The best Digital Marketing strategies from 15 experts

The best Digital Marketing strategies from 15 experts

15 experts reveal their tricks and what they consider the best digital marketing strategies for the next year. Each one summarized their contribution at the III Annual Meeting of Marketing Agencies, with more than 100 agencies and more than 300 attendees. The event was held at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid and was attended by the best professionals in the sector.Mastering Facebook Marketing: Strategies, Agencies, and Services

In between the debates and conferences, the speakers had some time to highlight the most important things to the camera. We leave you with the video and then we have detailed each of the points they cover.

Also, if you want to learn more about Marketing you can take a look at our Master in Digital Marketing and Master in Online Digital Marketing.

Max Camunas15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategies of Hoyreka

The first advice for those companies that want to dedicate themselves to this world is specialization. that your contents are of the highest possible quality and are aimed at a specialized audienceThat is, they position themselves in a market niche. It is also important that they know their audience to conquer them.

The big news in this sector are the new social networks such as Snapchat, Periscope and Facebook live.

[Tweet «El vídeo en streaming cobra mucha importancia»]

15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategiesAna Nieto of Webempresa 2.0

A good tip for marketing companies is to differentiate the content, one of the keys to this can be Amazon. It is the third search engine behind Google and YouTube. Content in book format is also very powerful for some businesses. The audio or podcast content They have the advantage of retention and are ideal for building potential customer loyalty.

[Tweet «Está claro que hay que buscar otras vías alternativas para darnos a conocer»]

15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategiesNano Lamberti of synchro

It is important to be able to integrate the new social networks (Snapchat and Periscope) in brand strategies. Perhaps not all brands are yet prepared to work with them since the user is not yet accustomed to that type of networks.

Another valuable piece of advice would be to surround yourself with the best specialists in the sector. In the world of Online Marketing we can find more than 20 specialties, it is important to have a superficial knowledge of everything, but logically it is best to specialize in one of these branches.

[Tweet «La creatividad es uno de los punto claves de una estrategia, puede hacer que una marca despunte»]

15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategiesLuis Navarro of holamedia

We are in a very interesting moment in social networks, we do not know how to predict the future. New networks and new strategies are emerging every time. Despite this, it is the right time to take the plunge and try. The most important is bet on relevant content For the users.

[Tweet «Hay que apostar por aquellas Redes Sociales que nos permiten retransmitir en directo»]

15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategiesMelania Guijarro of iMeelZ

One of the keys to Online Marketing today is user experienceWe must focus any type of action towards this idea. On the other hand, the content is essential. These contents must be adapted to the interests of the users. Within the content, the video format is the one that is sweeping, which is why many social networks are emerging with Snapchat and Periscope. Nor can we forget about mobile applications, more and more users prefer to use this type of device.

[Tweet «El vídeo tiene una curva exponencial buenísima»]

Monica Rojo15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategies of Fanchemy

The most important thing in terms of digital advertising is the user, we must know how to segment very well to be really effective.

[Tweet «Hay que mandar mensajes personalizados, esto es lo que hace que una publicidad sea eficaz»]

15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategiesRita Gonzalez of RK people

In the last year, new social networks have emerged that are gaining many users, such as Snapchat or Periscope. But the more traditional networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram continue to make adaptations and continue to include new features so as not to be left behind. Talking about networks that are going to displace others is quite complicated, the future is quite immediate and we are not taking any chances.

This year there are many trends on networks, we can highlight the live videos from Periscope or those from Facebook Live. The immediacy It is something that prevails both in the content and in the responses, that is, in the management of social networks. Users are very used to having things here and now, you have to be open and give an immediate response on networks.

Advertising on social networks is growing a lot, the issue of audience segmentation is going to increase a lot, it is going to increasingly more specialized niches and new formats.

[Tweet «Las marcas deben adaptarse a cada red y humanizar esa conversación»]

15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategiesElena Alcalde of The pack

At this Agency Meeting we have learned a lot about the trend in social networks. Snapchat and Periscope are emerging as new marketing tools. It is not so clear whether other more classic networks will end up disappearing.

All Online Marketing agencies have their place, each one has a specialty, each one has a team of creatives and we all need to be there.

[Tweet «Las webs tienen que adaptarse no sólo a Google sino al resto de buscadores»]

Juan Gonzalez Villa15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategies of Ernesto Olivares

Rather than trying to fool Google, it is more interesting to focus on the user and try to keep them happy. User experience is increasingly importantTherefore, both SEO and other strategies have to be in line with that.

In SEO we sometimes become obsessed with Google, but there are other platforms and other media such as quality infographics, Medium, Linkedin or Slideshare among others.

[Tweet «Hay que ser imaginativo ya que no todo nuestro público está en Google»]

Alvaro Pena Alonso15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategies of from the seventies

Email marketing is still very much alive. Technology has advanced a lot since it began, now it allows us to perform A/B testing, measure and automate.

[Tweet «Hay que evitar el spam pensando en el usuario»]

15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategiesPedro Abad of Praise Spain

Email marketing has not just died, it is still one of the most effective tools. It is a mistake to turn it into a mass marketing tool when in reality we have the opportunity to work with a tool based on personalization. Email marketing allows us to work one to one, the concept of automation and CRM.

Another of the fundamental pieces of advice is that there is no formula that works in all cases, we must work thinking about each of the users, understanding what they want to hear, what we can tell them, when we can be with them and when we should be on the sidelines.

[Tweet «El Email Marketing es una de las herramientas con mayor proyección de os últimos años»]

David Lamas15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategies of redegal

You have to try, Email Marketing consists of trying, failing, analyzing and discovering what works wrong. You have to analyze users, but not base everything on analytics but really know the content that you can offer them in a personalized way. It is very interesting to discover all the Email Marketing tools that exist and try them all, once you find the one you like the most you should delve deeply into it. You also have to work a lot on creatives, subjects, copy and introducing animated GIFs.

[Tweet «Busca el microsegmento y ofrece contenidos de calidad»]

Jaume Mañà Casals15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategies of Your 360º Marketing

Email marketing is good if it does not lead to spam, you have to practice good practice when sending newsletters. It is also very important to create a good newsletter, that the message to the customer is correct and that in the end that message becomes a sale.

You have to be open to any new development, we don’t know if we are in the present or already in the future.

[Tweet «Las novedades del 2.0 corren demasiado, es imposible estar encallado»]

15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategies Carlos Herrero of Coconut Republic

One of the conclusions that we can draw from this Meeting of Agencies is that we cannot see the SEM in an isolated wayWe cannot treat it separately, we must see it as a global strategy. A company that wants to obtain results either with online advertising or with SEO will have to carry out a global strategy in which the different legs support each other when forming the table.

[Tweet » Es importante dejar de pensar sólo en una de las materias y atacar de forma integral «]

15 specialists tell us about the best Digital Marketing strategies Isma Varela of mr kiwi

The Agency Meeting has become the most anticipated event of the year, it is always good to get together for marketing professionals. I agree that Email Marketing is a good action but we have to work on the CRM and have good segmented databases so that it works well.

[Tweet «Con bases de datos bien segmentadas el Email Marketing es una herramienta muy potente»]

What did you think of these tips? Leave us your opinion in the comments, and if you want to know more about the Agency Meeting you can visit this page.

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