Would Xavier Niel have as much faith in him if he were a woman? The advertising

honesty above all.

We know that he is a businessman worth billions, nothing will change that, our dear Xavier Niel likes to get personally involved in his freelance business and is not afraid to leave his trust zone with humor. This was the case with the launch of 5G in France and can be seen in this two-minute spot in collaboration with feminist collective We are SISTA and Malmö Productions to mark the first edition of SISTA SUMMIT.

It’s not the first time the president of 42 and the federation have met; Let’s recall the original treatment of women leaders campaign that was able to spark the debate. To draw attention to the first global summit aimed at bridging the funding gap between female and male entrepreneurs, the SISTA team did not hesitate to call upon their acting skills once again.

Unfortunately, at the urging of Allison Chassagne – of broadcaster Glamouze – with somewhat inappropriate if not harsh remarks, the gentleman doesn’t seem to have the makings of a confident speaker, at least according to She. That’s no problem, it’s his job to remind him who’s boss! It’s true, who’s really the boss here? See you on June 13th at the World Summit to discuss it hand in hand at the Musée de l’Homme. Or from the woman. Or … Anyway, in any museum.

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