3 steps to improve your SEO and SEA thanks to the analysis of the competition

3 steps to improve your SEO and SEA thanks to the analysis of the competition

Guest article written by Marine Callu, Yooda One!

The implementation of a strategy that combines SEO and SEA (also called Search Engine Marketing or SEM) allows companies to:

  • drive more qualified traffic to your website
  • increase the visibility of your website and your products or services
  • obtain an easily measurable return on investment (ROI)

In this article, we will use some features of YOODA One that you can try for free to put into practice these tips step by step.

Discover SEO and SEA competitors

In order to study the strategies of your competitors, you must first identify them! so start with list of all competitors that you already know in your sector.

However, think about differentiate your direct marketing competitors, your SEO/SEA competitors. These are often their most formidable competitors in search engines.

In fact, a site can be very well positioned in the natural results of several of its keywords without being a direct competitor in its market (because it is a specialist in a particular subject, because it sells only one type of product or service, etc. ) .

Similarly, a brand that isn’t well known in your industry can suddenly run a lot of paid campaigns and drive all your potential customers to your site.

Here’s how to quickly discover your SEO and SEA competitors:

Create thematic groups

To discover competitors that are highly visible on particular topics, you’ll need to set up topic groups.

That’s why, regroup your keywords by topic and use a tool to list the most visible sites in each group.

For example, a site like Decathlon seeks to be visible on various sports-related topics: football, rugby, bodybuilding, tennis… In order to sell its various products. Therefore, each theme includes specific keywords.

With YOODA One you can list the sites that have the more visibility on a particular topic.

Analyze ads on your keywords

You can find SEA competitors by studying Google Ads and Shopping Ads that are running with the same keywords as you.

You can do this job by hand by typing your keywords into Google and looking at the sites that appear under Ads or Shopping. However, this work will be long and tedious and you will not be able to do it regularly.

Instead, we recommend that you use YOODA One and its advertising analytics feature that will do this work for you, every day!

This way you will be able to view in one click all the ads in progress for your keywords. In addition to discovering your SEA competitors, you save time by being inspired by the ads that perform best.

Keep an eye on your market constantly

Regularly monitor your market. The “new competitors” indicator in the YOODA One tool automatically detects and reports new players appearing in your industry.

The “Top Raises” indicator allows you to see at a glance which sites are boosting their strategies and go quickly identify the actions they implement to achieve such results.

Find SEO and SEA content that works with your competitors

Now that your list of marketing, SEO and SEA competitors is well filled out, you’ll be able to discover the content that works best for them to inspire you.

This will allow you to:

  • Better understand the trends and content your target audience is looking for
  • Find out what really works in terms of SEO and SEA in your market
  • Identify opportunities and gaps in your own content strategy and improve it
  • Gain credibility and notoriety by offering better quality content

Discover the best ads on your keywords

By using an SEA monitoring tool, you will be able to see ads with just one click the most efficient on your keywords. Hours saved preparing your own ads!

In the example above, we were able to identify thanks to YOODA One all the current announcements in our keywords. We can consult them directly from the tool:

You can do the same with all google shopping ads in progress on your keywords:

Or all the ads of a particular competitor :

So you can:

  • understand the terms and phrases used in the best ads in your market and be inspired by them
  • discover the best landing pages
  • compare their prices on similar products
  • discover the performance of your competitors’ campaigns, as well as the traffic they bring them
  • manage your strategies and make your ads more qualitative

Study the best pages of your competitors

Discover among your list of keywords the content (product pages, landing pages, blog articles, etc.) that works and allows your competitors to gain qualified traffic.

Take inspiration from these pages that work, create new ones on your site or modify the ones you currently have.

Identify gaps among your competitors and do better than them by responding more accurately to search intent Internet users.

Follow the results of your marketing actions

Now you have a clearer view of it works at the moment. You can calmly create your Roadmap and know what actions with high potential to implement to improve your SEO and your SEA.

But you also need to be able track the results of your optimizations. Therefore, you should set up a performance tracker for your site.

With the YOODA One tool you can:

  • measure effectiveness your advertising campaigns, your content strategies and your SEO actions
  • To follow the evolution the level of visibility of your site in your thematic groups
  • Optimize your budget allocate more resources to the actions that work best and reduce or stop those that are not giving the expected results
  • compare your performance to those of your competitors
  • for taking decisions informed for the future of your business, knowing what strategies and actions have worked or not
  • Adjust constantly your strategies to achieve better results


As you will have understood, it is important to equip yourself with a competitive intelligence tool: these tools allow you to follow the strategies (SEO and SEA) implemented by your competitors, as well as measure your performance in relation to them.

Repeat the previous steps, follow the evolution of the performance of your site and that of your competitors over time. By implementing regular monitoring, you will be able to easily identify opportunities for improvement, trends, and content appreciated by your target audience.

Make your first SEO and SEA watch for free thanks to the 8-day trial of YOODA One.

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