Learn how to position your videos on YouTube

Learn how to position your videos on YouTube

SEO on YouTube is the techniques and strategies you use to position your videos and short films. The goal of youtube SEO means your videos appear in the first results of YouTube when people search for something related to your content.

EYE ⚠️

The positioned videos are displayed youtube This depends on the browser history in each case youtube this person: which videos do they like and which do they dislike, which channels do they visit most often, which topics of which videos do they consume to the end, etc.

Come on, your video will appear in different positions depending on the previous points.

Remember that in youtube Since there are millions of hours of content in video format, it would be impossible to show all of this content to everyone searching on YouTube.

Video content is important

However, it is important that you pay attention to this when creating your content youtube Think about what type of person/client you’re trying to target, because the content needs to hit the nail on the head, and then it’s time to apply those positioning techniques youtube.

let’s go with them…

This is how the YouTube algorithm for positioning videos works

The purpose of the algorithm youtube Showing some videos in front of others means:

  1. Help people search youtube to find the perfect content.
  2. Show people more videos of the content they consume and like.

How can the algorithm like you? youtube position my videos? First, by creating content that your audience enjoys, these signals (likes, comments, shares) provide cues to the algorithm to rank well in search results.

After this factor, which is the basic and most important one, when a user searches YouTube, the algorithm analyzes the titles, descriptions and the video itself to see if there is a direct connection. youtube video and search.

The next step is to analyze the videos that had the most minutes of playback and also the highest retention, i.e. watched to the end.

Analyze whether your channel is relevant to this type of search, and then select the selected videos to show them to the person searching.

So, What can you do to get your videos selected by the algorithm? youtube?

Apply SEO youtube.

Positioning factors on YouTube: what to consider?

All the details add up. Therefore, keep in mind all the techniques you need to consider when creating and editing your videos so that they appear in your customers’ searches.

Keyword you want to be found with

The keyword is very important in youtube. Because your content can be great, but if we don’t classify it based on the terms people are searching for, it’s worthless.

In itself it may not be a positioning factor, but it is the first step towards optimization.

Imagine posting a beetroot hummus video, but instead of giving it that keyword, get creative and call it: pink chilled puree. Well, positioning your video for the hummus recipe will be difficult.

we use Keywordtool.io to find searches that contain a term youtube and so take a finished shot.

Comparing, we see that cold pink puree has only 10 searches and beetroot hummus has 5300.

SEO keywords for YouTube

You can see how many searches you’ve done youtube per month and check out other related terms as well. So you decide what term you want to use and what competition it has.

They have tools to search for keywords youtube free as: Google trending and the search option in youtube Studio, on your own channel. It won’t show you exact dates, but will tell you if the volume is high or if it’s a content generation opportunity.

There are also paid keyword finding tools available youtube as Ahrefs, Keywordtool.io.

Video Title: Position and grab attention

As he explains YouTube on the YouTuber channel, the title is one of the key factors that the algorithm considers when choosing which videos to display. And it is also one of the elements that stand out from the seeker’s point of view.

This is where yes or yes, the keyword or phrase you want to be found with needs to come up and play with persuasion to create your headline youtube noticeable.

Use whatever word you want to position.

→ Recipe for lacquered chicken

But it remains a boring title, right?

Give your text a special touch with copywriting and stand out in the eyes of the person you are looking for.

  • Lacquered Chicken Recipe: The Authentic Chinese Recipe
  • Easy lacquered chicken ready in an hour and finger licking.

Add emojis and some capital letters to create your title youtube stand out even more.

  • 🍗 Lacquered chicken at home 🍗 EASY and delicious
  • 🍗 VARNISHED CHICKEN 🍗 A simple dish with flavor

Now yes.


Now it’s time to describe your video. A lot of people just use this space to add links to their social profiles, but here’s chicha. This space is magical for:

  • Provide more information about the video
  • Leave interesting links
  • Add the minutes and add related keywords.
  • Add compelling CTAS to get users to click a link or leave comments.

The description also scores points, especially if you include the keyword you want to rank for and related terms in the description. Check out how we use the description with the interesting logs and links.

As with the headline, writing a good description and encouraging your viewers to look there for more content can help drive more traffic to your site or persuade the viewer to take an action.

labels and tags

The labels of youtube They help categorize content. The closest thing to this is to go to a bookstore and look for the subject area you’re looking for: travel, cooking, novels, news, poetry.

The tags are phrases or words that help find your content and describe the video. And yes, these tags also help with search engine optimization youtube.

YouTube SEO Tags

The maximum number of characters is 500 and you can add the tags when you upload your video. It is important that the tags you use are related to the subject of the video, like in a bookstore.

Include related keywords that also have searches, like in this example.

Also examine which tags the top ranked videos are used on youtube for the keyword you want to appear for and use that.

How do I analyze competitor tags and get suggested tags for my video from them youtube?

You have the free vidIQ chrome extension Or you can also browse the source code of the video yourself, with the extension it’s easy and at a glance.


And of course a picture says more than a thousand words youtubeOh yes, it’s important.

The thumbnail is the cover image that appears when you perform a search. Which of the following miniatures catches your attention the most?

YouTube SEO Thumbnails

Well, that’s exactly what you need to ask yourself when designing your video’s thumbnail.

Will it draw attention? When it attracts attention and gets clicks from users, there are signals youtube that your video is worth it.

So keep an eye on your thumbnail to grab attention:

✅ Use close-ups with eye-catching images.

✅ Give the thumbnail text a good size and bold colors.

Here’s an example of how we use it the thumbnails of youtube on our Metricool channel:

YouTube SEO Video Thumbnails

Subtitles and Transcripts

Another small factor for youtube open your eyes

Include subtitles and transcripts to improve accessibility and help search engines better understand the content of your videos.

✅ Higher presence, larger number of visits and larger reach.

You can add subtitles automatically with the free tool youtube or manually when editing your video.

CTR (click through rate)

Study this factor and the retention factor to improve it in your SEO strategy.

The CTR, click-through rate, is the percentage of clicks your video gets in relation to the number of impressions received.

Accordingly youtube: “In half of the channels and videos from youtubeimpression click-through rate is between 2% and 10%”

What factors influence clicks on your videos?

The thumbnail and the caption. So:

  • Research and measure which thumbnails and headlines work best on your channel
  • Study the videos that have better CTR
  • Research your competitors on YouTube to learn from them.
  • Apply the insights and start again


Another metric that you should definitely keep an eye on and improve to achieve a good SEO position youtube.

Retention shows whether you managed to captivate your audience while watching your videos on screen. Pure gold.

The longer your audience stays, the higher the ranking of your video. Because? because you give signals youtube that your video captivates the audience and is a factor that is taken into account youtube SEO.

YouTube SEO Retention

Learn from your successes and failures, analyze the ups, downs and highlights to draw conclusions and apply them to your next videos.

How do you youtube SEO off youtube

At the beginning of the article we saw what the algorithm likes youtube to prioritize some videos over others. The key factor, among the other factors, is that your audience likes and interacts with the video.

What can you do to get your videos known? youtube in stock?

Anything you can think of is welcome, we leave you some ideas.

  • Share your videos from youtube in other social networkswhich creates expectations so that your followers see your video.
  • Embed your videos youtube on your website or blog if you have one.
  • Add your videos from youtube in your email marketing strategy.
  • Leverage content in short video format from other social networks to program it in youtube Like shorts and get more views.

YouTube is the second most powerful search engine in the world with more people searching Google so take advantage of SEO youtube to make your videos stand out.

Let’s do it!

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