How do you create an authentic brand?

How do you create an authentic brand?

Find out how the why was popularized Simon Sinek, can take your brand and its marketing to the next level. Learn how to build a brand around authenticity based on values, transparency and a genuine commitment to your community.

Authenticity allows you to build a solid and lasting connection with your community.

What is the why?

Simon Sinek’s “why” is a key concept for sole traders that emphasizes the importance of understanding and communicating the underlying purpose of their business.

What is the why?

It is about the mission, values ​​and motivations that led to the creation of the company and that guide every decision and action.

For sole proprietors, the “why” is the driving force that drives them to take action and create value for their customers, their community, and themselves. By clarifying and communicating their “why,” sole proprietors can inspire trust, build customer loyalty, and differentiate themselves in a competitive marketplace.

Attention: The why is discovered on a personal level in order to then use it in communication and marketing.

Why use the why?

Customers are looking for brands that share their values ​​and are genuine in their approach.

In an increasingly networked and transparent world, authenticity has become a key success factor for companies.

In this article, we will explore the meaning of Authenticity for companieshow you can use Simon Sinek’s “Why” as a guide for your brand image and what advantages an authentic brand has.

The importance of authenticity for companies

Customers are looking for brands that share their values ​​and are genuine in their approach. Today’s consumers have access to a wealth of information and can quickly verify company claims.

They are more aware of ethical and sustainable business practices and are attracted to brands that take an authentic approach.

Authenticity in this context means consistency between a company’s values, actions and messages. Authentic brands remain true to their identity and mission and do not seek to manipulate or deceive their customers.

Here are some specific examples of brands that embody authenticity:

Patagonia: This outdoor clothing brand is committed to protecting the environment and promoting sustainability.

Patagonia is transparent about its manufacturing practices, sustainable materials and efforts to reduce its environmental footprint.

In addition, the company donates 1% of its sales to environmental organizations and encourages its customers to repair their clothes instead of buying new ones.

Photo credit: Patagonia

TOMS: Since its inception, TOMS has followed a “One for One” business model where every pair of shoes purchased donates a pair of shoes to a child in need.

This authentic and socially responsible approach has helped differentiate the brand and retain customers who share these values.

Photo credit: Toms

Lush: Lush is a cosmetics brand dedicated to creating fresh, handmade and cruelty-free products with minimal packaging.

The company is transparent about its ingredients and manufacturing practices and actively supports various environmental and social causes.

Lush’s authenticity is reflected in its open communication and commitment to making a positive impact.

Photo credit: Lush

These examples show how authenticity can help companies differentiate themselves and build lasting relationships with their customers.

Authentic brands are perceived by consumers as more trustworthy and appealing, leading to increased loyalty and positive word of mouth.

We see that authenticity is not only beneficial for customers, but also for the health and sustainability of the company.

Be authentic if you are a sole proprietor

For a sole trader, being an “authentic brand” means staying true to your values, mission and “why” and communicating this consistently and transparently without the resources of big brands.

Here are some tips for build and maintain an authentic brand as a sole proprietor:

Identify your “why”

Be clear about what motivates you and what excites you.

Think about the impact you want to make and why you started your business. Your “why” serves as the basis for your authentic brand image.

Be transparent and honest

Sole proprietors can gain the trust of their customers by being open about their business practices, challenges, and successes.

Admit your mistakes and show how you are constantly improving.

How to use the why every day?

Sharing your personal and professional journey as well as your company’s motivations helps to create an authentic connection with your customers.

As a sole trader, you can use different approaches to tell your story and show customers who you are and why you do what you do. Here are some concrete examples to share your journey:

  1. Create a detailed “About” page on your website:

Include information about your personal and professional background and the milestones that led you to start your business.

Explain the motives behind your company and why you are enthusiastic about your field.

Add photos of yourself, your team (if you have one), and your workplace to provide a glimpse into your daily environment.

Example : A freelance photographer could share his love of photography since childhood, how he has developed his skills over the years and why he chose professional photography to capture precious moments for his clients.

  1. Share regular updates and personal thoughts on your social networks:

Post photos and stories about your work and personal life to show your personality and provide insight into your daily life.

Share successes, challenges and lessons learned on your entrepreneurial journey.

Use interactive formats like live video and Q&A to let your followers get to know and engage with you.

Example : A life coach might share inspirational quotes, personal stories about their own challenges and successes, and practical advice based on their experiences to help their clients achieve their goals.

  1. Write blog posts or newsletters that explain your background and motivations:

Share personal and professional stories that illustrate why you started your business and how you’ve grown as an entrepreneur.

Explain how your previous experiences have shaped your skills, knowledge and approach to your work.

Example : A marketing consultant could write a blog post describing how he discovered his passion for marketing during a student internship and how over the years he has developed his expertise to help companies succeed.

  1. Use testimonials and case studies to show the impact of your work:

Share stories of happy customers who have benefited from your products or services, highlighting how they have changed and the results they have achieved.

Explain how your background and motivation influenced your approach to solving your customers’ problems and making a positive impact.

Example : An entrepreneur who started a natural beauty products company could share testimonials from customers who have improved their well-being with their products, while also explaining how her own experiences with skin issues led her to seek natural alternatives and start her own line of products to develop.

  1. Participate in podcasts, interviews and events:

Accept (or request) invitations to attend podcasts, interviews, or panels in your area of ​​expertise where you can share your journey and discuss the reasons behind your business.

At face-to-face or online events, tell your story and share your experiences to inspire and educate attendees.

Example : A freelance chef who specializes in vegetarian and vegan dishes could take part in a podcast about sustainable eating and share how his own path to vegetarianism inspired him to create a catering service that offers delicious and eco-friendly options.

  1. Create videos or documentaries on your trip:

Produce short videos or documentaries that show your story, your motivations and a behind-the-scenes look at your business.

Use footage of your daily work, interviews with yourself and members of your team (if applicable), and images of your surroundings to give your customers an immersive experience.

Example : A craftsman making bespoke furniture from recycled materials could create a series of videos showing the creation process of his pieces while explaining how his passion for sustainability and design led him to start his business.

Sharing your personal and professional journey and the motivations of your business helps to strengthen the bond with your customers and create an authentic brand.

By using different platforms and formats to tell your story, you can engage and inspire your audience while showcasing your unique expertise and values.

Interact with your audience

Sole proprietors can leverage closeness with their customers by engaging in conversations on social media, responding to comments, and asking for feedback.

It shows that you care about your customers and listen to their needs.

Be consistent

Make sure your messaging, visual identity and communications are consistent across all channels.

This strengthens your brand image and helps build trust with your audience.

Act with Integrity

Make ethical and responsible business decisions that align with your values ​​and “why.” Show that you are committed to making a positive impact on your community and the environment.

An authentic brand for an individual entrepreneur is based on the clarity of their mission, the consistency of their communication and the transparency of their business practices.

By emphasizing these aspects, sole proprietors can build strong and lasting relationships with their customers without the means of communication of the big brands.


Building an authentic brand around your “why” is crucial for sole proprietorships who want to stand out from the crowd and build lasting relationships with their customers.

By identifying your personal “why” and incorporating it into all aspects of your business, you can not only attract and retain customers, but also strengthen your resilience to market challenges.

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