Let's talk about brand identity marketing arena

“People don’t buy products and services, they buy relationships, stories and magic.”

Seth Godin teaches us that brand identity isn’t just about what the company sells, it’s about how it makes people feel. His success is closely linked to his character, his ability to communicate. His own identity. Brand identity therefore becomes a fundamental part of a company’s marketing strategy.

Actually the brand identity it goes beyond the visual representation elements associated with the brand, such as logo, font and colors. More precisely, it is the emotions and values ​​that the brand evokes in people and that creates a real emotional connection with its customers.

Among the selling techniques, it is often recommended to be nice to the customers as there is a higher likelihood that people will say “yes” to those who contact them. The same applies to brands. Consumers are more likely to buy from a brand they have developed an emotional connection with. And that bond is built through strategic storytelling.

Think of some of the most famous brands like

Nike, Apple or even the Italian Barilla. What connects them? You all created something a solid brand identity based on storytelling. Nike is immediately associated with PerformanceApple invites you to post your own creativitywhile Barilla commemorates shared moments Family at the table.

These brands have managed to create an emotional connection with consumers through stories in which the customer recognizes parts of their life and identity and feels understood. And that is exactly what drives him to choose Nike over Adidas, Apple over Samsung, Barilla over DeCecco.

The importance of brand identity

The importance of creating and maintaining a brand identity strong and coherent Fundamental to a company’s success is backed up by data.

According to a Forbes survey, 59% of global consumers prefer to buy branded products over non-branded products. Additionally, 64% of consumers say a good brand is more important than a low price.

This preference also extends to the B2B world. According to a study by Accenture Interactive, 64% of B2B consumers said they abandon a relationship with a brand due to a lack of alignment between the promise and the customer experience, while a study by the Content Marketing Institute finds that 91% of B2B consumers do so. marketers A consistent brand identity is a strategic priority.

This data shows that brand identity matters strategic value in the customer acquisition and retention process. The ability to create a strong and coherent brand identity is therefore an essential element in the growth of any business. However, managing this process can be complex and require constant attention.

The challenges of brand identity management

Maintain a brand identity coherent it can work complicated for companies operating at scale globalboth in terms of perception of the brand on the market, both in terms of Employer branding

Adapting one’s image and the way of communicating to different cultures and contexts, without jeopardizing the key values ​​that define one’s identity, is anything but a matter of course.

Just think of Barilla, which had to start a process to restore its image in the US market after statements by the owners against the LGBTQ+ community. Indeed, in this market, these issues carry important weight from a socio-political point of view, and consumers are used to “voting with their wallets” and boycotting brands that do not match their ideals.

To restore its image, the brand not only had to rethink its communication as a spokesperson for the values ​​of the traditional Italian family and launch a series of campaigns focused on inclusivity to better reflect contemporary American society, but it has also made changes to it Internal policies, creation of a Diversity & Inclusion Board responsible for overseeing the company’s efforts to promote these values ​​internally within its workforce.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

In order not to jeopardize your brand identity, it is important to avoid the following common mistakes:

  • don’t have that clear ideas regarding their identity. A company must have a clear vision of itself and the image it wants to convey to the public.
  • Be inconsistent. All communication, on all channels, with both internal and external goals, must be consistent with the brand identity.
  • Does not fit Culture of markets in which it operates. It is important to adapt the company’s message to the different cultural and linguistic needs of different markets. Just as the most effective leadership style changes across cultures, so too does communication need to redesign the message, means and approach to keep the value being conveyed unchanged.
  • ignore that trends of market Local: There are some market trends and preferences that differ from region to region. Ignoring these trends can result in poor acceptance of your brand and identity among local consumers. Global companies should be aware of the specifics of the markets in which they operate and adapt accordingly in order to achieve greater brand acceptance and commercial success.
  • be too much rigid. While it is important to have a clear idea of ​​one’s brand identity, an overly rigid stance and lack of alignment with market changes or consumer needs can result in the brand failing to attract new customers and losing acquired customers if it is no longer in the market Brand Recognize Name.

In recent years, brand identity has become increasingly important for companies looking to differentiate themselves from the competition. The brand identity represents the essence of the company and its promise to customers, making it unique and recognizable.

Companies, even in the B2B sector, are increasingly investing in the creation and management of brand identity, using elements such as logo, colors, communication style and image to establish a strong presence in the market. In addition, we are increasingly striving to offer our customers a unique experience by not only offering products and services characterized by quality, design and value, but also a curated customer journey at all brand touchpoints.

It’s good to keep in mind that maintaining brand identity isn’t just important for big companies or those operating in the B2C space. Even small businesses and entrepreneurs would do well to pay attention. Creating or strengthening your brand identity can help you build credibility and trust with your customers, differentiate yourself from your competitors, and achieve long-term success. Therefore, investing in proper incorporation and management is essential to succeed in an increasingly global and competitive marketplace.

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