How to stop bullying at school? Understand in three minutes

According to a Senate information report released in 2021, between 800,000 and 1,000,000 students experience harassment each year. This repeated verbal, physical or psychological violence can have serious health consequences for victims, such as the development of depressive disorders that sometimes lead to suicide attempts.

Declared a major national cause in 2010, school bullying has not seen a significant decline since then. Social networks popular among young people, such as TikTok or Snapchat, offer a much wider sounding board for the teasing that now follows children at home.

The Minister of Education, Gabriel Attal, was outraged, on Saturday 16 September, by a response sent by the rector’s office to Nicolas’ parents, who had reported the acts of harassment to which their child was the victim to the educational team of his institute – A high school student committed suicide on 5 September in Poissy (Yvelines). The minister promised an audit of the fight against harassment in each academy.

In this video, we return to the slow realization in France of the importance of fighting school bullying and how methods developed in Scandinavia were adapted to the French system in the pHARe programme, developed by the Ministry of Education.

And if you want to know more about the topic, we refer you to the decryption below.

“Understand in three minutes”

The explanatory videos that make up the “Understanding in three minutes” series are produced by the Vertical Video department of World. Broadcast mainly on platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook, they aim to contextualise major events in a short format and make news accessible to all.

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