How to migrate WordPress to another hosting step by step?

How to migrate WordPress to another hosting step by step?

Would you like to know how Migrate WordPress to another hosting? Every digital project is born with a domain name, a CMS and a hosting. And if you’re here, it’s because time has passed and your project has evolved, which means the web hosting and platform you’ve chosen may no longer suit your current needs.

Thinking about changing your WordPress hosting or server? Well, this task is easier than it seems, although it usually involves a few small headaches since it’s not done every day.

So if you are planning to transfer your website built in WP to another hosting, don’t worry! In this article, in a few steps, we explain everything you need to know to carry out this migration correctly.

Why migrate WordPress to another hosting?

Changing a web hosting is a common operation on the network. Some of the most common reasons for switching hosting include:

1. Improve the prices of your current provider

If you can save money, why are you paying more? Comparing and finding the best deals is common in the world of hosting like any other product market. Of course, carefully analyze the conditions and services that are offered to you, because what is economical can be detrimental to quality.

2. Expand the room

As you develop your website, it usually requires more disk space to store the files that make it up.

3. Increase performance

The rest of the features like email, disk, transfer, databases… You may need to enhance these with more resources to make your website load quickly. Otherwise, your users’ experience and your SEO positioning will be affected.

The Core Web Vitals accurately capture the status of your website in terms of performance and speed.

4. Gain benefits

Some providers offer simpler hosting than others. For example, check if SSL, backups or 24/7 support are included.

5. Get better support

Customer service is crucial in any hosting company.

When your website goes down or there is a problem, a quick response is essential.

6. Improving the Service Provided

In short, if your website keeps going down, it might be because your current provider has some flaws and switching hosting might be the solution.

You can see that there are many reasons to switch hosting, but whatever your reason, migrating your WordPress website from hosting doesn’t have to be complicated.

Preliminary considerations before switching WordPress hosting

Whichever option you choose, The migration should be done as quickly and efficiently as possible so that there is little disruption to your website.

A successful migration should also not involve any changes to the settings and appearance of your site.

To warn your users, you can enable maintenance mode on your website. But be careful, if you keep doing this for a long time, you can lose a big chunk of your SEO positioning.

Keep in mind that before performing a migration, a migration is required Make a copy of all files on your website.

Almost every hosting plan you have comes with a full backup service that allows you to back up and restore previous versions of your website, email, or database content.

Once you have the backup ready, it’s time to start the migration.

Steps to migrate WordPress to a new hosting

First, remember that there are 3 ways to migrate WordPress to another hosting:

  1. manually
  2. Automatically with plugins
  3. Leave it to your new hosting provider

Ways to migrate from WordPress

1. Migration manually

  • First you have to Copy all files and folders that make up your website via an FTP client such as Filezilla.

In addition, depending on your current provider, it is possible that you have a file manager in the panel of your hosting to make this copy.

Once you have your copy, you must upload it to the appropriate directory of your new hosting.

  • The next step is Export the database.

For this you can use the program phpMyAdmin or another manager of your choice.

  • Then I would play Create a new database to the new hosting.

You can do this via phpMyAdmin itself and right after importing the data to be exported in the previous point.

  • Finally, it is necessary to update the data in the wp-config.php file located in the WordPress folders copied earlier.

In it you would need to change the database names (by changing the DB_NAME value) and update your hosting name and credentials if you changed them (by changing the DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD values). You should also change DB_HOST to the name of your database’s host, which is usually the case localhost.

The wp-config.php file can be edited directly with any text editor.

» Pros and Cons of Manual WordPress Migration

  • The most important Advantage The advantage of manual migration is that you have the Full control over your files and you don’t have to rely on third-party tools to move your page.
  • The Disadvantage is that it is necessary to have one minimal knowledge and familiarize yourself with the export tools and directory structure of your site.

2. Migrate WordPress automatically

For automatic migration, you need to do the following first Choose a plugin with which the process is to be carried out.

As you know, there are plugins for almost everything in the WordPress repository. Here we select some of the most practical ones:

Each of them automatically replicates the manual migration steps: creates a copy of the content and its database, installs the created package and uploads it to the new hosting.

This option is perfect if you don’t have a great knowledge of WordPress.

3. Migration by the provider

Some hosting providers provide you with tools or do the migration for you for free or for a fee.

Rent your WordPress hosting with a 50% discount

Rent your WordPress hosting at Dinahosting with a 50% discount

In the case of Dinahosting, if you opt for their hosting plans, you have two additional options:

  • First, use the portability tool to migrate your website in a few steps.
  • Or if you prefer, they take care of everything and you You perform the migration completely free of charge.

This way you don’t have to worry about copying files or even looking for plugins. You also ensure that the migration is carried out in the shortest possible time.

Finish the WordPress migration

To complete the migration is the last step is to change the DNS zones indicate the new accommodation. This is sort of like notifying your web domain that your website is now on a different server, allowing users to reach your new provider.

The DNS information must be provided to you by your new hosting provider. They are usually displayed in the administration area and you have to enter them in the area where you manage your domain.

Once you’ve done that last step, it’s time to test that everything is loading and working properly on your website 😉


As you can see, the process of migrating from WordPress to a hosting is not very complex, but it is always very useful to have a good provider with a support team to assist you in this process to save time and avoid problems avoid.

That is why we recommend you to opt for services like Dinahosting that offer 24/7 support They are always available to help you with whatever you need..

And here is the tutorial to migrate your hosting to another in WordPress. I hope you found it useful!

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