How to create a website with your own domain for almost free (almost…)

How to create a website with your own domain for almost free (almost…)

Having a website it is having an open window on the world and this, regardless of what our goal is it is always recommendedalthough many times we face the problem of not having enough resources to be able to have it.

create a professional website for almost free

Therefore, in this post we tell you What create a website yourself and almost for freefor little more than €1 and super professional.

What will you find here?

We will also see what it takes before wearing”let’s do it” and some Instruments which will help us with our website and your branding.

What you need to create a professional and free website

Before arriving at create your website It’s important to be clear about the things we will need in the process.

On the one hand, let’s go assume two services, from hosting yes domainand in the third section of this post we teach you how to do it hire them for €1 (that’s why he “free cash“in the title). Both services are usually contracted in the same service.

Service hosting is the rental of a web server connected to the Internet on which to host a website, while the domain It is the name and address that your web page will have on the Internet, through which people can find and access you.

If you are a beginner and still don’t have much control over these terms, I leave you this post in which we delve into this topic:

On the other hand, when we start designing our website it’s important that we’ve already done the more abstract part of the job, like being clear about the purpose of our website (and thus be more or less clear what we want to tell and consequently the texts we want to add).

It’s also important to be clear about the structure and the drawing focused, along with the typography, colors or media we want to have on our website. In summary, I leave you this list with the steps that I consider most appropriate to follow:

  1. define the objective from your website. It is not the same thing to propose a web page for your business, personal brand or one Online shop. You have to ask yourself what it is What do you want to achieve yes transmit through your website, and based on this we will choose the following.
  2. define the content and structure of your website. For example, if it is for a company, it could have the pages of: Home, Services, Contacts and Blog. Once you have this more or less clear (it is something that can vary, of course) I advise you to take pen and paper (or a blank sheet of any text editor on your pc) and do a sketch What do you want your main page to look like (what content do you want it to show).
  3. Write the texts of your website and collect the pictures or videos what do you want to show
  4. Choose the typography and the colors. If you already have a brand defined, use those. If that’s not the case, it’s time to investigate. This is a fairly broad topic that we will explore more in the next section.

Create a website it’s not a complicated jobbut we have to follow some steps in order not to get lost along the way or slow down a lot, and in this post we see each step, until we have a web page like the one you can see here:

The best tools to create web pages

As we have seen in the previous section, before we get to work on creating our website we need to have some things prepared or established, such as color and typography brand or images that we want to use. In this section we show you the best Instruments free figure it out.

Choose your website colors at

Los colors of a website are part of the design and brand identity, that is importantor at least advised, that they have thought and established them before starting to create the web.

If you still don’t have them clear, I leave you this site called Coolors. co where you can let yourself be inspired by the palettes of colors created or sought colors which yours fits best with:

From the section of “Create” you can see paleras that people have created and from the section of “To explore” You can look for the best combinations of your or your colors.

Google Fonts: where to find the best fonts for your website

Like the colors, the typography of your brand is something essential and you should invest time in it. Google Fonts It is a Google page where we find many characters and which we can use as “Catalog” fonts for our website.

Of course, not all Google fonts are available in WordPress, so I recommend not choosing one “too original”.

Image banks to find the best photos

If you don’t have your own images and need to add one, remember that you can’t get them directly from Google because they may be protected. That’s why I recommend you take a look image banks (how Pixabay or Pexels) where you can find royalty-free images.

How to create your own logo

And logo it’s a quick and useful way for people to recognize and remember your brand or business

Ideally, a design professional would design a logo for us, but as on many occasions we don’t have enough budget or are just starting our own project, we can do it ourselves.

One of the most famous websites to achieve this is Canvawhere you can find designs that you can customize by yourself.

How to create a free website from scratch

In this section we see how to create a web page from scratch and step by stepfollowing the steps given in the first section.

In this case we will use the version of because we consider it much superior in terms of design possibilities and scalability of our project.

Step 1. Hire almost free hosting and domain

Usually the prices of a hosting service are around €5-10/monthand with this Ionos offer you can get it for 1€. Those yes, you have to take into account that the advantages are not the same, but the quality / price ratio of this product is more than acceptable.

Step 2. Install WordPress

As we have contracted Ionos that we will use your auto installer, and we won’t have to do much more than enter our login details to get it.

Step 3. Basic WordPress Settings

Let’s start with a few basic WordPress settings to fine-tune our future website.

Step 4. Personalization: Download and install free themes

Los WordPress themes they are predefined structures that you can apply to your website and that give it a style and aesthetics. There is a library with hundreds of them where you can choose and then customize to your liking.

Step 5. Installing Free Plug-ins

The next step we need to take is install the connect from Elementorwhich, as I said in the previous section, is what we will design and learn our web page with.

Step 6. Creating the pages of our website

The next step we will take is to create our website pages. For a local business like this example, typical pages are:

  • A first of Start which will be the Landing page.
  • another of Services where we tell what we do, in this example we will describe the type of treatment available in our clinic.
  • another of Contact where are we going where can they find us.
  • Finally, one of blogwhere we will upload different articles.

Step 7. Design Homepage with Elementor

One of the great advantages of wordpress and of these builders is that it works with the drop-drag method, so we won’t find any problems, even if you don’t have web design knowledge.

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