If you have a problem, close your computer and…

You don’t always make the same mistakes. It is difficult for us to identify them, but many times, despite being clear, we stumble over the same stone again.

When I wrote about my mistakes as an entrepreneur, I was talking about one that I decided to put an end to. Let’s see if I understand.

I’m talking about the greatest unblocker, unblocker, solver… all the “-o” you want! I present to you, … he raises his head and looks out the window: the street! Figuratively speaking, of course.

Especially those of us who work in the office in front of the computer tend to look for answers in this context.

We have a lot of work, the tasks pile up and problems/doubts/blocks are just another on the list.

And let’s try to solve them the same way. With more work sitting in front of the screen.

What happens to us when we can’t move forward?

We are stuck, we lack perspective, we are afraid, we lack data/experience… we tend to fix it by working harder or by avoiding dealing with it.

But the solution is almost the opposite.

We have to TO FLOWchanging activities, connecting with other people, seeking support outside of our context to change our perspective… and what is the best and fastest way?

MEET PEOPLE, meet people who have previous experience on the topic, go for a walk, participate in events,…. Come on, get out on the street!

This is a mistake I always make. I get filled with projects, new clients, a thousand tasks, etc. and I don’t have time for anything.

What happen? As is normal, I find myself with blocks (change blocks for the situation you want), which I don’t dedicate time to because I simply don’t have it.

Solution? We (I’m the first) need to become experts in face-to-face networking. Yes, in person. No screen involved.

It’s not easy. Many events are of low quality, many networking networks are not (they are pure sales networks), and it will not be easy to find the place suited to your way of being and your needs.

But, combining it with direct contacts and your digital marketing will do wonders in solving these situations we were talking about.

It’s about incorporating the habit into your daily life. Adding 1% each time. Take the initiative. Flowing.

I’m already working on it. For several weeks now I have been fulfilling my goal of attending an event or meeting someone at least once a week. Whatever happens. And the results are spectacular.

In my marketing and business mentoring I have several instances where they are missing TO FLOW. There is a lack of contact with other people outside of the work context.

So less computers and less digital (this is what those who dedicate themselves to digital tell you), and more going out. The world is not controlled by your computer. I already said it Bob London: ask your customer.

The image accompanying the article (closing the computer)

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