Hoy's Marketing advocates marketing that focuses on people, not customers

Another year, ESIC Business & Marketing School Celebrated Hoy’s Marketing. This year under the title
‘stop selling, start helping’, The Business School organized a special edition with the aim of collaborating with the largest CMO community and bringing the latest in the world of marketing to society.

Thus, around the social field, which ESIC is committed to marketing, the conference dealt with topics such as: Marketing and people, the importance of data, marketing-oriented AI, web 3.0, social marketing and companies with meaning, the value of influencers for brands or culinary marketing. In addition, ESIC presented its Marketing Foresight 2023 study at this conference.

The conference opened with the opening speech of the President of ESIC, Eduardo Gomez Martinwho was the first
rely on socially oriented marketing that puts people first. With a bit of a pun on the title of the day, he invited attendees to address some of the challenges that marketers face as such, but also as part of society. The reason, think about some issues like technology, climate change or scarcity of resourcesto do “Restart” aims to put people first the work of every marketing professional. “Because marketing isn’t about trading commodities, it’s about seeking the ‘good’ of others,” he concluded. And for Gómez Martín, “we work for people with needs that go beyond the material, with needs that go beyond that”.

The remainder of the Today is Marketing presentations revolved around this social perspective and analyzed the Influence of technology on the discipline as well as reflection on the values ​​and purpose of companiesnot as a marketing formula, but as a philosophy that should guide your business strategy.

At a technological level, David Ansado, Regional Vice President, Marketing & Commerce Cloud Services – Southern & Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa at Salesforcespoke about the importance of data because “to me, data is everything in marketing,” he affirmed, explaining its usefulness for segmenting audiences, personalizing communications, qualifying the target and making decisions.

Next, Julio Villalobos, Director, EMEA CXO Strategic Industry Advisor for Education en Salesforcemoderated and participated in an interesting debate on the importance of data in marketing Caroline Arrú, CMO of Two-Pet Groupj Antonio Carballido, Head Digital Sales Hub One Europe at Banco Santander.

During the conversation, Arrú emphasized that for her “it is not important to know the customer, whether male or female, young or adolescent, but rather know what he wants, what he needs and talk to him about what interests himnot everything I offer”.

For his part, Carballido reflected on the importance of data in banking. For him, data management aims to offer the personalized attention online that our manager gave us until recently. “We can say that it follows a back-to-basics strategy,” he explained, “we strive for personalization so that the customer feels they are being listened to, but now in a digital environment where data is essential are.”

To conclude the talks of a technical nature, Jesus Serrano, Principal Program Manager at Microsoftexplained what it is and What does Web 3.0 offer, shows practices and success stories made by companies like Nike, Hypewear or Starbucks in this new digital environment. For his part JJ Delgado, former Amazon, LinkedIn influencer and General Manager of MOVE Estrella Galicia Digital, spoke about the recent explosion of AI and its application in marketing. For Delgado, “there are people who see it from a negative perspective – it’s going to take my job – and there are people who see it from an optimistic perspective – it’s going to help me with my job – but the truth is like this We live in a profound economic restructuring, a new reality where AI is not taking our job away from us, but the person who knows how to use AI is taking it away from us.”he concluded.

Regarding value marketing, Hoy’s Marketing hosted an interesting debate moderated by Ana de Quinto, specialist in content strategy and storytelling at Ethic, with the participation of Aitor Carratalá, co-founder and CMOAT of Timpers; Guillermo Martínez, founder of Ayúdame3D; and Cristina Somoano, Director of Corporate Marketing at Ilunion.

All participants have opted for it The purpose of business as a guide to business strategy, not as a marketing tool that advocates for companies with social and sustainable goals. “This is something that needs to be normalized,” they agreed.

after a break, Cries DyazFounder of Crys Dyaz & Co., continued to speak from the perspective of her experience how influencers play an important role for brands today as they are an effective way to reach people.

end the day Enrique Benayas, CIO of ESIC, presented to the audience some of the conclusions of a study that the school is conducting on the transformation that the discipline of marketing is undergoing, and then presented a round table in which they participated
Gonzalo Sanjuán, Head of Marketing BMW Spain at the BMW Group; Antonio Pajon of RTB House; Amaia Álvarez, Country Manager Samy Alliance Spain; and Juan Jorge Herrera, CEO of Rocketbotcommented on some of the trends identified in the report.

In this sense, Álvarez believes that “marketing has changed, but its role has not. It still persuades our goal to gravitate toward a particular product, and technology helps us understand the consumer so it’s easier to fall in love.” For his part, Sanjuán believes that the current technological disruption “is leading us to create a to experience a new industrial revolution, which is also a social revolution”.

And in terms of the impact technology is having on marketing, Herrera believes that “the big challenge we face is managing so much technology.” Rocketbot’s CEO needs tools that integrate these technologies and aggregate the information to support decision making. In this sense, Pajón advocated the “embrace of technology”. According to Pajón, we are concerned about the impact this will have on our lives, but according to him, “AI is here to stay and improve us as professionals.”

Finally, the famous chef closes the day Paco Roncero, Speaking of the marketing strategy he is pursuing for himself and his restaurants, he revealed: “None,” explaining that “What determines our dynamic in networks is honestywhich shows both my professional and personal side as it really is,” explained Roncero, who emphasized that he is not looking for anything strategic, but to say what he is doing honestly and naturally.

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