What are the objectives of internal communication?

What are the objectives of internal communication?

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A message has impact only if it’s for the right people. Do you want to develop your internal communication and are you wondering which targets you can address?

MADMAGZ AGENCY explains you better the importance of internal communication and provides you with its top 5 main objectives to address.

The importance of good internal communication

The main idea behind an internal communication strategy is to integrate each of the actors of an organization. It will allow create a linkto strengthen the sense of belonging. You’ll have a hard time steering a ship if you don’t have a course or if your crew tends to mutiny instead!

Whatever their role or hierarchical level, everyone must achieve results identify with your brand. Better internal communication also reduces turnover and improves well-being for all. She replies to generalized search for meaning : “Why do I stay loyal to this company?” ; “Why did I choose this partner over another?” or “What does this organization have more than the others?”.

The 5 main internal communication objectives


How to encourage employee buy-in? By implementing consistent internal communication! Each of the collaborators, too the disconnectedmust easily understand the message you want to convey. The latter must also be in line with the company’s values. Internal communication will make it possible to federate employees on the same project, to unite them by enhancing their respective roles. Must capitalize on common goals.

To convey the same discourse on the overall functioning of the company and your HR policy, you can bet on internal newsletter. Send targeted messages based on criteria, such as geographic location, hierarchy level or activity history. Collect valuable data and tailor your newsletter to your employees’ expectations.

The direction

Most companies, especially SMEs and large groups, have an internal communications manager. Indeed, it is a significant strategic asset. Management and managers are the relays of internal communication, closely linked to human resources. It is essential to contribute to the success of the company valuing everyone’s participationNo.

Gather employee opinions, discuss company strategy or even provide details on management decisions: elements that are also part of the implemented internal communication strategy.

How to encourage employees to participate in company events, allow them to express an opinion or learn about all the information and HR news? Thanks to internal magazines For example !


The departments and services of the same company can be interdependent. The challenge is being able to share relevant information to coordinate employees. In this sense, internal communication will make it possible to share reports, updates or even the progress of a particular project.

The role of internal communication is to create real cohesion, a synergy between poles. It will maximize the efficiency of each department and ensure that teams can coordinate their efforts. In this context, theinternal mobile application it is a particularly effective and intuitive solution.

The partners

Partners, suppliers and service providers: all are usually involved in joint business projects. Implement effective internal communication will promote mutual understanding everyone’s expectations and expected results. By relying on transparent internal communication, you strengthen the trust of your partners.

They will be more likely to partner with you in the long run. They appreciate working with a company that communicates its performance, its goals, but also the difficulties it may encounter.


We don’t instinctively think about it, but internal communication also has a role to play in dealing with the company’s shareholders. It is essential to keep them informed of the company’s results and other elements relating to financial performance.

But the financial aspect is not the only aspect that interests your shareholders!

If they notice that you rely on clear internal communication, that your employees are engaged and that you know where you are going: they will be even more reassured. What matters is your ability to do it support your businessfinancially, but also humanly.

You can very well invite your shareholders to subscribe to your internal newsletter. However, keep in mind that their areas of interest are not the same as the other targets of your internal communication!

If you demonstrate that your information is flowing freely, it will be easier for you to attract new talent and recruit. The impact of internal communication goes far beyond the walls of the company. Former employees can be your ambassadors as well as your detractors. It will all depend on their experience. Finally, internal communication makes it possible to transmit common values ​​and to focus on inter-functional relationships. Significantly increase engagement and productivity of all stakeholders.

For further :

  • Internal communication: 3 examples of automated emails to set up
  • The objectives of internal communication in the company
  • Our reply continues 3 really useful AIs in internal communication

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The article What are the objectives of internal communication? first appeared on Madmagz Agency.

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