Portrait Marketing Tech: Benoit ALENGRINMarketing and Communication Corporate & BtoB

Portrait Marketing Tech: Benoit ALENGRINMarketing and Communication Corporate & BtoB

Published on May 05, 2023

Portrait Marketing Technique: Seagate

Seagate Technology is an American company founded in California in 1979. Seagate designs and manufactures hard drives and storage solutions for professionals and consumers. Gradually, Seagate Technology has established itself as one of the world’s leading manufacturers of data storage infrastructure solutions. Acurrently the world’s leading manufacturer of hard drives with a market share of around 44%, ie +15 million units sold in the first quarter of 2023 (see trend focus). Seagate covers all market segments from home hard drives to cloud hosting solutions. Aas well as some very specific solutions tailored to the needs of extremely technical activities such as autonomous vehicles or even specific areas of medical research.

Benoit ALENGRIN – Commercial Director Southern Europe Channel – Seagate

Why did you choose this job?

Active in the computer component industry for over 20 years. I am passionate about technological innovations and their impact on business or individual issues. I joined Seagate Technology in early 2015 and continue to be amazed by our ability to innovate. I chose the commercial path because I have always found the relationship with “customer” partners rewarding and the challenge of offering solutions adapted to my interlocutors very stimulating.

How is your company committed to delivering value through its storage solutions?

To meet the exponential need for data storage. Seagate is committed to providing secure storage solutions. Important information and reviews from our customers are available to you there quickly and without interruption. Seagate’s technologies also have the advantage of optimizing its partners’ total cost of ownership (capacity, consumption, security, etc.).

How do you help your partners to develop their business together with you?

Seagate makes all of its technical, technological and human expertise available to support and better understand its partners’ business challenges. For this reason, our main objective is to offer appropriate technological answers aimed at expanding their activities.

How do you see your task/tasks with your current and future customers… in 5 years?

Broadly speaking, Seagate’s mission is to help the world store more data sustainably, responsibly, and for the benefit of our partners.

Heart attack

What is your favorite advertisement: The Orangina Rouge ‘1990s’ commercial

Your favorite book: “Tesla, Paypal, SpaceX The entrepreneur who will change the world” Elon Musk

Your favorite music: “Hewn in the Rock” sniper

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