the colossal number of applications received for the next season

the colossal number of applications received for the next season

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A few months ago, Aurélien Vivos won season 12 of the famous telecrochet broadcast on TF1. Furthermore, now, Casting has begun for the production of The Voice to find candidates for the next edition. Even though the selections are not yet finished, it seems that the show has already attracted attention many applications. A figure that exceeds that of previous years. Let’s take stock now!

If you’re used to following this schedule, you know that it generally starts at the beginning of the year and ends in the spring. Furthermore, the public will have to wait a few more months before seeing the departure the new season of The Voice. But until then, the production will have to work to select artists capable of bluffing the coaches. Moreover, the composition of the jury in this next edition, it already raises many questions.

Recall that Zazie made his big return to the program in 2023. And Big Flo and Oli also took up their duties there last year. As for Amel Bent and Vianney, they have already occupied the famous red seats for several years. Should we expect to see certain coaches announce their departure? Will there be new faces on the jury of The Voice? For now the mystery remains. But TF1 is expected to communicate on this hot topic soon.

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The voice
Big Flo & Oli joined the jury of The Voice in 2023 – Photo credits: Capture TF1

However, in terms of casting, things seem to be in good shape. And for good reason: the production announced that it had already received more than 57,000 requests from singers wishing to try their luck in season 13 of The Voice. Unheard of since the show launched, now it’s here.

“This figure is huge, it is our record and it increases every year. “, said casting director Bruno Berbères.

The craze around The Voice

Again according to the telecrochet production, more than 50,000 applications have arrived in the inbox dedicated to castings via MYTF1. They reflect these encouraging data the growing popularity of the show. The Voice Kids broadcast on Tuesday evenings also appears to have had a positive impact on the program’s image. Thanks to this broadcast, which occurred in July and August, the show remained on the air for much of 2023. This omnipresence allowed the franchise to become known to an even greater number of viewers.

“The Voice has been on the air since the beginning of the year. » remembers the production.

In this context, many aspiring singers may hear about casting organized and still in progress at the time of writing these lines.

“This gives us more visibility. Every time the email goes out during the show, we receive hundreds of new submissions. It’s beautiful, it means that the name of the show is still so attractive after so many years…”

That said, as often happens in the ruthless world of music and entertainment, there are many called and very few chosenS. So, if the founders managed to receive 57,000 applications, they will retain only 400 of them, for the next phase, which will take place in a studio in the capital. In the end they will only have about a hundred participants the possibility of coming to sing during the blind auditions of The Voice, which will be held in Plaine Saint-Denis. Only at the end of this careful selection will the singers be able to participate in the competition.

Behind the scenes…

Of course, before sending an artist to face the coaches, production itself carries out the sorting. And to do this, The Voice teams make sustained, long-term efforts.

“Let’s start with the “updates” folder. These are profiles that interested us but were not yet mature enough. So let’s try to contact them again and see if their voice has evolved, if the project is more successful. »reveals Fanny Guastalli, who participates in this challenging journey for The Voice.

The production also sends employees on reconnaissance, in the small rooms found here and there, on the streets of Paris. Then, the teams come together to share their findings and refine your selection.

“There are some where it goes very quickly and then others where you struggle a bit. But if we disagree, doubt always benefits the artist! »

Obviously, some stars like it Louane, Slimane or Amirshe had no problem passing all these stages with flying colors, before achieving glory on The Voice.

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