How and why to launch a LinkedIn Newsletter?

How and why to launch a LinkedIn Newsletter?

It is now possible to send your audience newsletters directly on LinkedIn. Unlike classic posts or articles, Internet users must subscribe to your newsletter. They will then be notified with each new publication.

Why start a LinkedIn newsletter.

For business pages, this is a powerful internal tool:

  • For employees, it’s the easiest way to follow their company’s news and understand its current priorities.
  • Externally, it is a real loyalty lever. It allows you to reach all of your corporate targets, including journalists.
  • An engagement tool (especially for your silent audiences. It is possible to keep your audiences active and engaged, without necessarily generating large volumes of comments or reactions – high opening rate, high engagement rate)
  • A very effective marketing tool. This is a central tool to expand the audiences eligible for retargeting for your future acquisition campaigns.
  • There is a possibility of recruiting subscribers via a media campaign with a very low CPL.
  • LinkedIn newsletters are referenced in Google and contribute to your SEO.

For members:

  • This is a lever to install your ambassadors.
  • A very effective engagement tool for social selling – for expert sales profiles (e.g. consultants), the LinkedIn newsletter is an effective lever for engaging a target community and catalyzing conversation on the platform .
  • A simple way to become a creator on LinkedIn.
  • Creators are now heavily driven by the LinkedIn algorithm. According to the platform, users who enabled creator mode saw:
    • a 50% increase in the number of their followers,
    • a nearly 30% increase in engagement on their content.

How to create a LinkedIn Newsletter?

Unlock the LinkedIn Newsletter feature

To access it, you must have at least 150 connections and activate creator mode on your LinkedIn profile.

Activating it gives you access to new tools and features, including the Live function  and the sending of LinkedIn newsletters.

Create your LinkedIn Newsletter

Once the creator mode is activated, you can create your LinkedIn newsletter. Please note that each member can only create one newsletter.
For it :

  1. Click on “Write an article” in the publishing space, at the top of your homepage.
  2. Select “Create newsletter”.
  3. Add the necessary information: a title, a description, your publication rate and your logo.
  4. Click on “Done”.

Your LinkedIn newsletter is now created! You can access it by clicking on the title of the newsletter, at the top right of your page, or by selecting it from the drop-down menu.

Now you need to write your first newsletter article and publish it. Please note that you are only entitled to one publication per 24 hours.

When you send your first LinkedIn newsletter, and only the first, your entire network is notified, whether it’s your connections or your followers, which generates subscriptions. 

Do not hesitate to choose a general theme that speaks to the greatest number.

Statistics available after submission

  • Number of post impressions 
  • Number of article views 
  • Engagement rate 
  • Click-through rate 
  • Details of engagements (reactions, comments, shares) Demographics: job title, locations, company

What are the benefits of LinkedIn Newsletters?

Improve your engagement

We strongly recommend that you include a newsletter in your communication plan. Using this new format will bring you many benefits.

First, LinkedIn newsletters allow you to improve your engagement . As on any social network, you probably have several unproductive relationships in your community. These are connections with LinkedIn members who never interact with your content and are therefore irrelevant.

To follow a newsletter, LinkedIn users must subscribe to it. Consequently, you will be able to distinguish your quality relations, subscribers to your newsletter and therefore interested in your activity, from other relations. You are then free to refine your network by sorting your connections, in order to improve your engagement rate.

Gain visibility

You can also gain visibility through your newsletter. Indeed, the LinkedIn algorithm highlights content with a good engagement rate, a guarantee of quality according to the social network. The distribution of this content is therefore privileged.

It is also important to remember that the more engagement you have, ie reactions, comments or shares, the more visible you will be to LinkedIn users who are not part of your network.

Each Internet user subscribing to your newsletter will make you visible to the members of his network. Indeed, LinkedIn displays in your newsfeed second or even third rank content, with which one of your connections has interacted.

Another significant advantage is that an independent page with a specific URL is created for your newsletter. It is therefore possible to share the page on all your channels in order to create a long tail viral effect. Our advice? Create a QR Code that you can easily share and put as an email signature.

Increase your notoriety

Getting started writing LinkedIn newsletters is also a great way to gain notoriety.

In addition, the publication of newsletters being regular, this allows you to make an impression and remind your subscribers of your existence. A LinkedIn newsletter allows you to interact with them regularly, thanks to a weekly publication rate for example.
However, posting on a regular basis is the sinews of war on LinkedIn.

Strengthen your thought leadership

Having an image of an expert in your sector of activity is essential to gaining the trust of your target. To succeed in being perceived in this way, the use of LinkedIn newsletters is an asset.

Thanks to this format, you regularly offer Internet users free but high-quality content that addresses one of their problems. If these newsletters provide real solutions or advice, they will have great value in the eyes of your target and will thus reinforce your image as an expert in this field.

Acquire new leads

The acquisition of new qualified prospects is a priority for a company. LinkedIn newsletters offering increased visibility and notoriety are a great lead generation tool.
In addition, this format makes it possible to distinguish, within your LinkedIn network, the relationships most interested in your services. Indeed, those who have decided to subscribe to your newsletter prove their interest. Being able to identify them is a considerable advantage, to then try to convert them.

Finally, the regular sending of newsletters creates a relationship of trust with the prospect, ensuring the visibility and memorization of your services. We talk about “nurturing”. This is a real asset for converting prospects into customers.

You now know how to create a LinkedIn newsletter and especially why it is recommended to do so. All you have to do is activate the creator mode on your profile and write your content. Newsletters will bring you many benefits to grow your LinkedIn profile and your business.

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