In social networks, in marketing, in your portfolios or in your media kit,… everywhere, the hook is the basis of your communication. Yes, it all starts with a good hook. Without it, you are in mute. We see you (maybe) but we don’t hear you.
On your LinkedIn page, the hook is your banner. This LinkedIn cover should make your visitor want to know more. To know what you can contribute.
But how to do it?
The Basics of a LinkedIn Banner
Before even talking about what a LinkedIn cover should contain to be effective, it is necessary to take into account certain criteria: size, quality, distribution, etc.
Until now, your banner dimensions were 1584 × 396 px. But the standards have changed recently and do change from time to time, so stay informed.
Today, the accepted size is 1608 × 402 pixels. It doesn’t turn everything upside down, don’t worry. What’s more, if the old format was maintained, the adaptation was done without a problem.
For business pages, the new dimensions are 1608 × 268 px.
Another point to take into account: digital quality. Your LinkedIn cover image should be downloaded in high resolution. Without exceeding 8 MB, the pixelation really doesn’t look very professional.
As you may have noticed, your profile photo considerably invades your banner. Leave the necessary space. Your photo should not hide part of your message..
And you can even go further by using this restriction to turn it into a strength. Like Valentine Sauda who achieved a perfect connection between profile image and banner. For once, it’s shocking!

Once you have created a top-notch LinkedIn cover, remember to check the representation on different media: computer, tablet, laptop, etc. Don’t hesitate to make some modifications so that your image is optimal in all formats.
Once all this is taken into account, all that remains is to integrate the elements that you want to appear in this banner.
The essentials for a successful LinkedIn banner
In this small space, you must be able to highlight your brand image, expose your unique belly proposal and encourage action. These are the 3 key elements of your LinkedIn cover.
- Elements of your brand
You should be recognized at first sight. His colorshis typographyhis logo It must be true to your brand identity. The tagline is not essential, but if it is relevant to your message, you can add it too.
Lauriane has a very characteristic graphic menu and highlights it perfectly on her banner.

What do you propose ? What can you contribute to your goal? What problem can you solve?
In a few well-chosen words, you make an irresistible promise. And the message must be clear. Don’t try to be poetic or subtle. On the contrary. Simple and efficient.
And for even more dynamism and persuasion, prefer action verbs.
Aurélie’s promise could not be clearer or more forceful. Furthermore, her graphic letter is striking and the heartbreaking visual matches perfectly with her proposal.

Icall to action It is an essential marketing tool, in all circumstances. And the LinkedIn banner is no exception to this principle.
That you I invite you to click on the bellhas subscribe to your newsletterhas to ask for time or for download a white paperDon’t forget this step.
And big speeches are not always necessary. Frédérique’s banner is simple but very effective, as is her CTA.

The Latest Additions for Impactful LinkedIn Coverage
If you’ve incorporated all of the above elements into your LinkedIn banner, it probably already looks great. AND It’s not always worth adding more..
But if you have the space to do it, you absolutely can. highlight your offer. I’m not talking about detailing everything you suggest. But in 2 or 3 different words, you can evoke your core business.
fabián proposes 4 main services : auditing, coaching, training and copywriting. Its flag is impressive and we immediately understand what it can bring us.

Another interesting element to add, and that we see clearly in Fabián’s banner, is social proof. You can put logos of companies you have previously worked foras here.
But you can also indicate the number of satisfied customers, years of experience, the magazines that quoted you, a photo of you in Tedx. Regardless, everyone reinsurance elements they are interesting.
How to create your LinkedIn banner?
To design your LinkedIn cover, you of course have many solutions. If you are a graphics specialist, Illustrator or Photoshop are undoubtedly the perfect tools.
Further canva can once again be your best ally for this type of work or even Hello pixel.
Choose a model among the multitude of options. (And this is, in fact, the longest part of the operation.) fit to your graphic letter.
Ready ! You only have to exporter Your LinkedIn cover in high resolution.
Final advice…
Some manage to integrate absolutely all the essential elements into their banner to make it impactful.
Like Clément, who respects his graphic charter, he makes a very clear proposal, details his offer, shows interesting social proof. Without forgetting the CTA. And all that, without being overloaded.

It is absolutely necessary to avoid overloading.
Besides, some items are not useful on your LinkedIn cover. This is the case with your name. It’s already shown below the banner, it doesn’t have to be in this image.
You also need to pay attention to readability. Many fonts are very tempting but not always easy to decipher. Choose legible typography.
But beyond all these tips, there are some that manage to create impressive banners without taking into account all the “essential” elements.
Bruno’s cover is like that of a good book. We already know what the writing style will be before we even open it.

Others create real little gems.
Far from the principles of marketing, the dream develops in Sandrine’s universe… and on her banner.

Come on ! I’m going to remake my LinkedIn banner right now! You are not ?