Projects that started in 2022 and everything that didn't start

Projects that started in 2022 – and everything that didn’t start

Isra writes and edits and publishes his team – I wanted to reach that point, the day when I broke with all my projects. This year I boast of having hardly launched anything, I boast as much as the years I have come to launch more than 500 things in the same year. So this year, as I experience life since The Greater Victory, with no judgment and no bias, I’ve done the same work I do every year, made a list of everything I’ve ever done, launched, launched, launched , created and developed. And this time I added two new sections what I didn’t do and didn’t start and what I closed and exited. It is the projects launched in 2022 that have been done – and this time also what has not been done.

A summary of the last 12 years of projects, trials, launches and actions

I’ve been repackaging access to all summaries since I started in 2011 when I copied and adapted this idea from Seth Godin.

What you do and what you don’t do is also a project

Because everything requires decisions, resources, effort, determination, presence, equipment and front-wheel drive. Even inaction requires that you take a stand and stop doing, which is an action in itself.

Projects started in 2022 and things done and not done isra garcia

This year was the year I broke almost all of my rules. The ones I’ve thrown overboard for most of my life. In which I let go of 90% of things and separated from 95% of the people that make up the vital core of my existence. This, The Great Victory, was the mightiest project of my life, with permission to go to Manchester with a fistful of euros, with no knowledge of the language and with a letter rejected by Manchester University and with my choice of choice as a thesis and deliver a red folder with many blank pages in it.

We are a human project

Full of emotions, thoughts, sensations and stimuli. In movement and reaction, from the physical and material to the spiritual and mystical. We always work on the project of being ourselves, we also work on the projects that others are, often forgetting the impact we have on both. We are connected to a kind of nerve center where everything happens non-stop.

In this way, each step is a project that is constantly being born and dying.

Here, too, I name the projects that were started in 2022. As well as those not started and completed in the same year.

The started projects I did in 2022

The summary is divided into different categories for easier grouping:

content created

Articles, videos, podcasts, books, etc.

  • 16 items in
  • 8 articles in
  • 5 articles about disruptive economy – in Expansión Blogs.
  • 5 stories on medium.
  • 12 video interviews.
  • 35 videos for the YouTube channel.
  • 25 podcast.
  • 12 newsletters.
  • Definitive edition of the new book Unstoppable Attitude.

experiments performed

Conferences, workshops and programs developed

  • Self Mastery Camp.
  • 5 Holistic high-performance programs 1:1
  • 3 immersive 24-hour ultra-productivity programs (two for business and one for the public).
  • 2 Holistic High Performance Retreats open to the public.
  • Retreat on a special level with high holistic performance.
  • 2 satori experiences.

completion of projects

  • Closure of the IG agency.
  • Cierre Stand OUT program.
  • Completion of the excellence program.
  • Close the Mavericks program.
  • Conclusion of the Guateque party.
  • Closing of the company Feel The Parranda.
  • Cierre sociedad Stand OUT Education.
  • Sign up with three service providers.

consulting activities

  • 4 Online Consultations for Ultra Productivity.
  • 7 online consultations – “one on one” The White Belts Club.
  • 6 follow-up consultations and training sessions in Holistic High Performance.
  • 2 Online Consultations in Self-Mastery.

The projects started in 2022 (the new ones)


transcendental experiences

  • Solo, in self-sufficient mode, pedal on a gravel bike from Cape Town to the Afrika Burn.
  • Live as a lay monk in a Zen monastery.
  • cleaning process program.
  • Phase two and three of the great victory.
  • Living with the community of Santo Daime in the Brazilian Amazon.
  • Time of coexistence with Shaolin Master Shi Yan Hui.
  • Robbie Williams concert.

The parties I’ve been to

  • Lose yourself – OFF Sonar.
  • Glitterbox Hi Ibiza.
  • Circoloco @ DC10.
  • Carl Cox @ DC10 – Performance by my friend Squire Music.
  • elrow @ Amnesia New Year 2023.
  • Afterparty elrow new year 2023.

media appearances


surveys conducted

  • Nancy Duarte.
  • Andres Ibanez.
  • Diego Infant.
  • Mario Graf.
  • Java Gonzalez
  • Jorge Escohotado.
  • Helena Barquila.
  • Kate Knight.
  • Guareschi of course.
  • Victor Ronco.
  • Alex Fernandez.
  • jamie wheel
  • Patti Sanchez.
  • Monique Schiess.
  • dr Bruce Lipton.
  • Mingyur Rinpoche.
  • Joseph Ajarm.
  • Holds Fernandez.
  • David Pearl
  • Jeremi Quidu
  • Nestor Palmetti.

Access the podcast and other episodes here.

What projects and what things have I not done or started

  • A new podcast called Circle of Wise Men.
  • My latest book, Unstoppable Attitude.
  • I have the next three books in mind.
  • The School of Self-Control.
  • A new edition of the online program Ultra Productivity Method.
  • The League of the 1% – online community.
  • El Vision Quest.
  • Africa Burn and Burning Man.
  • Vipassana course.

Which new ideas, projects and initiatives are in prospect

  • Get involved again as a teacher in business schools and universities.
  • Project related to psychedelics.
  • Group and individual expeditions to inaccessible places to work, learn and train with those who are part of the 1%.
  • Forming a group dedicated to facilitating experiences of altered states of consciousness through human technology – psychedelia without psychedelics.
  • Special section of interviews with therapists, scientists, doctors and researchers related to psychedelics.
  • Workshops and retreats on modern Stoicism.
  • Titan program.
  • Sacred circle of men.
  • Rites of Passage and Life Mastery Quest.
  • Ten Day Course of Satipatthana Sutta.

The most incredible project of my life – The Great Victory

What started as an experiment first became the reason for my existence and has now become my whole life, my lifestyle, how I live and how I deal with what is happening. The Great Victory is everything from before I was born to blinking, gasping, or gulping, it’s any interaction or relationship, it’s what I know, what I don’t know, and much more.

I’ve been walking towards this place, this very place, here, my whole life. Now I am here, uninterrupted, constant and natural. If you’re reading this, it’s because I just dropped everything I had left for release: the idea that there is something to let go of, the intellectualization of the indescribable experience of living from moment to moment, the illusion that there is an “I” to get rid of, or something to change or improve, and separation between opposites. Nothing to lose, everything fits.
Maximum satisfaction, no matter what.

Right, that’s the main point for me, being able to share the little I’ve done with the same pride and ego I did when I felt elated that I’d done more than most of you. I love this great stupidity.

PS May Login here To be part of the League of 1% – in the future.

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