Innovations in digital health: where do we stand?

While the COVID pandemic has democratized the use of telemedicine, pathways of care are tending to become more digital. “This type of instrument, which has been around for many years, has suffered from reluctance from patients and healthcare professionals. We now know that it helps make the care journey more fluid and efficient.” introduces Thierry Godelle, Senior Healthcare Advisor at Kynapse. Proposing solutions to support patients beyond their treatment then becomes a real challenge for healthcare stakeholders.

Simplify everyone’s daily life

The development of digital health tools offers many concrete application possibilities. First, storing patient data in the cloud makes it easy to make it available to all stakeholders while always maintaining the security and confidentiality of that information. ” This sharing helps to separate the individual phases of the treatment process and to optimize the exchange between medical professionals. It is an opportunity for the patient to have their own data and avoid unnecessary examinations.”

At the same time, artificial intelligence is developing systems that can process this data quickly and find the right information at the right time. “Doctors then spend less time on low-value-added administrative tasks and can focus more on their patients.” Tomorrow, we can imagine conversational systems like chatbots supporting professionals to help them diagnose. »

Finally, collaborative tools allow to optimize the time of professionals in healthcare institutions by simplifying daily management and encouraging collaboration between stakeholders. There are many use cases:

  • Make it easy to manage on-call duty or coordinate care so caregivers can get the information they need when they need it most.
  • promoting cooperation of regional hospital groups for joint activities,
  • Set up multidisciplinary remote counseling meetings or enable collaborative updating of care protocols.
  • Facilitate the management of departmental stocks (gloves, overshoes, etc.) and patient comfort services (concierge, book lending, etc.).

« After the recent cyber attacks on hospital structures, they urgently need to take protective measures. Microsoft Modern Work (365, Teams)-type solutions enable rapid response to security and collaboration issues and are easily accessible through shopping malls such as Hospital IT Purchasing Center » , notes Pierrick Lambert, Microsoft Customer Success Manager at Open.

In more futuristic applications, but already implemented by some centers, we also find the preparation of surgical interventions through virtual reality, the integration of artificial intelligence to transcribe clinical meetings or the implementation of connected devices to support patients throughout their journey.

The key to a successful transition

These changes require healthcare stakeholders to adopt new ways of doing things. The first key to a successful transition? Ensure that all stakeholders are involved in the project (general management and support services, etc.) to set common goals and work towards them together. “Additionally, it is imperative that digital health tools are developed in consultation with the user to put them back at the center of their care journey. However, today only 30 to 40% of digital healthcare solutions are patient-centric.”

While the design of digital solutions may depend on different actors (companies, hospitals, tool publishers, etc.), the question of legitimacy may arise: who is best placed to propose a relevant innovation? On the practical side, all the elements that could affect the use of the tool must be considered: technological compatibility and interoperability between systems, technical and organizational details, adaptability of the actual costs to the business model, etc. To answer these questions, Kynapse supports stakeholders in the healthcare sector in their digital transformation and in choosing the most appropriate tools. Open then guarantees their proper implementation.

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