Youtubegate: the reaction of Médiamétrie and a French media agency

Who ?
Two media agencies and Julien Rosanvallon, DGA of Médiamétrie.

How important is the Google video partner network in purchases? What was the reaction of news agencies after the adalytics revelations? How is Médiamétrie preparing to convert platforms to third-party measurement?

How much does the YouTube video partner weigh in investments? Poor print quality has been at the center of debates between Adalytics and Google, the former estimating this proportion at a good third, and Google, a negligible amount. For a large French media agency we interviewed, this would correspond to 3% of purchased impressions out of tens of billions of impressions. And around 2% in the USA. It is certainly more important on Performance Max, the automatic campaign management tool, which is not present on DV360 but on Google Ads, which can be used in agencies. “It’s the smaller brands that must have been affected.” “Youtube makes more money from its spaces, even if it also has to maintain its partners.” After the Adalytics study, the agencies reacted: “we unchecked the Youtube partner box on all our client accounts.” And this would not have changed anything in the implementation of the plans. “The costs per video viewed on YouTube are very competitive.”

Regarding viewability, the MRC standards (50% of the screen and two seconds) have long been contested by advertisers. “That’s why the concept of attention has gained a lot of ground, which allows us to filter quality when we hold open auctions.”

As regards the connected TV offer, which will be at the center of the launch of the co-viewing tariff offer, which Google was supposed to launch on its own in January 2024, and which has been postponed breast the (see our article). Youtube accounts for 90% of volumes (15% to 20% of viewing this year). Actors like Molotov or Rakuten share the crumbs. For this French media agency, as for the US agencies interviewed by Digiday: “There is no doubt that YouTube is judge and jury on this issue. A trusted third party will be needed. A previous study by Médiamétrie estimated viewing at 1.3 l joint of Youtube and 1.6 for catch-up TV of the main channels, but it was discontinued.

It is precisely this project that is current, explains Julien Rosanvallon Dga of Médiamétrie. “Measuring joint listening is at the heart of TV audience measurement. For future cross-media measurement, it’s a metric that will be important.”The goal? Propose an advertising measure that integrates all television and video contacts, whatever the screen, with common rules measured by a neutral and independent third party. Two Médiamétrie projects concern “total video”. The measurement of platforms, in their editorial dimension, which is expected to be released in the third quarter of 2024. “We have joined forces with Nielsen and Kantar and have invested in new technologies to measure these platforms with the same granularity as television. This technology has been validated by our teams and will be implemented at the beginning of 2024, while the first results should be published in the 3rd quarter of 2024. We will be able to measure the audience of the Amazon Netflix or Youtube platforms on the different screens in the home.

The second project concerns the measurement of the advertising performance of televisions and platforms, to have an overall vision of the performance of the campaigns. “For two years we have been conducting workshops to discuss measurement methods, at a technical level and conventions, for example, to define video contact. As the Adalytics episode shows us again, it is essential to move away from self-measurement and develop shared systems. It is no longer a question of measuring impressions, but an audience, a number of people who have seen an advertisement. In the digital world this does not exist. In front of a computer screen we are often alone. But in front of the TV, this changes and we must be able to measure it .” Google participates in these Médiamétrie workshops, to build a shared audience. The first cross-media advertising measure is expected to launch in mid-24th.

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