The most used WordPress plugins

The most used WordPress plugins

Recently there were surprises in the list of the most used WordPress themes in Spainand if the result surprised you You can’t even imagine the surprise you are going to get with WordPress pluginsAnd deep down, as soon as you reflect, you will understand the reason.

I won’t make you wait, Here is the ranking of the most used WordPress plugins in Spain…

No. Plugin name No. of facilities % implementation
1 Yoast 71,360 10.40%
2 Elementor 47,661 6.63%
3 Sliding revolution 250,837 4.31%
4 WP Bakery 160,058 3.39%
5 GDPR Compliance 121,098 3.14%
6 Site Kit 103,912 2.96%
7 lightspeed cache 81,876 2.63%
8 Compliance 71,306 2.39%
9 WP Forms 63,498 1.91%
10 Monster Ideas 44,343 1.84%
eleven WPML multilingual 44,210 1.83%
12 WP Rocket 42,766 1.77%
13 Jet Pack 38,132 1.58%
14 Classify Mathematics 36,441 1.51%
fifteen Send me a message on Whatsapp 32,299 1.34%

Fountain: Built with

Summarized in a graph, this is how it would look the podium of the most used WordPress plugins in Spain:

most used wordpress plugins spain

Yoast is the most used WordPress plugin in Spain

What surprised you? Did you perhaps expect it to be Elementor, or Contact Form 7?

Keep in mind that these are results from Spain, and if you look below, the most used form plugin is WPForms, and why doesn’t Elementor win? Well, I think it’s quite logical, because while it is possible that many users of Yoast use Elementor, on the other hand, which SEO plugin do all users of other builders, such as WP Bakery, use?

In any case, there is the data, which in the absence of others, is what there is.

We are European and multilingual

If the result gives anything away about Spain, it is that it is a European country, at the top of the ranking there are no less than 2 cookie management plugins and GDPRsuch as move and Complianceand it is that Legal obligations, as can be seen, move the market, in this case of WordPress plugins.

On the other hand, and it is something that you will not see in results from other countries, it is noted that Spain is a country with several co-official languages, hence the high use of the multilanguage plugin professional par excellence: WPML multilingual.

We like analytics

Another thing that can be seen in the ranking is that we, the Spanish, are users committed to analyticsWell, no less than 2 connection plugins with Google Analytics come into the top positions, such as MonsterInsights and Site Kit (if you ask me, the latter is much better by a huge difference).

Concerned about performance

I especially liked it involved we are with the performance and speed of our websitesgiven that among the most used plugins are LightSpeed ​​Cache (the most used by shared hosting) and the king WP Rocket.

Surprised with Slider Revolution and WP Bakery?

Well you shouldn’t, in fact the vast majority of topics ThemeForest are based on this combination of plugins, and if you look at it ranking of most used topics in Spain You will see that there are several themes among them that include this winning combination.

Not in vain, they have made WordPress more popular Sliding revolution and WP Bakery than all other plugins combined in the last 10 years, as they have been the gateway for users without knowledge to have an attractive and easy-to-layout website.

Can they be improved in terms of performance? Well, of course, but not so much because of the plugins themselves but because of their unprofessional use, but I am already trying to educate about that, teaching optimize sliding revolution or to use WP Bakery sparingly, and only where it is worth it.

There are many more details, and I especially liked that the most widespread social media plugin, in this case, is Send me a message on Whatsappfrom a Spanish development company. Their plugin is practically perfect, and is rapidly replacing traditional chat systems.

Most popular WordPress plugins in the world

And what happens in other countries? Well, we are going to make a small list, and if you want we will comment on it below in the comments section 🙂


  1. Yoast
  2. Elementor
  3. Sliding revolution


  1. Elementor
  2. Yoast
  3. Lightspeed Cache


  1. Elementor
  2. Yoast
  3. Sliding revolution


  1. Elementor
  2. Yoast
  3. Sliding revolution


  1. Elementor
  2. Sliding revolution
  3. Yoast

10,000 best

  1. Yoast
  2. Multisite
  3. Elementor

100,000 best

  1. Yoast
  2. Elementor
  3. WP Rocket

Top 1,000,000

  1. Yoast
  2. Elementor
  3. WP Rocket

And that’s just the first three, if you follow the list you will see that we are not so different from one country to another.

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