Did you know that WordPress is up to 50% slower if you don't use it in English and how to fix it?

Did you know that WordPress is up to 50% slower if you don’t use it in English and how to fix it?

While this was a hunch, it has recently been verified WordPress, if you’re not using it in your native language, US English, is slowerits performance suffers due to the internal translation system.

translate general wordpress settings

In fact, in tests conducted by the performance team, a WordPress installation translated into any available language is up to 50% slower than without translationin the default language.

Internationalized WordPress sites currently download the file .po Yes .mo containing the translations, e the system default is slowrequires additional queries and is not cacheable.

Performance test

The performance team tested various optimization methods for this problem…

Test in the administrative area

Tongue Scenario object cache memory usage Full charge time
in U.S Default 15.42MB 139.83 ms
from_OF Default 31.92MB 187.76 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (MO) 20.07MB 164.94 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (PHP) 17.09MB 139.66 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (JSON) 20.06MB 160.87ms
from_OF native gettext 15.95MB 143.43 ms
from_OF Dynamo 20.58MB 166.79 ms
from_OF Cache in the APCu 58.13MB 190.38 ms
in U.S Default ✅ 15.66MB 112.69 ms
from_OF Default ✅ 31.84MB 164.26 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (MO) ✅ 19.99MB 140.70 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (PHP) ✅ 17.01MB 118.52 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (JSON) ✅ 19.98MB 138.49 ms
from_OF native gettext ✅ 15.87MB 120.01 ms
from_OF Dynamo ✅ 19.73MB 120.26ms
from_OF Cache in the APCu ✅ 58.07MB 162.41 ms
from_OF Cache objects ✅ 31.86MB 164.28 ms

Test with the classic Twenty Twenty-One theme

Tongue Scenario object cache memory usage Full charge time
in U.S Default 15.35MB 120.79 ms
from_OF Default 28.79MB 172.10 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (MO) 18.85MB 145.68 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (PHP) 16.56MB 124.73 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (JSON) 18.84MB 140.78 ms
from_OF native gettext 15.58MB 128.26 ms
from_OF Dynamo 19.24MB 146.09 ms
from_OF Cache in the APCu 50.13MB 167.28 ms
in U.S Default ✅ 15.19MB 107.26 ms
from_OF Default ✅ 28.59MB 154.30 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (MO) ✅ 18.64MB 133.21 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (PHP) ✅ 16.37MB 112.94 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (JSON) ✅ 18.64MB 128.94 ms
from_OF native gettext ✅ 15.38MB 115.11 ms
from_OF Dynamo ✅ 18.10MB 120.72 ms
from_OF Cache in the APCu ✅ 49.99MB 151.82 ms
from_OF Cache objects ✅ 28.65MB 156.36 ms

Test using the Twenty Twenty-Three block theme

Tongue Scenario object cache memory usage Full charge time
in U.S Default 15.60MB 133.58 ms
from_OF Default 29.14MB 181.95 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (MO) 19.24MB 159.18 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (PHP) 16.98MB 138.14 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (JSON) 19.24MB 153.39 ms
from_OF native gettext 15.99MB 142.12 ms
from_OF Dynamo 19.62MB 157.93 ms
from_OF Cache in the APCu 50.37MB 181.51 ms
in U.S Default ✅ 15.67MB 121.53 ms
from_OF Default ✅ 29.01MB 167.67 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (MO) ✅ 19.11MB 147.19 ms
from_OF Ginger MO (PHP) ✅ 16.85MB 127.97ms
from_OF Ginger MO (JSON) ✅ 19.11MB 144.43 ms
from_OF native gettext ✅ 15.86MB 129.19 ms
from_OF Dynamo ✅ 18.57MB 133.46 ms
from_OF Cache in the APCu ✅ 50.30MB 170.19 ms
from_OF Cache objects ✅ 29.07MB 173.19 ms


The first proposed solution is to carry out the translations using PHP translation files, which load much faster and with the possibility of dynamic queries and even caching.

For that purpose, though the proposal is to embed this improvement in the core of WordPressmeanwhile a plugin or testing conceptcalled Performant Translations, which does exactly what it proposes:

In early tests compared to the previous method, the plugin offers noticeable performance improvements over translated WordPress, although still no improvement over untranslated WordPress.

performing translations

Another solution is the one proposed by the DynaMo plugin, using dynamic .mo files, which also improves loading times by up to 20%.

Can I use these plugins on my active WordPress site?

Plugins, even if their purpose is to test and that the best possible solution is later incorporated into WordPress core, you can safely install them on your WordPress site. If for any reason you get no results or see a bug, you can report the problem and uninstall it, because the uninstall is clean, deletes all the files it installs and leaves your WordPress as it was before installing the plugin.

The article Did you know that WordPress is up to 50% slower if you don’t use it in English? And how to fix it? Fernando Tellado already posted it in the WordPress Help. What you see here is a copy of said content :/

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