The fashion brand Coach captures the attention of passers-by with a virtual armature visible from the street as they pass in front of a pseudo-mirror that is actually an augmented reality computer screen.
An augmented reality screen in the storefront in Manhattan
The screen will be placed in the window of the Coach store in New York’s Soho district. It was developed with the company Zero10. As people walk by, the screen will lure them into a reflection of them holding different versions of Coach’s best-selling bag. the tabbies . The screen shows a real-time video of the person and then overlays that video with a 3D model of a handbag, either strapped over the shoulder or held in the palm of the hand.
The experience was designed by Zero10, an augmented reality fashion company
The experiment was designed by zero10 , an augmented reality fashion customization company previously specializing in augmented clothing customization, with partnerships with Tommy Hilfiger, Crosby Studios and Maisie Wilen. So far, the company has rolled out four augmented reality mirrors at Tommy Hilfiger stores in London, Milan and Berlin. George Yashin, head of Zero10, announces Fast company that there will be 40 additional mirrors in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia and China over the next three months.
The novelty of the Coach brand is that the augmented reality mirror was placed on the street and not in the point of sale, where it is intended to support sales. Coach’s window display is designed to grab attention and draw people into the store where they can try on real clothes or try them on in front of another augmented reality mirror.
Double the attention of passers-by
Less than a week after installing the mirror in the storefront, the Zero10 team claim to have noticed that the number of people viewing the storefront has doubled and traffic has increased by 50%. The exact exchange rate remains uncertain.
Fast Company journalist notes that Coach’s presentation triggers a game reflex
The Fast Company reporter notes that Coach’s presentation triggers a gaming reflex. Standing in front of the screen, she was shown a version of herself holding a purple tabby bag in her right hand while purple butterfly wings flapped gently behind her back. Thirty seconds later, she was holding a pink Tabby bag as letters that read “Tabby” floated around her. She had never thought of herself as a “tabby” girl, but for a moment she was amused to see what it looked like.
Zero10’s augmented reality mirrors use computer vision to display clothing and handbags in 4K resolution. The solution integrates itself Ragdoll physics to create a digital character that responds to the laws of physics. For Coach, this means customers can move their hands and watch the handbag move with them. Translating the experience into a game is based on the addition of butterfly wings and vivid colors compared to reality.
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