As you know in the area of ​​organic positioning or SEO, there are constant changes such as the numerous updates by Google or countless other modifications. This is happening right now with the boom in artificial intelligence adoption, especially ChatGPT. First the acronyms EAT (Expertise, Authority and Trustworthiness) was used to measure the quality and relevance of a website and its content, with this conceptual meaning:

  • expertise. Refers to whether the author is an expert in the field.
  • authority. Website authorities, or what is the same, the most well-known websites in their industry that have quality links are considered to be more authoritative in covering a topic than others.
  • trustworthiness. This concept relates to transparency and how trustworthy a website is. The sites that are most valued in this regard will be in the plus when it comes to positioning in search engines.


What is the EEAT for SEO?

Now an E has been added to this EAT concept and stays with EEAT. This E refers to the “Experience» or the author’s experience with the subject covered, so this new parameter will be a fundamental aspect in the optimization of a website, since it relates to the criteria used by Google to evaluate the quality of the content. and the relevance of a site based on the author’s experience, skill, reputation and trust.

It is important that the information presented is accurate and verifiable and that the author demonstrates that he is an expert in the field. In addition, search engines also consider the following factors:

  • Authority of the site and its author.
  • Presence of the author on social networks.
  • Number of quality links pointing to the site.
  • age of the domain.
  • Website Privacy and Security.
  • Transparency and accessibility of author information.

Optimizing the EEAT for SEO

How can we improve the EEAT SEO of our website? Here are some recommendations.

  • Deliver quality content. The quality of the content is the basis of the EEAT. Make sure your articles are relevant, useful, and well-researched. Provide accurate, timely, and reliable information that addresses your audience’s needs and questions. Avoid duplicate or low-quality content as it can damage your online authority and reputation.
  • Research your audience. In order to create relevant content, it is important to know your audience. Explore their common needs, interests, and problems. By understanding users’ search intent, you can provide accurate answers and meet their expectations. Use keyword research and web analytics tools to gain valuable insights into your audience.
  • Structure your content. Organize your content in a structured and easy-to-read manner. Use headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.), short paragraphs, and lists to break up the text and make it easier to read. This helps users find the information they are looking for quickly and improves their experience on your website. In addition, search engines appreciate the clear and orderly structure of the content.
  • Create internal and external links. Including internal and external links is important to improve your authority and user experience. Internal links direct users to other relevant pages on your site, which improves navigation and helps search engines understand the structure of your content. External links to trusted and relevant sources demonstrate your commitment to providing quality information and reinforce your authority.
  • cite reliable sources. When using information or data in your articles, always cite reliable sources. This increases credibility and increases the reliability of the expert on your content. Search engines value the correctness and accuracy of the information provided. Therefore, citing reliable sources is essential for improving your ESAW.
  • Interact with your audience. Encourage interaction with your users through comments, contact forms and social networks. Responds to your questions and comments in a timely and friendly manner. This interaction shows that you are an expert in your field and that you care about the satisfaction of your users. In addition, positive interactions can lead to recommendations and positive feedback that build your authority and reputation.
  • Optimize the user experience. User experience is a crucial factor for EEAT and SEO in general. Make sure your site is fast, mobile-friendly, and easy to navigate. Use an attractive design, readable colors, and clear typography. In addition, it includes visual elements such as attractive images.

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