How much money is made and how does this social network work?

How much money is made and how does this social network work?

Bigo Live is one of the apps that has grown the most in recent years, especially in countries like Colombia, Ukraine or Philippinesto cite a few examples, countries where the monthly income of a large part of the population €300 per month.

The vast majority of users who send in Bigo Live Son Girls between 18 and 26 years old waving at the camera in their bedrooms and stuff they get diamonds and other virtual items that may be later exchange for money.

Pursue has a Interface rather typical of a virtual slot machinewith numerous messages sent to its users invites you to encourage them streamers.

Send a rose, a car, a plane, a wedding…!

Virtual gifts starting at 3 cents, allowing anyone to launch this app and spend money on it in exchange for a greeting, a smile, a mention, or even a private WhatsApp call.

On a short tour in cities like Medellin, Manila from Kyiv and even in the Tinder You could meet any of these girls from anywhere in the world.

We analyzed some accounts and tried to decrypt them money they could have earned with this app. If you are an expert on this social network and you think that I am missing something or there is an important error, I invite you to do so Leave a comment.

How to make money with Bigo Live

There are multiple possibilities Make money in BigoI summarize the most important ones.

Invite friends to join the app

One of the easiest and quickest ways to do this Earn money in Bigo by inviting your friends to join. So can Earn your first €32.

When you join, you will receive an invite code and thanks to it, you and the friend you invited will receive a reward. My invite code is 2689333218. I leave it up to you and this is how you get your first reward when you sign up through my link.

Make lives and get gifts from your viewers

Most of the business of Bigo Live They are gifts that users send to issuers. This works through diamonds, virtual gifts, seeds…


The way of Reward Bigo Live broadcasters sends virtual gifts: a rose for a diamond, a luxury car for 1,000, a private jet for 5,000 or you can even send one Marry me for 20,000 of those diamonds (about €600).

to get these Diamonds that you can exchange for gifts You have to buy one of the packages that the app offers you.

I leave you an example of the diamond packs that I can buy:

  • 42 Diamonds – $1.30
  • 297 Diamonds – $9.20
  • 848 Diamonds – $26
  • 3,818 diamonds – $118.18

In the end, each diamond costs the user about $0.03.


Issuers are piling up diamonds and that can be Exchange for seeds (also called beans or beans) and these seeds can be be redeemed for real money that they will send you a bank account Countera very popular bank in this type of internet business.

Each diamond received by the issuer can be exchanged for a seed Get $1 for every 210 seeds.

What commission does Bigo Live earn?

We can derive this with a simple rule of three A diamond is bought for $0.030 and is sold for $0.019.

That means they last about one 26.7% commission.

For every $1,000 received by an issuerusers of the platform would have to pay something $1,580.

But this is very relative, because then there are many other ways to get more diamonds, such as completing some goals that the application sets for you or participating in games of chance.

Remuneration for working as an official Bigo live broadcaster

Bigo Live also pay a monthly income to their official issuerssomething that can be achieved if certain goals and targets are met.

For be an official issuerFirst you have to interview them, get an acceptance and sign a contract. as soon as you are official issuerYou should Aired 40 hours a month with a minimum of one hour per day and a maximum of two hours per day and you will receive remuneration for this.

This compensation is independent of what you earn from the gifts he sends you maybe from $120 per month if you make it 10,000 seeds until $3,200 per month when you arrive 500,000 seeds.

Agencies working with BIGO

Any adult can do this Sign up for Bigo Live and start broadcasting on their own, but that’s how it is with the agencies with which you can gain many followers and make this app profitable quickly.

You have to be careful because There are many scams online with this.

Agencies do not have access to your profile and cannot manage your account. Any Diamonds and Seeds you earn should be yours.

These agencies You make money through Bigo and not with the diamonds and seeds that users accumulate.

I leave you some agencies that I found on the internet (I don’t have any references from them).

How to get followers on Bigo Live

follow other users

The classic way to gain followers on all social networks, follow people who might be interested in your profile.

Bigo Live is a very open platform that displays information from its users. For example You can see who are the fans sending the most diamonds to profiles similar to yours and invite them to follow you so they can send you gifts too.

with battles

And PC They are like battles between multiple users, usually two, where the winner is the one who gets the most diamonds.

PKs are one of the main attractions of the agenciessince they can organize you Fight with users who already have a large number of followers They can see you too.

The two users facing each other in the PK only have to talk to each other and answer their viewers’ questions.

with the PCs A large number of diamonds can be generated as each user’s followers are bitten so the person they follow wins.

Retransmitiendo in continuous form

The longer you post, the more people can find you and follow you if they find your content interesting.

Bigo live levels

As you collect Airtime and Seeds, you level up. There are 35 levels and it’s starting to be a Beginner 1.

To go to the next level you must:

  • Have 10 fans
  • Complete a gold seed quest
  • aired for 60 minutes

These 35 stages are divided into the following groups:

  • Beginner
  • star pulse
  • shooting star
  • Cosmo Star
  • hello stars
  • alpha star
  • Zeta Star
  • infinity star

That makes Bigo Live kind of role playing game This allows users to integrate even better into the platform.

Bigo users with more than $10,000 worth of seeds

This is possible in Bigo Live user profiles Look at the seeds they have accumulated.

Although The seeds are exchanged for moneythe number of seeds stays there, so it’s easy See how much money they made many of these users.

That’s not counting what they can earn as official issuers or for other deals they might have with Bigo or other agencies, or even with their own followers.


On the Philippines Salary typically does not exceed $150 per month For girls who want to work in a restaurant, for example.

Instead, it’s Dan, who hails from Manila and is only 26 years old Alpha Star 3 and has accumulated 14 million seeds (approx. US$66,600), thanks to the live performances he sings at karaoke at his home for his more than half a million fans.


this girl out Colombia has more than 4 million seeds accumulated, that might be about equivalent $19,000nails 75 times the minimum wage from this country.

Something he has more than achieved thanks to her 250,000 fans that’s what made them reach that level alpha star 1

Marwen and Bigo Live

mrs mafia

We are traveling to Ukraine as we all know how sensitive the situation is there and where it is Many girls who survive thanks to this app.

In this case it is Ms. Mafia, who is only 24 years old, already alpha star 1 and has more than 5.27 million seeds, some $25,000 For the look into the camera and the gratitude virtual sugar daddies who send their gifts.

mrs mafia

Review of Bigo Live

This is just an easy pass Bigo Livebut his app is much more complex than anything I have put here.

Games, chat rooms with multiple people, user profiles that develop like in a role-playing game and a whole virtual world that could be used for a chapter black mirror.

Now I would like to know what you think about this app. Leave a comment!

By the way, you can too Follow this blog on Bigo livewhen i reach that 1,000 fansI’ll do the first live and answer any questions you ask me How to make money with a blog.

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