Our motivation is a great source of energy to get involved and take action. But how do you find your motivation in everyday life? Here’s a podcast episode that talks to you about the origins of motivation and invites you to realize that your balance sheet needs to be restored!
Imagine your days and weeks when you have inordinate amounts of energy, achieve countless things, and still have the super potato for your hobbies and other interests.
You are on the move because you have joyful positive feelings! You get involved because you are motivated! It’s a virtuous circle and it can last!
In this episode I talk to you about individual and personal motivation, its source, its energy and its sustainability. And that’s a good thing, because it will also give an answer to all the people who ask me where I get the energy to do everything I do (especially in content production).
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People often ask me where I get the energy to do everything I do. Broadcast everything I teach about the podcasts, blogs, webinars, conferences and workshops I give. Not to mention the books I read and the training courses I take to keep up to date and most of all to inspire myself.
Well, I’m going to share with you in this episode my secret to keeping an incredible energy. And we won’t talk about routine or internal ecology, there are other episodes on this topic.
And to say it right away: I am human and very imperfect. Despite what I know about my energy and motivation, I’m still often tired and rarely demotivated; Determination, patience and self-confidence are keywords that accompany me every day. And in this podcast you will also understand why, despite everything I do and know, I still have some catching up to do
Motivation, what is it?
Motivation has the same root as emotion: “movere” in Latin, which means “to move”, “to set in motion”. This already creates a good basis, because it is the emotions that are felt that motivate an action.
Furthermore, Le Robert defines motivation as:
- What motivates an action, a behavior?
- What drives someone to act.
And motivation as “the relation of an action to the reasons that explain or justify it”.
Of course we are WHAT drives us to act in such and such a way?
The different types of motivation
There are different types of motivation that develop throughout life (according to the neurocognitive approach).
1. The main motivation
It develops in early childhood in the form of a reward-punishment cycle. As we live, the cycle strengthens and encourages us to repeat what brings joy. And it stimulates Dopamine, a neurotransmitter in this reward circuit and well known for its role in addictions. So we want to get to know pleasure and we will seek it instead of punishment… which the body is good at anyway
The primary motivation is what I do with joy, detached from the result, spontaneously, what enlivens me and when I can’t see the time go by. Doing this type of activity makes me feel good and fulfilled, negativity doesn’t reach me, and it gives me renewed energy when I’m tired.
The primary motivation is therefore sustainable and connected to something deep inside me, from my childhood. And if I don’t do these primary activities, I lose my north, my purpose…
The theory of the neurocognitive approach states that with a 15 to 20% of the primary energy in your daily life is enough to be revitalized and maintain a good balance of motivation.
Here you will find a track for your motivation report, your professional life and your team management.
2. Secondary motivation.
It is linked to outcomes and beliefs, to values related to an activity. The “must”, “I have to”, … and the results, the performance. In the secondary motivation there is good and bad boxing. The good boxes are related to our values… and the bad boxes to what we do to avoid what we can’t bear, which is our anti-values.
3. Tertiary Motivation
The tertiary is associated with dreams or imaginations that we will never realize. Arrange for some or others to live on an island because the grass is greener elsewhere. Broken New Year’s resolutions are also related to this motivation.
The Hyperinvestment
There’s a fourth motivation: hyperinvestment. I’ll try to summarize it as it’s complicated to explain. know that Motivation is great for getting in, motivating, collecting, because it is so full of enthusiasm that it accumulates … but it generates a little disappointment, frustration when the result is not immediate or when everything is not fluid. The person continues anyway because they are involved… and because with this outcome they are trying to fill a gap/taboo in childhood. The risk of not getting results is the opposite of that overinvestment, to the point of paralyzing the person. Sitting in this engine is very energy consuming and even risky.
Fortunately, we have tools to stay in the early stages of the hyper, such as: B. the management of expectations and requirements.
I’ll talk to you about these motivations so you can understand what drives us to take action and what allows us to stay motivated and thus find the energy to take action!
For example my case
If I just look at this motivational spectrum and do my motivational energy balance, a very large proportion of my activities are primary and hyperactive.
That’s why I get so much done: My activities give me energy.
I have chosen a profession and a professional activity that gives me energy. I have very little compulsion, I take very few actions that are a reaction to things I don’t believe in. And even when I have needs and I have to, I manage to justify them either through a reward, then painting, singing, or listening to music, or… by learning or by becoming aware that this reinforces a primary or excessive activity. .
Therefore, my professional activity hardly tires me, apart from the concentration or the intensity of the sessions with my clients.
For example, if I don’t delegate activities that I don’t enjoy and that drain energy, I will Find a way to make them exciting while learning. So yes, it takes my time, but it feeds me. For example, I’ve learned to use AI to edit the podcast, write specific posts, or other low-value activities for me.
When I do podcasts, content creation, conferences and workshops, I’m either in one primary motivationReceiving inspiration, creating, sharing, being with the other, no matter if I’m there a hyper, at the idea of transmission and help and collect. Then the implementation and the realization are linked secondary that I enjoy more or less, especially when there is a result.
where i have to Be careful, it’s a hyper investment‘Cause I can burn myself It has happened to me several times. But I figured out how to avoid that by reviewing my needs and expectations. Also, you see me less on the internet in times like these
And now do your motivation check
What I recommend to you is your personal energy balance!
- With what I just told you, you are asking yourself the right questions
- You can also use the motivational report included in the Improve and Manage Your Inner Ecology pack.
- Or you can come individually and it’s part of a fundraising approach to developing your conscious leadership.
It’s up to you friends!
To further elaborate on this topic:
All other indoor ecology podcasts
- Tips to strengthen your personal ecology
- The motivational report is included in the indoor ecology package.

The article “The Keys to Sustainable Motivation” first appeared on Valérie Demont Greenheart.business.