Silent revolutions…
From predictions to reality, predicted reversals are often more measured than expected. Advertising investments are expected to be lower in 2023, inflation is freezing internal budgets and in particular on CSR, influencers – big names in social media – are experiencing a loss of trust on the part of users, the arrival of generative artificial intelligence on the general public market, it panics consumers about the prejudices that the latter may have… As for cinema, we fear SVOD services: 34.5% of French people prefer to watch films via platforms rather than going to the cinema. But they weren’t already the ones who preferred watching TV before the arrival of VOD services; when will we know that cinema is returning to pre-pandemic attendance levels or even more, especially last April?
The trend is therefore towards moderation, but certainly wouldn’t moderate be?
Audio, video, apps, advertising, influence, commerce, CSR, web3, AI, metaverse… Let’s take stock of the end of this first half of 2023, with 33 figures to remember for May and June 2023.

MOBILITY: audio, video and apps
1. Rap is overrepresented in music streaming listening, with nearly 70% more listens than other genres.
2.15% of a music project is attributed to digital marketing
3. When we look at video platforms, it’s no surprise that the majority of 16-25 year olds use YouTube (95%). Twitch is used by only 23% of respondents.
4. 34.5% of French people “prefer to watch films via video on demand platforms rather than go to the cinema” and the percentage rises to 47.3% for 25-34 year olds compared to 22.4% for seniors.
4. Most consumers only use apps once or twice before deleting them, making onboarding especially crucial.
6. When asked why they delete apps, “freeing up space on phone” (32%) and “too many in-app ads” (30%) came out on top.
PUB: from predictions to reality
7. MAGNA expects investment growth of only +2.8% this year, compared to +4.6% in its previous update (December 2022)
8. The market is, however, expected to accelerate again in 2024 (+7%) thanks to the effervescent marketing and media expected at the Paris Olympic Games.
9. The advertising market remained almost stable (+1%) in the first quarter of 2023, but with large differences in performance: television at -7%, print at -4%, radio at +2%, outdoor advertising at +6%. , digital at +4%
10. 62% of marketers (EMEA) expect their annual advertising budget to increase this year, although 68% say economic conditions have had a significant impact on their media planning for 2023
11. 68% of marketers in EMEA use multiple analytics solutions to drive cross-media measurement, and 16% of them use four or five measurement solutions
12. 41% of advertisers are only moderately or not at all aware of targeting methods other than cookies.
13. If 34.8% of French people say that “advertising reflects the diversity of French society today”, only 10.8% of those interviewed identify with the people depicted in the adverts
SOCIAL & INFLUENCE: from impact to distrust
14. On average, 45% of young people between the ages of 16 and 25 “swipe” between 3 and 5 hours a day. Their preference goes to Instagram (90%) before Snapchat (80%) and TikTok (63%) while Facebook continues to lose appeal.
15. More than 4 in 10 French people (44%) feel part of a “community of interests” on social networks.
16. 57% say they can have the effect of isolating people in their own ideas and representations.
17. Only a third of French people trust influencers’ product recommendations
18. However, 1 in 3 people (34%) say they have already discovered a product thanks to an influencer and 1 in 4 (24%) have actually purchased it
TRADE & E-COMMERCE: still growing despite inflation
19. 3 out of 10 French people have already heard of Live Shopping (30%), a figure driven by young people (51% of 18-24 year olds)
20. And 14% of French people say they have already participated in a Live Shopping session
21. The e-commerce sector (products and services) grew by 20.2% in one year and reached €39.2 billion in 1Q 2023.
22. The number of e-commerce sites continues to grow: +5% in one year.
23. 58% of brands offer the sale of used or refurbished products and 40% of them also offer product rental. Among the pioneers who have implemented initiatives, many brands come from the home/DIY category such as Boulanger, Castorama, Ikea and Leroy Merlin.
CSR: better but not enough
24. 1 in 2 brands facilitates the identification of more responsible products.
25. 68% of purchasing decision makers believe that the inflationary environment could delay projects or the achievement of the company’s environmental objectives
26. But for more than half of them the impact will remain modest. And for 32%, environmental objectives are a priority and overcome economic constraints.
WEB 3, AI & METAVERSE: moderate uses and distrust
27. 61% of employees worldwide use or plan to use generative AI in their work.
28. 54% of respondents question the reliability of the results provided by generative AI, while 59% are concerned about biases present in the results provided by generative AI.
29. 3/4 of French people believe they are unable to identify photos, texts or video content produced by artificial intelligence.
30. The share of French people who believe that the development of artificial intelligence is a threat increases by 14 points compared to February 2023 and becomes a clear majority (67%).
31. Last May, OpenAI launched the iOS version of the ChatGPT app, which reached 5 million downloads in less than three weeks.
32. If today 26.4% of the French population declares that they know the metaverse even just by name, only 18% of them confirm that they use it or want to do so.
33. As for NFTs, their awareness is even lower as 22.3% of French people say they have heard of them and only 11.2% have already purchased them or are thinking about it soon
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Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash