Guide: the video format on Youtube, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest…

Guide: the video format on Youtube, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest…

Guide: the video format on Youtube, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest…

Today, video plays an important role in content marketing strategies. On social networks, the video format is known to be the format that generates the most engagement. In Snack Content, in Real, in Motion Design, wherever it is presented, it is consumed without moderation!
However, it is difficult to navigate all the formats that appear on social networks.
In this guide, you’ll find our advice and best practices for choosing the right format for each network.

Youtube video formats

Youtube video formats
On YouTube, the default format is a report 16:9
Audiovisual content takes up all the space in the player and YouTube will not try to fill the empty space with black bars.
It is recommended to use a resolution of at least 720p for decent quality.
The format 4:5 is adapted to the mobile format. We recommend it for videos longer than 60 seconds.
Finally, the square format 1:1 it is less suitable for YouTube playback because it shows black bars on each side of the video. We therefore advise you not to use this format for sponsored content.
YouTube accepts a wide variety of files: the most common .MOV and .MP4 (.MPEG4) but also: .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, 3GPP, WebM, DNxHR, ProRes, CineForm, HEVC (h265) .

The video formats on LinkedIn

Linkedin video formats

LinkedIn is particularly suitable for a BtoB target. Video content is increasingly highlighted by the social network as an engine of conversation. So enjoy!
On the desktop, the most used templates are 1:1 et 16:9. The 1:1 will work better because it will take up more space.
On mobile, the format to use is the format 4:5 because it takes up all the space in the newsfeed.

Video formats on Instagram

Instagram video formats
Instagram users are more than passionate about video content. In fact, Instagram Stories has over 500 million insatiable daily consumers. For you, this means a great opportunity to get noticed, whether in an organic post or in advertising!
The square format 1:1 is the classic format for an Instagram post. Using it, therefore, you run no risk. Also, on your feed, the thumbnail will be in the right ratio!
For a sponsored video, the best ratio is the 4:5 because it takes up all the space.
For Stories and Reels the template to adopt is the 9:16. Story is the second most used format! The maximum duration is one minute for 24 hours. Finally, the duration of a Reels ranges from 60 seconds to 1 hour.

Facebook video formats

Facebook video formats
Facebook is clearly the hardest social network to track in terms of video size. You have many formats available and they vary depending on whether the publication is paid or organic.
The formats 1:1 (square) e 19:6 (landscape) are the most used on Facebook on desktop.
For revenge, reports 9:16 et 2:3 you will be advised to use Facebook on mobile.
For sponsored content there is the carousel 1:1 which allows you to view multiple videos within the same publication.
Finally, in the model 9:16, the story allows you to attract the user to your product or service and interact with him. The maximum duration is 20 seconds and the publication is visible for 24 hours.

Video formats on TikTok

Tik Tok video formats

The new favorite playground for teens and young adults, editable mini-video app TikTok has 689 million monthly active users worldwide…and no fewer than 1 billion videos viewed daily.
The content offered by TikTok all look the same. They occupy the entire phone screen vertically. Here are the dimensions:

  • TikTok video: 1080 x 1920 which is a ratio of 9:16
  • Live TikTok: 1080 x 1920 which is a ratio of 9:16

Video formats on Pinterest

The dimensions of the videos do not change from the images. In particular, you will have to take into account the other specific technical characteristics of the videos.
The allowed formats are:

  • Recommended formats: square format (1:1) or vertical format (2:3, 1:2 and 9:16)

Remember: Promoted “extra” video pins can take up the maximum width of your Pinterest feed. The ratios used for this type of pins are 1:1 or 16:9.
Social networks, and by definition their formats, are constantly evolving. You have to follow the trends to be informed about new models.

Social networks, and by definition their formats, are constantly evolving. You have to follow the trends to be informed about new models.
Do you want to publish content on your online platforms?
Remember to consult this guide to video formats for social media. Regardless of platform, always use the highest possible resolution (making sure you stick to the recommended file size and weight). We hope you found this social media guide helpful.

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