The business of being a speaker can change your life

The business of being a speaker can change your life

the business of being speaker it can change your life. This is exactly what happened to me after I understood why I belong on stage!

Developing my personal brand has given me moments of glory. Most importantly, it has enabled me to make the most of one of my many talents.

I always say it: my talent is to have multiple talents and fortunately I have found a way to monetize them and put them at the service of thousands of people around the world.

In this post, I’ll tell you a little more about the great strides my personal brand has made over the past decade:

Your personal brand can change lives

I know many yearn to climb one personal brand to travel non-stop or live unique experiences. And that is absolutely valid!

But to be completely honest, my goal is higher. Did you know that the more influence you have, the greater your chances of changing the lives of others?

I witness it. As Vilma Núñez’s personal brand has become more influential and magnetic, I have been able to help many people achieve their own dreams.

From starting your own business to believing in yourself and the great power you have to live from your goals.

Being a public speaker is a passion for me, it challenges me and motivates me to keep growing with my personal brand because it allows me to generate a good income and help many people at the same time.

If you dream of doing the same thing, I want you to know that it’s possible. And today I want to tell you everything you can do as a… Speaker!

the business of being speaker it is 100% lucrative

I won’t lie: Talking around the world has become one of my biggest sources of income.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve probably noticed all the trips I’ve made to deliver business conferences in just six months. on-linedigital marketing, sales and personal branding.

There are more and more companies and organizations interested in hiring me Speaker.

In addition, I am very happy that the topics that I can address on stage are more and more in line with my nature.

I love teaching about it personal brand, Marketing, Business and Sales. For me it is an honor and a privilege to do this because not only do I make money but I also influence and influence a lot of people and that is priceless.

Now let’s see why the business of being speaker and how it can help you double or triple your income:

1. Diversify your lines of action

The job of a speaker has many facets and that is where its potential lies.

Who said you can only give lectures? Don’t set yourself any mental limits because the truth is that you can make a good income with multiple lines of diversification.

Here’s how you can now make money as a speaker:

Keynote speeches take pride of place because they help position your brand and increase your recognition value.

Use them to gain traction with your personal brand, attract more customers, and reach more people on the platforms.

right now, my dossier from speaker has more than five keynote speeches that allow me to speak about topics I love and have a passion for.

This income stream has allowed me to share the stage with great industry leaders including John Maxwell (one of my most respected and admired people).

But I want to tell you something. You don’t have to settle for giving masterclasses, because frankly, there are other ways to diversify a business Speaker. I’ll explain them to you in a moment!

The classes, training camp and training is highly monetizable; especially in the B2B environment.

I have to confess something to you: this is one of the income streams that I enjoy most as an entrepreneur speaker because it is 100% result-oriented.

What does that mean? Well, the results are guaranteed. I don’t like wasting time; That’s why I always make sure to invest my money in actions that will inevitably produce results.

Come on speaker They are also usually closely related to the editorial area. I love being a writer and it’s something I combine very well with my love of the stage.

Right now I’m about to finish a book Personal brand and digital influence and that makes my heart shrink with emotion, pride and joy.

I also plan to publish two more books this year. One about success and another one about marketing (I will write the latter together with my team and I can only say: wow).

Selling physical or digital products is another great way to diversify being business speaker; And if you haven’t started capitalizing on it yet, I invite you to take action immediately.

  • escort services

Mentoring, Counseling and Coaching are the three great companion services that you can monetize by being Speaker.

As a speaker, mentor and consultant I generate enormous profits.

I’m going to use this space to humbly present my milestones: These three things generate recurring income and I can guarantee you that they are very significant.

In fact, I currently offer consulting services in the three to four figure range and fortunately my client portfolio continues to grow.

Be speaker It’s a brilliant deal!

Talking, advising, writing and mentoring is something I could do with a lifetime; even without receiving any financial reward. There is no doubt!

be current speaker It is one of the most profitable and scalable businesses that I have under my personal brand umbrella. But it’s also one of the most rewarding.

And if you would like me to give you a reference number to assess the profitability of this company as a speaker, I will do so with no problem.

At the moment my lectures cost over 10,000 US dollars and although 2023 was only half a year ago, I have already been on more than ten stages.

But that is not all. The truth is that I will continue to tour the world as a speaker in the coming months:

The numbers don’t lie. This isn’t just a business. It’s actually one of the most lucrative of all.

It is enough to examine the fates of the world’s great orators such as Tony Robbins or the great teacher John Maxwell to corroborate this information.

John once told me something that made my life more meaningful. His actual words were: “You Can’t Give Up Your Calling” (You cannot drop your call).

And it is one of my many callings Speaker. This is something I would do over and over again until my last breath. It just makes me happy and allows me to change lives!

do you dream of being speaker and succeed?

If you have or are launching a consolidated personal brand and want to start diversifying speakerI make you a special invitation.

Along with Ismael Cala (my mentor, friend and partner) I will host a live event specifically for entrepreneurs and personal brands.

It will be a two-day event that will mark a before and after in your career and in your life.

In case you don’t know, Ismael Cala is one of the most influential journalists in the world, but he’s also one of the industry’s highest paid speakers.

Together we will give you the tools you need so badly to leverage the business of being Speaker.

We’ll literally show you how to earn extra income as an influential speaker and prepare you to appear on the best platforms in your industry (just like us).

We want to help you launch or strengthen an influential, monetizable, and compelling personal brand.

One that allows you to fulfill dreams while influencing and influencing others in an enriching, uplifting and positive way.

“The Business of Being Yourself”

We will take place on July 31st and August 1st “The Business of Being Yourself”. An event that accelerates the growth of your brand and gives you a strategic business and marketing vision.

personal brand

Join us with a group of very special guests and learn more about:

  • Business strategies, leadership, marketing, technology and digital communication adapted to the current market.
  • An infallible way to create a profitable and magnetic personal brand.
  • Profitable and scalable business models for personal brands.
  • This is how you build a loyal community that allows you to improve your brand’s positioning and capitalize on your conversions.
  • The power of artificial intelligence. You will learn to master it and make it your best ally.

“He The business of being yourself” could change your life

If you want your name to be synonymous with influence, authority, and profitability, don’t miss this event (you can even enjoy it over). streaming).

We guarantee this will be a great opportunity to acquire the tools, skills and knowledge you so desperately need to monetize your passion for public speaking and the stage.

Your personal brand is more important than ever, and as if that wasn’t enough, it can be the stepping stone to becoming a great speaker.

Are you determined to prioritize the life you dream so much of? If you answered yes, I invite you to click that banner below for more information:

personal brand

I’ll be honest: this event will be a before and after in the lives of many entrepreneurs and I guarantee you won’t want to miss it.

see you in The business of being yourself”!

A hug, Vilma.

Continue reading: [Plantilla gratis] How can you use the E² methodology to diversify a company stress-free?

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