare prices at several hotels in your destination, even shortly before departure.

Use all filter criteria to find the best price

Refining your search for holiday accommodation also means expanding your list of criteria to make sure you don’t miss any offers. For example, deciding to insert a particular type of accommodation, or to insert 2 or 3 star hotels instead of just 4 stars or more.

It is easy to save and enjoy your next travel destination by comparing the price of hotel offers. You will definitely be happy.

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