#90 Go to QVEMA, turn down €250,000 and a month later make €1M in sales with Lisa Souloy and Anouk Le Terrier, co-founders of @Dijo (2/2)

#90 – Go to QVEMA, turn down €250,000 and a month later make €1M in sales with Lisa Souloy and Anouk Le Terrier, co-founders of @Dijo (2/2)

Welcome to Rendez-vous Marketing, the podcast whose mission is to help you develop your online prospecting.

I invite any digital marketing expert, entrepreneur, or CMO to join them in deciphering the digital marketing strategies they’ve used for their business that have worked well, be it Facebook ads, content creation, SEO, videos, and more.

👉 Also listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts // Spotify // Google Podcasts

Today we live the second part of my episode with Anouk Le Terrier and Lisa Souloy, the two co-founders of Dijo, the first company dedicated to abdominal well-being in France. On the brand’s website you will find dietary supplements specializing in the gut microbiota, more recently probiotics and prebiotics.

As you know if you’ve been listening to last week’s podcast, Dijo is 100% self-funded, and that could have changed after her appearance on Who Wants My Being Associate last year.

A passage that provoked controversy as they turned down a nice offer from Eric L’Archevêque and Delphine André of €250,000 in return for 10% of their company.

On the evening of the show, the Dijo website made sales of 200,000 euros and a month later a million euros!

What a success! You can imagine that back then, Lisa and Anouk could not have imagined such a flood of orders.

Obviously there was a before and an after to her time at QVEMA… and believe me, it’s no coincidence.

Because they have a beautifully rehearsed plan to exploit that passage in the show.

I wanted to know more and first asked Lisa and Anouk:

  • Explain the reasons for declining such an offer, as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the show. You will quickly understand that this is a difficult decision that must be made quickly.
  • I then asked them to explain to me exactly the strategy they implemented on this occasion and here I already tell you: it’s a great master class.

Then I came back to their email marketing strategy, because can you imagine they still have an email base of 200,000 subscribers (including 60,000 customers):

  • Lisa and Anouk told me how they got so many subscribers to their newsletter
  • They also told me about their new sponsorship program to mark the launch of a new product line, which also allowed them to add significantly to their list.

The conclusion was her speeches on LinkedIn, which are becoming more and more common. We often mistakenly think that LinkedIn is a B2B social network and that it’s not worth hanging around on LinkedIn when we have a D2C brand…

Believe me, it’s the complete opposite. LinkedIn also enabled Lisa and Anouk to justify their controversial decision to QVEMA, avoiding a nasty surprise. They also got 2 million views with their posts on QVEMA, which is not nothing.

To learn more about their content strategy on the platform, I asked them:

  • What types of content do they typically post? For what purposes?
  • What opportunities have you already taken from it?
  • How do I write a good LinkedIn post?
  • What advice could you give to other ecommerce players who would like to communicate more on LinkedIn?

So much for this busy program, as you got it. I’ll let you listen to my conversation with Lisa and Anouk and we’ll meet later at the conclusion of the episode!

👉 Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts // Spotify // Google Podcasts

Notes and references

Find Lisa Souloy and Anouk Le Terrier on:

Resources cited below:

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I have to tell you something too…

2) The newsletter for entrepreneurs and marketers (20,000+ subscribers)

A weekly newsletter where I share exclusive content on digital marketing, Facebook advertising, social media and copywriting…

To join the club subscribe to my website for free at daniloduchesnes.com/blog.

Plus, signing up for the newsletter gives you access to my extensive library of 15 PDF resources on digital marketing (Facebook and Instagram advertising, copywriting, social media, etc.), updated every year.

And if you don’t like reading, take my free 5-day challenge to transform your advertising on Facebook! There is over 2 hours of video showing you exactly how to set up your campaigns to sell continuously.

3) Accelerate your business growth on Facebook

Are you a startup or SME running e-commerce and need help designing and managing your advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram from A to Z while improving your return on investment?

My agency, DHS Digital, can help.

I created it to meet that need.

We work with French and Belgian brands such as Arthur, Bobbies, Inouïtoosh, Meryl Suissa, WeDressFair, Bloon Paris, Wivaldy and Meilleurs Biens with the sole aim of accelerating their growth.

Visit DHS Digital’s website to book a free 30 minute strategy session with me. This is an opportunity to tell me about your project and your current challenges with Facebook advertising.

If, after this phone conversion, I think I can help you, I’ll offer you a free analysis of your Facebook Ads campaigns.

This is a 10-page document that summarizes the status of your Facebook ads based on 32 criteria plus personalized recommendations to improve your results. And it’s non-binding.

Click on this link to book a free 30 minute strategic discovery call with me.

See you soon for the next episode of the Marketing Meeting 😉

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