What is TikTok Amplify and how to activate it

What is TikTok Amplify and how to activate it
Want to expand the reach of your videos? With TikTok amplifies the social network puts at your disposal the necessary tools for this.

Want to know how? Keep reading!

TikTok Amplify: what it is

Ok, but what is TikTok Amplify: basically and in a short format, it is an application tool that allows you to give visibility to your videos.

Seen like this, it seems easy and interesting for your account, right?

But it has some aspects that can set you back.

How does it work

Ok, TikTok will help me get more views on my TikTok videos… but how does it work?

If you enroll in this program TikTok offers your videos to brands that want to advertise on the social network and carry out advertising campaigns.

The problem that has arisen as a result of this tool is that you, as the creator of the videos, you cannot choose which content to send to this “amplification”.

That is, TikTok selects the videos it will send to brands that want to advertise: without giving you the option to select them.

Moreover, the other center of the debate is that TikTok pays you nothing in returnor. But as the name says, it “amplifies” the reach and visibility of your video.

Benefits of TikTok Amplify

Now that you know all the conditions of this program, what benefits and advantages does it have?

It would be unfair in this regard not to split the benefits between the content creator and the brand. All roses and flowers for both?

▶️ For the content creator:

  • It’s a opportunity to gain visibility in his videos and on his TikTok profile.
  • This visibility can bring you new followersinteractions and greater presence of your brand.
  • The video promotion is freeYou don’t have to pay anything for it.

Ultimately, all of this promotion and the impact of Amplify can end up turning the content creator into an influencer.

What might be a step backwards at first, since you don’t get any financial benefits for your videos, but could end up being the first step to making a living with your TikTok channel.

▶️ For brands:

And for companies that want to advertise on TikTok?

The main advantage of this TikTok program is that brands do not have to pay a financial amount to advertise on the social network.

Plus, they make sure they’re using the right content creator for their target audience and, of course, the videos that interest them the most.

In essence it is a cost saving in the advertising strategy: which in itself is a great advantage for them.

Cons of TikTok Amplify

On the other side of this tool are the contradictions of using TikTok Amplify.

For him content creator The first adversity is financial, as you will not receive any compensation for using your videos.

Another downside is that you have no control over which videos they will choose to advertise, nor the brand that does so or whether the message it brings is to your liking.

For his part, signs they will have to contend with the status of the content creator and their track record. Maybe if you’ve had negative behavior that you weren’t aware of, it will end up affecting your brand.

Also, while this program takes center stage, there’s perhaps not as much variety as the creation of the video itself.

How to activate TIkTok Amplify

If you have reviewed all conditions of this TikTok program and you think it can benefit you… try activating TikTok Amplify from your account and check the results.

  • Open your application Tick tock you have a Profile.
  • Go to the three horizontal lines icon on the top right > Creator Tools > Settings and privacy.
  • Credit Bill yes Personalization.
  • Check the boxes accepting the conditions and click Joint.

Ready! You are already part of the TikTok Amplify program.

If you wish to unsubscribe, you just need to follow the above steps and check the Subscribe to unsubscribe box.

What do you think of this TikTok tool? For or against? We read you in the comments.

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