PEOPLE WITHOUT BORDERS Josef Ajram interviews Isra García

PEOPLE WITHOUT BORDERS – Josef Ajram interviews Isra García

Writing and publishing team Isra – A few days ago Isra García took part in episode 000 of PEOPLE WITHOUT LIMITS, the podcast that Josef Ajram published. This is the first interview Isra has given since the beginning of The Great Victory, an experiment in sabbatical and total detachment. Let’s remember It was February 2021 when Israel began the process of de-escalation for a lifetime; on August 1st, as Isra left the digital world and technological connection on January 10th, making final goodbyes to family, friends and colleagues, and March 2nd as he took the last stepwhich consisted of selling a house and a car, getting rid of possessions and completing the transfer of projects and businesses.

What will you find in this episode of PEOPLE WITHOUT BORDERS?

PEOPLE WITHOUT BORDERS Podcast Isra García Interview by Josef Ajram

In this conversation, Josef talks to Isra about some fundamental aspects of the journey he is on. Delving into themes such as starting a life outside of the ordinary, stepping out of one’s structure, detachment, self-discipline, self-mastery, or what it takes to experience true freedom and break the chains of our own slavery. There are also existential issues of being yourself, knowing yourself, the ego, duality unity and not holding on to yourself. Finally some of these experiments most influenced and shaped the life of Isra, his most transcendental experiences and some of them podcast the ones he recorded that he thinks are the most impressive.

A Spotify

You can listen to the interview in this Spotify player we feature below:

On Youtube

You can also listen to the audio of the interview in this video:

Tell us in the comments what you thought of the interview and the conversation between Josef and Isra in PEOPLE WITHOUT BORDERS. We hope that it has brought you courage and energy and awakened something in you.

Pd. We will shortly be announcing the three personal programs/experiences that Isra will be hosting in 2022 Ultra Productivityother about self control and one more above Holistic top performance. If you are interested and would like to receive information and details now, you can write to us here Contact formor wait for the email communications that we will send you shortly.

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