How to attract customers to your website

How to attract customers to your website
Generating web traffic is an umbrella term used to encompass any marketing strategy that generates awareness and buying interest for your product or service. Rarely will a single strategy produce the desired results.

However, your strategy doesn’t have to be all-encompassing. You just need something for each step of the buying process.

Follow these 5 steps to drive more traffic to your website

1. Answer the first 5 questions about your website

Support the bottom of the funnel first, otherwise anything spilled on top will escape. This means answering the following five questions asked by all buyers:

  • What are you doing?
  • How many?
  • As it seems?
  • What do other customers think of you?
  • What do I have to do to move to the next stage?

Tell people exactly what you offer, who you usually work with, and how much it costs. Show them what it’s like and share customer reviews or testimonials. Then the next step of shopping (filling out forms, creating an account or scheduling an appointment) is super simple and straightforward.

2. Create blog content for the pursuit of informational intent

“Informational intent” searches tend to be “what,” “how,” and “why” questions that are relevant to your industry or target customers. Create content on a brand platform (your website blog, YouTube channel…) that answers these questions and provides buyers with their next consideration. Over time, this will organically attract potential buyers.

3. Post market research ads

Searches for “on the market” usually include keywords such as “best”, “best”, “price”, “reviews”, “near me” and the category you are in: “grocery companies” it is of people who want to compare services and eventually buy one.

You should try to rank for these terms organically, but there will be at least one listing at the top of those search results, and you want it to be yours, not your competition.

4. Get reviews on third-party platforms

Buyers look for existing customer reviews before buying and look for unfiltered reviews. Therefore, customers are encouraged to share their experiences on third-party platforms such as Trustpilot, Facebook, TripAdvisor and Google My Business.

It’s okay if there are negative opinions in the mix. It makes you sound more authentic and gives you the opportunity to address issues head-on, which really boosts conversions.

5. Post organically on social media to educate and entertain your core audience

Find the platform where your ideal customers spend their time and show yourself. The goal here is to build relationships and educate your audience. This way, you build loyalty and convert your customers and followers into people who spread your message. Every like, comment and share introduces your brand to new people.

An easy option is to take your blog content and tailor it to the platform. Turn an article into a series of posts or turn it into a short video or graphic.

6. Sponsor social media posts to engage your audience

None of your contacts will see all your posts. That’s why it can be beneficial to retarget your followers (and “similar audiences”) with ads on the platform. Promote your best content and create an ad mix. As engagement grows, you’ll reach new people and get the added benefit of social proof as the posts will show who else has liked and commented.

7. Use email and text to feed people you’ve already interacted with

Shoppers can, and often do, express interest in your brand without buying. That’s fine, but you want to stay up to date, and the occasional relevant email and text message will help you share valuable information while it’s available when they might need it.

For example, if someone downloads an ebook and you haven’t interacted with it in a week, you can send them a message and ask if they have any questions and I can help. It’s personal, it keeps the conversation going, and by not being intrusive, it opens the space for more sales conversations.

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