The prying eyes of April 24, 2023

–> Yohan Ralle, IA Project Manager at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, spoke at Artefact’s IA morning (see our paper). In particular, he highlighted an important piece of information that remained under the media radar: after ChatGPT was banned in Italian on March 31 (see here), the local CNIL turned to Open AI after a video call on April 5. And this total reversal was not relayed by the media. “The agency has taken note of the fact that training these models requires personal data that cannot be anonymised. Through the notion of legitimate interest, Open IA can use personal data to train its model.” , Open IA would move towards a formula ofrejectclarify the use of the data and the possibility of a right of withdrawal and erasure.” The method has yet to be defined, it will prove tricky.
The federal government’s AI manager recalled the DGE’s current project calls for data pooling to create data rooms for aviation and automotive. “The goal is to spread AI throughout the economy and transform it into economic progress and social well-being,” he concluded.

–> On April 16, the NYT revealed that the threat of an end to the deal with Samsung (which would choose Bing as its default search engine) had caused Google to panic and put $3 billion in revenue in jeopardy. And set a precedent when the $20 billion deal with Apple enters the renewal phase this year. Jason outsidefrom DCN, Miracle i.e if those amounts aren’t what Google pays Samsung and Apple to have Google as their default search engine. This may be of great interest to the ongoing US Department of Justice investigation into Google…

–> Nicholas James, by Minted, here asks: SSP and DSP, will war be declared? We summarize: Clear Line’s Magnite enables GroupM, Camelot and MiQ to buy connected TV inventory without going through a DSP. Open Path, The Trade Desk’s tool, allows a media buyer to purchase display inventory without having to go through an SSP. Magnite’s announcement is just the latest example of an SSP coming close to demand, as Index Exchange, Pubmatic, Teads or Equativ have already done (buy-side bricks, curated marketplaces). It’s about differentiation through exclusive demand (types of campaigns, data + media packages) The Connected TV area is new. In France, The Trade Desk and Xandr are multiplying their links with the main advertising agencies (TF1 Pub, France TV Pub, M6 Pub) to enable the purchase of segmented TV today and TV of all types tomorrow. The new war boils down to this question: Why add 10-15% fees to increase productivity when you can do (more or less the same thing) from an SSP?

–> Ivan Dulguerian takes stock of ten years of addressable TV in Europe. And in the comments, some lead to explaining the French delay.

–> E Marketer forecasts a 27% drop in Twitter ad revenue this year as all other platforms grow. Alex Kantrowitz (Big) interprets it as a consequence of mass layoffs: Advertisers no longer have any contact with management. And Big’s boss wonders what would happen if Substack hired all those sales reps.

-> Carole Boyer etc Laura Hecklade launched a working group of Geste (union of online media) on the subject of AI and law, which held its first workshop with around 15 participants at the beginning of April. “There are big problems with parasitism and competition. But also with the documentation and archiving functions.” Cairn Info, a reference platform for publications in the humanities and social sciences, and Hachette shared their experiences with the no-robot standard, which makes it possible to evade artificial intelligence crawlers.

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