The power of long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are specific search terms. Generally, they tend to have lower search volume than generic keywords. Contrary to what one might think, this category of keywords is very useful. Discover the power of long-tail keywords here.

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Long Tail Keywords: Extremely important for SEO

Long-tail keywords have many advantages. In some cases, they are more beneficial than generic keywords. But you have to choose them well to benefit from them.

Long-tail keywords shouldn’t be chosen at random. Indeed, it is necessary to take into account some specific criteria.

Consider the relevance of long-tail keywords

Relevance is undoubtedly the first criterion to consider when choosing long-tail keywords. First they have to be related to your business. Make sure there is some consistency that prospects can easily follow. In fact, with the right long-tail keywords, you can find the right customers.

Turn quickly to a professional structure such as the SEO agency to choose the best long-tail keywords. In fact, it can help you position yourself on the keyword sought after by your potential customers.

Consider your competition when choosing long-tail keywords

Relevance aside, competition is something to consider when choosing a long-tail keyword. Faced with tough competition, opt for original keywords. However, if your long-tail keyword is relevant to you, do all the work to get it on the list.

When the long tail keyword is well chosen, the competition will be very low. This is due to the fact that these type of keywords are specific and less searched for. For measure the competition around a long-tail keyword, you can rely on the Google Ads Keyword Planner.

Understand your target audience

To pick the best long-tail keywords, you need to first understand your audience target. Who are they and what are they looking for? Answering these questions will allow you to identify the keywords they use to search for information. To fully understand your target audience, create specific searches on customers on different platforms.

For example, research their shopping behaviors, age, and gender. Plus, you can ask them directly what they’re looking for. For this, choose surveysfocus groups or interviews.

What are the benefits of long tail keywords?

When chosen well, long-tail keywords can quickly reach a large audience and a good conversion rate.

An excellent conversion rate

Typically, users looking for long-tail keywords are pretty close to the conversion. Indeed, they have clear ideas about what they are looking for. Therefore, they can easily buy or sign up for your service. For example, someone searching for “athletic shoes” is more likely to searchgeneral informations.

He can also run this search to compare the prices and offers offered by different sellers. On the other hand, an Internet user who types “men’s sports shoes, size 41, color black” is certainly ready to buy sports shoes. He clearly knows what he wants and won’t hesitate to get it Act.

Quickly reach a target audience

Long-tail keywords allow you to target a specific audience. They can therefore be useful when attempting to do so tap into a particular niche. For example, if you’re selling baby items, use long-tail keywords like “toys for 6-12 month olds.” This helps you easily reach parents looking for specific products for their child.

With long-tail keywords, search results are less expensive, but very useful for the Internet user. This assumes there is very little competition to rank for that keyword category. With low competition, you can easily rank in search results for long-tail keywords.

Provide Internet users with better accuracy

Long tail keywords get better accuracy in searches. They are clearly not like short keywords that provide general results for every search. For example, the keyword “mobile phone” can search for a mobile phone of any size, brand, and shape.

Conversely, long-tail keywords target a limited audience. For example, the keyword “best mobile phone for gamers” targets gamers looking for a new smartphone. The accuracy of long-tail keywords allows you to position in search results.

Finding long-tail keywords: which tools to use?

To find good long-tail keywords, you can trust various tools. First, you can use Google Keyword Planner. Free, it’s a real starting point for finding long-tail keywords easily. With this digital tool, you can see the competition and search volume for many keywords. Outside of Google Keyword Planner, use ResponseThePublic to search for long-tail keywords.

It’s free and lets you find out the most frequently asked questions by Internet users on a specific topic. By taking inspiration from these, you can easily identify relevant long-tail keywords. In the ranking of paid tools you can count on SEMrush and Ahrefs. The former has a feature that allows you to generate keywords. It helps you see competition, search volume, and other useful information for long-tail keywords.

With long tail keywords, you can easily drive quality traffic to your website. However, it is essential to use them effectively. First, include long-tail keywords in your productions. For example, you can insert in the title, the subtitles of your content. Make sure they fit naturally and consistently with the content.

So, produce high-quality content to clearly meet the needs of Internet users. Long tail keywords can be completely useless if your content is of poor quality. Also, be specific tags title and description. These are the first elements that internet users alert in search results. So consider using long-tail keywords well in order to attract users’ attention.

Here you are ! Now you know the basics of long tail keywords.

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